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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. I have waited a long time for this moment
  2. WAIVED BY DIRECTORS ==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]========== Steam Name: Tristan RP Name: 41st ARCT EC SS SGT Tristan Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:64436823 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 327th Star Corps Experience: [August 28th, 2016] Joined the 327th Star Corps 20 minutes out of training, immediately starting my journey. [327th PVT to 327th XO] During that time period I worked my way up from the very bottom all the way up to the top in almost two months. During this time period I achieved the battalion sub ranks of Head Disciplinary Officer and Head of Battalion Training along with my battalion specific specialization. [December 5th, 2016 to March 1st, 2017] During this time period I held the position of Battalion Commander Bly, or back then just Commander. Alas during this time I built the battalion basically from scratch as 95% of previous members left the battalion with the previous leader. I established a battalion that at one point held a number of 22 active players on at one time. I had Hudson as my Deviss and together we made the battalion’s sub-unit of K company a force to be reckoned with. Along with re-doing and restructuring the disciplinary and training groups of my battalion. A kik group was also established for battalion communication and coordination. The battalion thrived under my leadership and under the officers, commanders, and loyal members I commanded. I still remain in contact with some of these men to this day. [November 26th, 2016 to April 11th, 2017] Icefuse Staffing Experience During my early days, I chose to join the staff team of IFN. During the time period listed above I rose from the position of Trial-Moderator, to the position of Elite Administrator. At one point was I was even considered for a Head Admin position. I was a Trainer, an Intel member, and a GameMaster. I went to 5 meetings per week, including my battalion meetings. The positions I held in the IFN Staff team gave me a sense of responsibility, integrity, leadership, and honor, and better qualified me for the rank of BCMD within my battalion. [April 1st, 2017 to July 17th, 2017] My Shock Trooper Executive Officer Days After my term as Bly, I went to the Shock Troopers (CG) as a Captain. Over the next few weeks I made my way up to XO under Dargon, who was Fox at the time. My time in the ST gave me a better sense of the rules on a serious RP server and allowed me to gain even more leadership experience. The kind that a BCMD should have. Being a high ranking officer of the security battalion made me a more well rounded player as well. [July 17th, 2017] The Fall of Icefuse When word came that very serious things were happening within the higher circle of IFN, and that many people were leaving, including my friends, the people I considered family. I chose to stay loyal to them, and so I left, and became one of the many first players of Synergy Roleplay. [July 17th, 2017. To the removal of 327th] My Advisor Days When Synergy started up, there were two people in the battalion. Me and Hudson, that was it. During this time my interest died out, but also during this time I was granted the position of Advisor within the 327th. My job was to pass my leadership experience down to the people who needed it. Specifically to future commanders of the corps. I continued to give my advice and wisdom to the future leaders of the 327th until it was removed from the server. Present Day Today I am apart of the 41st Elite Corps as a SGT, and a ARCT. I have been in this battalion for close to 4 weeks now. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I should become the Battalion Commander because of my experience with being in high positions. In addition to that, I have the leadership skills necessary for running a battalion, along with the fact that I am easily reachable 95% of the day. I already have an officer corps primed to fill into this battalion, and a large organization structure already set in place. There are documents already made and ready so that this battalion is able to IMMEDIATELY go into operation with no delays. I have already made careful consideration into how I wish to run this battalion and how it will function. All along with considerations into those I trust to help me on this journey of becoming commander once again. This battalion is my baby. I have waited for this moment so long to be Bly again. This is my calling. My loyalty on this server lies with the 327th Star Corps and I’ll be damned if it doesn't succeed. This battalion will Thrive and Succeed under my careful Guidance. “We’re a Crew, a Team...In some ways, a Family.” Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes The 327th Star Corps was the siege battalion stationed in the Outer Rim. I can give a more detailed description in person. Availability: I am available most days. I plan to be on a few hours each day, but understand that I am senior in highschool and have a large senior project to complete in order to graduate. I need my damn diploma. I am reachable through text, discord, snapchat, and teamspeak all hours of the day. I leave school at 12:45 EST. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I’ve been here since Day One. Do you have a microphone?: I have the ability to speak with other humans. Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I can not predict the future. However, at the end of my three months term as Bly I foresee the battalion thriving, full of members and functioning at peak condition. I will personally be training a high ranking member of my battalion to become the Bly after me. I plan on having my battalion be efficient and able to function without me having to micro-manage their every move. My goal is to have this battalion function as an autonomous machine that will be able to seamlessly operate without need for supervision. I want my soldiers to be well-trained, serious, and dedicated members of the 327th, and be able to contribute to the Serious Roleplay environment that we set forth in Synergy. Along with my members being serious, I also wish for them to feel like they have friends and a home within the battalion. I will ensure the survival of my battalion. “Remember that you’re never really done. There's always more to do.” Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I completely understand.
