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  1. I've done all of that plenty of times and the game still doesn't work. If I had to guess it's something to do with the custom UI synergy uses but I really don't know.
  2. So I've been trying to fix this issue all day, its made synergy completely unplayable. I've tried all the solutions I know that would fix gmod problems but none have worked. I have reinstalled the game and completely reset it including addons as well as validating the game files. For some reason whenever I try join the sever I get through the load screen and as soon as I spawn I get the disconnect warning but instead of the usual 600+ second timer it is a 40 second timer. I've waited the full 40 seconds and it did not fix itself so I'm guessing its not caused by load in lag. I looked around the console a bit and saw a lot of errors, I don't know what they mean but maybe some of you will, any help would be greatly appreciate.
  3. +1 Esitt is a great captain for the 187th, he's responsible and level headed, and I think he would make for a great addition to the staff team.
  4. +1 Banjans deserves this spot more than anyone in the 187th. I think he knows what right for the battalion and I'm confident in his ability to bring us back into the glory days that we had on Rishi.
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