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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. 37 minutes ago, Hanz said:

    This is an RP server. There are constantly Rp situations happening all the time. I understand a cloak might not be as useful to a clone as a Bounty Hunter but Sith and Commandos are not used in most circumstances at all.

    i digress. Ask anyone in SO currently, the amount of times we can cloak a month so far has been countable on two hands. the situations never arise and times we can use them are never prevalent. This would be for another topic though, Let's just agree to disagree and make this already messy forums post a little less messy. Sorry for bringing it out this far. It is mostly opinionated anyways ! :) <3


  2. 5 minutes ago, Hanz said:

    Having Jet Troopers is a huge reason to join a sub-unit. I hate seeing 21st try to buff their sub-units all the time. Wolfpack is strong because its the only sub-unit the 104th gets. 2ndAC is only Jetpacks and Medics which is very good, but they have limited slots. SO literally gets cloaks, something unique to it, SOBDE, and some BH jobs, then they get a whole sub-unit with the westar and Jetpacks. -1

    I agree with your -1 but theres some things you need to know... cloaks are useless outside of RP scenarios. you cant shoot cloaked and all it lets you do is sneak past enemies to recon and thats under certain circumstances since most RP scenarios usually have someone who can detect cloaks be it sith or commandos. KU is outdated i dont think this is the buff they need but it is painful having a few slots in a sub unit and having that be the only reason to join. It means youll never have more people outside just the ones on that whitelist. 21st is going to need buffed eventually whether its wanted or not. KU is a sign of this. whitelists will need updated and balancing may change in the future. 

    • Agree 2
    • Disagree 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Mystik said:

    I love ya but this is a -1 from me. You're asking to give the entire ARC loadout to the weapon specialist. Might as well ask for a KU ARC lol. Having the Westar, the ARF Sniper and the Clone Minigun is a little ridiculous for a non ARC whitelist. Considering we already have an ARC regiment this seems a bit like it'd take away from the ARC job that already has space 

    Not editing again  but, I 100% agree the whitelist should be updated. However i don't think this is the right path. You're asking for it to be adjusted or potentially removed in the future due to its versatility and limited spaces.

  4. I love ya but this is BARELY a -1 from me. You're asking to give the entire ARC loadout to the weapon specialist. Might as well ask for a KU ARC lol. Having the Westar, the ARF Sniper and the Clone Minigun is a little ridiculous for a non ARC whitelist. Considering we already have an ARC regiment this seems a bit like it'd take away from the ARC job that already has space. I can see the minigun but the sniper is overkill and the Clone minigun still isnt a reason to put away the Westar. adding any gun to the weapon specialist  will still be outshined by the westar

  5. 7/10 Good for 1 person most of the time, but try to spawn some different droids. 21st was devoid of recon with the commando droids detecting cloaks, and it made it rough to fight the whole manufacturing budget of the CIS. Nice first deployment though

  6. RP Name: Warrant Officer Jet
    SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:214703026
    VIP: Yes and Sub.
    Age: 18
    Time zone: EST

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator: I recently got heavily into SWRP maybe a month ago? Truthfully I never mixed well with any other servers until I found Synergy. I found it was easy to integrate with and meeting many of the people on the server made my outlook on the game do a full 360. I found myself logging hundreds of hours a week, having fun doing things in 21st like hosting trainings and running through events. After awhile I wanted to feel like I was giving back so I spent some cash on the store. I then felt I wanted to do even more. and staff would allow me to do that. I'd love to answer tickets and give people help to the best of my ability, I'd love to take tickets to give whitelists to new recruits, or host/help with events and give some of my two cents, or perhaps even make a whole story line of events that could be engaging to everyone on base!  Not to mention, I'm up very late most nights and some late night entertainment could be a nice change of pace for some of our night owls! The urge to want to better myself and the community is a new one to me so I really want to push myself to the lengths it takes to be able to become that VA one day or inspires the next generation of staff on the server.

    Tell us a little about yourself: I'm an 18 year old male who likes to play Garry's Mod. I have quite a bit of time to spend on the server and find myself constantly at a loss for things to do or waiting for events to happen. I am a patient, outgoing, and helpful person who is willing to go above and beyond to make sure people are satisfied with what I can provide.  I'd love to be able to be one of the few staff who have small conversations with the people who make tickets or the ones who pm me in game asking for help. 

    Do you have any previous staff experience?: Not on Garry's Mod. but I have plenty of experience as an administrator/moderator from many MMO games and/or channels such as channel admin in Discord servers or games like Neverwinter, and Star Wars The Old Republic being the two biggest ones. 

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: A little over 600 in the past month and a half and more to come.

  7. +1. Clutch has improved his demeanor and isn't the same person who was staffed a year ago. It was such a blast when he joined the 21st. He has made a new name for himself rising through the ranks and pulling the 21st SUP department out of retirement and has put forth a lot of good to people around the server hosting trainings. He would be an amazing addition to staff since he knows what he’s doing and gets along great with people. I’ll say it again Huge +1 to Clutch, He has a lot to offer the community in terms of event ideas and entertainment later at night 

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