  3. Yeah, Dill is just Dill. He's almost a different entity altogether, and I still consider him a friend Alas. I do hope things take a turn to a more serious atmosphere soon. Just to reply to something i saw on my thread. I highly doubt there will ever be Gamemasters that haven't went through staff, Even though thatd be fun
  4. Ive seen some funny shit come out of here but this is up there lmao +1
  5. Out of Gmod I'm a Senior in Highschool, and i actually really like to cook I also Draw and read E books here and there
  6. It has come to my attention lately that there is a very deep-rooted problem within the server these days, and it needs to be fixed. I've been playing CWRP for around 2 years now, some of you may not know me, but those who do probably remember a better time. So I'm going to list off some points. 1) Being a Minge is not looked down upon, but Celebrated. Toes will be stepped on here. Suck it up. The CT's are the prime example. During my first week actively playing on the server again, I saw ONE ranked CT, and that was Sock, and i was told that he basically tried being a mentor to other CTs. I thought this was good until I saw others being promoted. Things started going downhill. 3 Weeks in and there's multiple ranked CT's who not only are being promoted but are being promoted after being continuously mingy. This is one of the most dangerous things that can happen in a serious RP server where not being serious is being rewarded. Exalted was the prime example, and I'm not the only one who believes this. New people join the server, see a CT that has a rank and goes "Hey, maybe I'll just stay a CT too!" and then they see these ranked CTs not being a good example. Do you know what that causes? More bad examples. Battalions die because of this way of thinking or get a bad reputation. Being a minge should not be rewarded or celebrated, it should be punished, and rightfully so. "But God forbid we have fun" is what some will say. No. The whole point of serious RP is to roleplay! laughing with your battalion members in your TeamSpeak is perfectly fine, and in your bunks is okay, but when it comes down to being in an open area in the server is when it needs to stop. I've made wonderful friendships with people from the Community, most of them being from a time when Serious RP was truly serious. You don't have to fuck around to make friends. The 101st used to be a thing guys, and believe me i loved the concept of the 101st but they arent here anymore. CT's aren't meant to stay as a CT anymore. They're meant to find and join a battalion. Lets promote that instead of leading them to believe theyre gonna get promoted as a CT. 2) The Complete lack of Will I was staff on Icefuse for almost 9 months. So what I'm about to say I have the complete right to say. Staff isn't respected anymore because there's nothing to respect. Yes, that should hurt, Staff needs to be respected in order for a server to function well. This is more about the main base, not the Higher Staff. When you sign up for staff you become a new admin, and your entire job is basically taking tickets. So when i hear that there are many new admins online and active, but a ticket for a teleport doesn't get taken? I go "What the fuck" When I was staff it was a fight to get a ticket. They got taken within a second and the competition meant our player base was satisfied, and that's a good thing. If you sign up and don't like it, or you find its too much to juggle then resign. It's okay to admit that you have better things to do. Top all of this with the fact that all I hear about events these days is that they suck. There are a few good gamemasters but a few isn't enough. Apparently, there's no creativity, no drive. Its okay to think outside the box guys, collaborate with each other. The team system we had allowed us to make some of the most bomb ass events @Medic can attest to this. 3) The lack of Respect. I remember a time where when you were walking down the hallway and saw a BCMD or then a CMD. You fucking saluted. If you didn't you were probably gonna get beaned. Why can't it be like that today? Battalion Commanders seem to get maybe about 20% of the respect they used to get. @Fizzik can agree with me on this one. Even though I constantly hear the Naval suck, still give them respect for god's sake. My whole point. Things need to change around here because everyone tells me the player count is dropping. I love this Community with all my heart and I want it to succeed for a very long time. But we're a serious RP server ACT LIKE IT.
  7. I've heard a lot of things and have been shown a lot over the past few weeks, and frankly, it's that GM is dead. Personally, I believe there is a much deeper rooted problem that is the cause of this one, but nonetheless. +1
  8. FUCK @Fizzik I guess we shall see
  9. Might have to actually buy this game
  10. This is detailed as fuck. *Remembers early days as a Mod and Smod cussing at people who would take my tickets*
  11. I'm with Hudson on this one. Before things fell off with Icefuse and Synergy was created, Icefuse had an UNRIVALED Staff team. We were the fucking best and we were damn good at our jobs. I can't speak for how things are over there now because obviously, I'm here, and not there. I love this server, and I love this community. It brings me joy and makes me laugh But the team me and @Hudson and @Medic were on back in the day, blows this one out of the water. I'm sorry.
  12. +1 Someones gonna get yeeted for this
  13. As someone that's known Medic for a decent amount of time now, He really isn't a cunt. (Though I will continue to call him one) It's fun to watch him YEET the defects in game. But In-game Medic is different from real Medic
  14. I miss doing events I miss my Phys gun I miss freezing minges in the air WITH my Phys gun I miss their screams But I don't miss being staff While personally, I'd love to support this because I have been staff before and I know my head from my ass. Most of the servers population hasn't been staff. So I cant support it -1
  15. +1 No one is perfect. Yeah Dragon has made mistakes in the past but who hasn't. Give the guy a chance
  16. I can see us being friends long after the days of Synergy are over. There really aren't words i can put here to give you justice. PLAY PUBG OR WARTHUNDER WITH ME YOU NUT
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