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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. Captain" Lock. While this could work i have questions,

    • Eeth Koth would technically be the Jedi Leader, Yet Eeth Koth is a Freelance Jedi Knight position (I believe?) Would you try to tie down and incorporate Koth as HC Jedi and make him a Master job? Lock would get the Officer loadout as a subunit commander.   
    • Why would you have Horn Company deal with shields? "They will be expected to hold down shield formations better and keep battle comms consistently professional." Isn't this the whole point of Doom's Unit?
    • Lastly, They don't have any canonical relation to DU as far as i can see except they're green.

    As for now i'll abstain from voting, Just curious

    • Winner 1
  2. -1. Your app isnt complete You didnt give a deployment idea, and the 2 things you linked are almost 5 and 4 years old. You said you want to make events and whatnot but havent shown any new ideas in your application 

    • Informative 1
    • Confused 1
  3. -1. Staff or not staff, As long as its not directly breaking Server rules with homophobia/racism and is something like a banger song in DB minges can be appreciated as comedic relief sometimes. and it hardly happens during serious events. its more around the time of downtime or quiet times on the server. Its easier to just mute/kick them in this scenario or actually give CG something to  do rather than stand around all day.

  4. Name: Mystic

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543219273

    Staff Rank: Admin

    Are you VIP?: Yes

    Date: 04/06/2022

    Reason for leaving: Personal Reasons, Time, and Value of my time spent daily. I love Synergy but it's occurred to me in my short time as staff i don't have time to do Game Master stuff and help people host events. Of course, I love taking tickets and doing Game Helps I feel like this is something i'd love to come back to later and not right now, as a new experience when Synergy takes its toll on me, and refresh my experience.

    Farewells: @ClutchGet VA @Gadgetill still be around to annoy you in 21st. But thank you for doing my NA Invterview. 

    • Friendly 2
  5. 15 minutes ago, Taz said:

    For bees, this is true. As for wasps, this is far from it. Those bastards will hurt you, your family, your dog, and anything they want because they get a kick out of it. Bees are just trying to make a living collecting honey an shi, they don't wanna fw you unless you fw them. Only thing wasps do is make those ugly ass nests in the most inconvenient places imaginable and divebomb you with stings if you breathe the wrong way.

    Fuck wasps.

    cus the bees know you aint worth their lives. Wasps got infinite fucks to give and they'll hand them bitches out in little sharp pencil lead sizes

    • Winner 1
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