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Everything posted by Rivergrub199

  1. 5/5/5 was a good night event me and bruno held the upper keep
  2. 5/5/5 had 12 rooms of hell that i lived throu
  3. 5/5/5 for a nice late night event that cause a rancor to have survivors guilt
  4. 5/5/5 me and Cody where a powerhouse in there
  5. 5/5 dusted off my flying skill to the point that i still suck
  6. 4/5/5 was the had the best medics on the field plus me and a milita many where goats in the TX
  7. 5/5/5 almost killed everyone by dropping a RBC next a bomb
  8. 5/5/5 was the most shitfaced medic the almost died mid drinking them pirates came and cramped my style so is blew up their fleet and killed them all
  9. 5/5/5 joined on the later half of the event but was good fun
  10. 5/5/5 this all started because i set off a bomb while trying to defuse it fully outside brig
  11. 5/5/5 was the only one to try and talk with the ghost
  12. 5/5/5 lets just say that i can heal clones better then aliens
  13. 5/5 Broke both the hostages legs and arms he tried to roll away and then blew up
  14. 5/5 was the best medic out there just ask the 212th. I am the one that turns heavies to gods
  15. 5/5 medics are the best and the back bone of the GAR
  16. 5/5 was the best medic and only medic there
  17. 5/5 was very fun. wish Medics helped in the ER after having to use Russian ww2 tactics
  18. 8/10 was a good event that got some new blood to see how we do things and was also fun
  19. 7/10 was there during the end and saved vaugan life
  20. 7/10 Join in very late was in the middle of a shot. when I did arrive had a nice ride back with naval
  21. 7/10 was a D-day thanks to GH and du almost got wiped
  22. 7/10 was I a nice little encounter to fill the gap also tried to ask if he had surgery before I unstrapped him. Now look at him he's paste on the sidewalk
  23. 8/10 was a good event for the DU guppies, also had a nice plot to it
  24. +1 if they didn't want it this why should have had a different name but lovin the abbrev
  25. 7/10 Was a little confused at the beginning then crash but the it got better toward the end
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