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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. Bug Type (Server:): WiltOS

    Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Low

    Evidence (if you can): 

    Description of the bug:
    I kyber slammed 3 times in a row, no targeted to avoid damage knockback causing issues as i was testing and the kyber slam AOE does not target NPCs correctly. If players are too close sometimes it doesn't hit. But NPCs seem to hardly work at all. 

    TL;DR - Players too close = no kill
    NPCs 90% of the time = no kill

    How can we recreate it:
    Play around with Kyber slam. Its range is inaccurate to the animation and is not worth charging up to do a measly 1500 damage. 

  2. Name: Mystic

    Suggestion: Nerf the bypass on the "Friend" tag and use it to incentivize something along the lines of "Full term BCMDs who leave in good standing can obtain this" something similar to Retired Staff (which is given out to VAs which honestly might be easier to obtain than a BCMD Position)

    Where would this be implemented?: Teamspeak i hope

    How would this benefit the TeamSpeak/Community?: It would incentivize full BCMD terms, I know Marvel and Bacta wanted to add something to incentivize it, and "Friend" seems to fall into a line where someone who does 3 months leaves the server on a good standing would be considered a "Friend" to the community. Since the tag itself is hardly used.

    Have you asked for Feedback from others about this suggestion?: A few people agreed, but no i didn't poll the public. Seems like the point of the suggestion.

    Briefly explain why this should be implemented?: I did above already.
    (I don't truly expect this to pass, but i'm kinda curious what others think about adding something like this.)

    • Confused 1
    • Dumb 1
  3. Bug Type (Server:): Name

    Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High

    Evidence (if you can):

    Description of the bug:
    Xaze broke me on Dev like a month and a half ago, and now my name is permanently stuck as 104th Master of the Order Mace Windu, instead of Jedi Master of the Order Mace Windu.

    I am so tired of being asked to host 104th tryouts, and if i know when 104th things happen.

    How can we recreate it:
    Idk. I blame Xaze.

    • Funny 3
  4. 3/4/3

    Was alot of fun. Pretty straight forward gameplay, Fun to do, Attentive admins for tickets.

    Care and Effort was there. Was never really left hanging and our directions were clear and concise.

    Server lagged. :shrug:

  5. 47 minutes ago, Danny1 said:


    • Created TG CG Jedi Battalion Jedi Program

    • 47 minutes ago, Danny1 said:


      • Revamped the CG roster to have a more modern and professional aesthetic while adding sections for NCO’s to track their progress in the battalion. Also added a section on SRT to keep track of its members and reward their dedicated members.



    Errr I wouldn’t call this first one an achievement!

    (PS Mobile is ass)

    +1 he responded to me!

    • Funny 1
  6. uhhh. Witchita man... you know i like you. 

    I know you've been doing great in Guild but uh... Where's the application?

    You don't at all explain how you want to achieve.
    You don't mention goals at all.
    How will you improve relations?
    How will you do what others havent?
    Why are you fit for this role, when Maverick wasn't?
    What's your plan... if any? You just give an expectation and nothing more
    You left out half your faction @ Senate whats your plans with Senate?

    You don't list your experience, You list the few things you've done on documents for Guild, They're asking for experience as in staff, Guild Lead, BCMD CMD etc etc. 

    I don't believe you understand the application and what it entails. I'd suggest a re-read of other applications, and maybe redo this.  The entire point of this application (especially since youre applying for an RCMD position and wanting to lead an entire faction) is to explain to the community WHAT you want to do. How you want to do it, and why you deserve to do it.

    Just my two cents, ping me please when you rewrite this! I think you should go for it, but i can't support this at this time

    -1 for now. 

    Post Edit: This is still shorter than my 3rd grade reading notebook homework assignments man.  This is like Staff application level of writing. sorry homie.

    • Agree 2
  7. 54 minutes ago, Gohn said:

    I am not one to often reply to messages on peoples applications. But this here shows me that you do not have a understanding of how we conduct a waive talk. When someone wants to go for a position they contact a Director. In this case it was me. We schedule a time that is sutiable for both of us, then once the talk starts we sit down ask him questions regarding the 212th. I won't go to specific on the details of what we ask, but it's not simple stuff such as "You know what 5+5 is?"

    I frankly don't care what rank you are or how long you have been in a battalion. All I care about are good ideas, a way to show me that you are serious about the position and could handle it well. We could take one of our founders Jad as a example. A couple years back he was running around as a CT PVT and got waived not for a BCMD, not a RCMD positon but for MCMD. So I don't see how many of guys can think that giving a waive for someone who shows me what their ideas & plans that has it well figured out is a stupid idea.

    I will leave it at this if you wish to know more send me a message over by discord. A final closure is that no matter what rank, playtime on the server you can get a waive talk and if you do good enough in it you can get granted to post a application on the forums. 

    19 bans isnt enough to deny a waive but you can deny a BCMD application for an arrest. I don't get that? 

    Asking this here as its a general question i think the public should see. 

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