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About Flowers_is_gay

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Forum Onion

Forum Onion (1/6)



  1. +1 not tooooooooOOoOOOooooOOOOOOooOooo ocringe lol
  2. holy fuckls i need to pay more attention to the forms lol
  3. Maj Alaska | former Thorn here. Mans does excellent work and i think he would do a fantastic job in these changing times +1
  4. 5/5/5 Got shot in the back by my own troops in the atte
  5. yo that event for us was ballin thank you so much 5/4/5
  6. Gameplay was a massive 5/5 for how sudden the whole thing was C&E was a 5/5 couldn't have asked for anything more Performance was a 5/5 not bugs or jittery-ness at all im so glad i made that parking ticket
  7. solid 6 stahp pressing da button doe plz
  8. did not know it was gonna happen. much surprise and impromptu 4/5/5 i got upsies :D
  9. it was very nice with the excellent small interactions with all battalions present +1/ 7/10
  10. Howdy i have my sub tag but not my vip in game and i think thats weird. not to important i suppose but you know i paid for it and all that
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