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Everything posted by Yea360

  1. Care and Effort: 5 Gameplay: 4 Server Performance: 4 Event and idea was great. Only pain was communication on where everything was at first which some was on our end. Only suggestion is try to find a place that isnt hidden from the eye next since I was mountain climbing for like 15 minutes trying to get to that place without a LAAT
  2. Gameplay 5 Care and Effort 4 Server Performance 4 There was some lag and the event was fun especially for a night time. There was a little bit of craziness but thats natural for such a big event.
  3. 3/4/5 Spawns were a bit messed up because in CY they would just spawn right at the front of MHB without droppers for warning. Wookies were good but extended the rp by not listening at all. Otherwise liked the story. Was pretty good overall
  4. 2/10 Because this was one of the worse events I have dealt with. This event had such a great possibly to be amazing. We had hostages, landers with hyper space, some pvp to make it more cautious, BHs trying to help both teams, but all of it ruined piece by piece with horrible things. I got multiple issues that lead to many things. Event Jobs General Idea:The spawn rate of commandos and B1s were horrible. Once you killed them you would have them come back in the short time of their hologram insert to base. You need to either put a time limit on them or weapons. Since it was horrible DC Shotgun - While the power of the gun you can not change, nor the bounty hunters that use shotguns, but the responsibility of how many event jobs can be used with them are the GM. The Names of these Droids ruined the serious tone you were going for. Have control of your EJs and kick them out if they are doing dumb shit. What they do is on your watch. Please do it. Dont be afraid Sith Giant- With the sith Helpers I understand. But christ the lasers they could use were were horrible. They would target anyone and everyone with no cool down or ability to dodge the shots. Making it unfair where between Commandos, 3 Sith, and Bounty Hunters while a factor you cant control you have to always think about what they can do. You couldnt win. You either got attacked by a sith, commando with a shotgun, bh with a shotguns, or a laser you cant even avoid. Sith- Good job on only 3 event jobs. Just with other elements its horrible. Less Comandos and instant death lasers would be good WE HAD NEARLY 20 PEOPLE ATTACKING BASE. I know you cant control the BHs but your EJs were horrible and full of OP and over rank. Next time make a BH be apart of it since they can take hostages. Commandos will be shot down. Also make sure theyre like a jedi Landers & Vehicles Vehicles: While I love flight and pilot rp and know others to too. You need to spawn us shit BEFORE the attack happens. AND TELL EJS TO NOT TAKE THEM RIGHT WHEN THEY SPAWN OR BEFORE CLONES CAN GET IN THEM. The landers were numerous with vultures but again. Pilots werent even given a chance to do it. Make sure the airspace is clear or actually livable or it will become unfair. STOP THE DAMN LASERS. THEY WERE INSTANT KILL AND THERE WERE TOO MANY I saw so much greatness with this rp. But god please dont give up. Keep learning and trying your best. You can be a great GM if you just learn to control your EJs and other EJs
  5. 8/10 Got Shiny Blue Rock
  6. 10/10 Got to Simp for nightsisters and felt like an actual Star Wars Episode Arc. Story was a bit shaky but keep this up. Multiple Part Events back to back could be great! Makes a story for the people at the beginning and allows it to build up so people joining midway through get the action and still understand the story. Keep it up, learn from your mistakes, and make it better.
  7. Yea360

    Dono main event

    9/10 It was very well planned and set up. I can tell it had a challenge and curve to it. Sadly ruined by BHs killing us in the shield causing us to basically ruin the challenge of the event. Causing our limited respawns kinda pointless. Since it seemed like they didn't follow the rules of the rayshield. But I have no clue.
  8. 10/10 I was Doomy and I had fun just playing this bantha that was off the rails. Coal great man who helped me from going crazy with it. <3
  9. Not Going to Lie. Was only there for MED RP. But I loved it all and assume the event was great over all. Some Events dont have to be so leveled based. 10/10
  10. 8/10 I got on the server at the end at Aurek and Anxexes. I enjoyed it and loved the props. Wish I saw more of them during Events
  11. 10/10 literally love the branching story lines. But needs more war crimes
  12. 7/10 it has good combat but I do have one suggestion and this is for most DMs. Try to include more vehicles air and ground. Plus different droid models like B2 and droideka. Since the Clone Wars was full of vehicles and different droids. It makes the battle far more random and not just "shoot B1s". It as well would raise difficulty for us to not feel like gods and more like clones that can get hurt
  13. 7/10 I think it was great to have more pilot rp and stuff in the skies. But try to your best to do a mixture since us on the ground didnt have much to do until the very end. Maybe have it where there is a destroyer plus a lander to cause issues for both sides.
  14. 7/10. It was put well together just was very short. I think you just needed to have more driods involved to make it feel more like a hard battle. Otherwise wasn't that bad dont beat yourself up on it. You can always improve and it was still enjoyable
  15. Yea360

    CIS Distress signal

    I'll give it a 9/10. It did have issues with people getting driods spawning on top of them and turned a bit chaotic at the near end. But it was only 3 people handling a group of clones where issues like that were bound to happen. But I enjoyed it since it allowed a branching story based on our actions and efficiency to find the black box. As well PLEASE PLEASE Suggest other GMs to start avoiding the [CIS] Comms and make the story based on what we see. If the republic doesnt see something dont tell us until its too late. It makes you feel like youre in a more cut throat war if you do and it makes things more exciting. As well I think you should focus on large quantity of droids next time instead of just super high health ones only because of lore reasons and because you're be less likely to have people complaining about it being unfair
  16. 9/10- Full of action and intense stuff. I think possibly a second wave of reinforcements where they had more than a commando show up at base to try to slow us down but otherwise great.
  17. Yea360

    Night Owl Camp

    I give a 8/10 I loved it. Only suggestion is maybe try to have their spawn a little wider. Since we would kill some and then they would spawn right where we killed them. Best thing is try to have their spawns in areas we cant see that well like behind the trees so it feels more like an attack and so we dont see people spawn right in front of us. Otherwise it was good.
  18. I say 4/10 only because of the sim session. Since my squad got a bad impression from it. We had a hostage situation and was trying to contact the republic to meet the demands of the hostage taker. Because we didn't get a reply back we tried to get creative and shoot the dude when his guard was down. As well the sim part felt too similar to our other trainings that we have already went through making this feel like a forced section of stuff we already know and are used to. But if we removed the sim part and just say the event started to where we just passed training and got our armor. Have it where we spend our time relaxing at base then BOOM. Bomb goes off and event goes as normal. I believe this would of been a 8/10-10/10 across the board with myself included. Since it did feel like we were cornered. But that Sim part just removed alot of players and the fun out of it. I wanted to fill out a big review only because I dont want to feel like Im beating the GM down. He has done great events before and I thank him. I just think the biggest issue I saw is that most the vets here have done sims like that all the time and it feels like another training instead of an event. Otherwise I think will improve and fix this because you have made great story driven events. What you do best is make us feel like we're in a warzone fighting tooth and nail to push back. Focus on improving those sections and try to avoid things like our trainings already. As well with adding story elements. Thank you.
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