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Everything posted by Ianman19

  1. Name: TRO Rancor ARC SGT Lerona Who helped (If applicable): Omalic STEAM_0:1:93719402 | Hanz STEAM_0:1:171176040 | Elijah STEAM_0:205588558 Summary of encounter: Cad bane and a few bounty hunters attack the base while the bounty hunters distract the clones cad bane and his droid were able to get past the clones and sneak into the temple where the droid made his way into the vault and getting the holocron for cad bane then they went back to their outpost in the caves and waited for dooku, dooku was never able to make it as the republic fleet stopped him so cad bane took over a nearby outpost called besh where a A-wing was stationed and bane took it and flew off.
  2. Name: TRO Rancor ARC SGT Lerona Who helped (If applicable): Ghost STEAM_0:1:201066034, Longshot STEAM_0:1:127385491, Merrill STEAM_0:1:223673880, Atomic STEAM_0:149918562, Zen STEAM_0:9350725 Summary of encounter: CIS Scientists were creating a virus that turned from water born to air born while they were testing it on 2 clones that were captured one of them commsed in that they were at besh so all the clones started to move there the clones were able to make it in but the two hostages were killed, but they got the cure from one of the scientists and made it just in time to cure everyone from it
  3. +1 good app and good luck with your first experience as staff
  4. 3/10 was ok but like the others all over the place no real set plan on what to do
  5. 7 pretty decent event and fun
  6. +1 made it to head admin before and i believe you can make it again good luck
  7. 5 was a ok event a lot of shooting but a little to hard
  8. Thank you for the reply and I will start working on trying to be more mature and stop doing the comments.
  9. Ianman19


    I had cereal and some nice tea
  10. In your +1's and -1's could you tell me anything I need to fix or adjust based on ingame and forum actions so I can get right on to fixing those issues.
  11. RP Name: TRO Rancor PVT Lerona Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:117223341 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 16 Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum) I would like to become an administrator because of many reasons. The first reason is the community is one of the nicest iv'e ever seen, iv'e been on Icefuse, Defcon, NVN, and a bunch other servers and their communities are full of drama and toxicity. The 2nd reason is I would love to help new people with their question's and admin situations (aka: Whitelists) and make them feel welcomed to our server so they have no problems fitting in and taking off as a clone of the Grand Army Of The Republic. The 3rd Reason is I again love the community and want to keep it the wholesome place it is by stopping minges and trolls coming on the server just to mess with the trainers and other people of the server. The 4th Reason is I am very active and if there was ever a chance that no admins would be on I would love to help anyone that is in need such as hold sits with minges to whitelisting for battalions. The 5th and final reason for me wanting to be an administrator is due to Covid-19 my schools is coming to a shutdown and becoming online so as I'm waiting for new assignments I would like to have some fun being on a server which is actually fun and makes me happy in these rough times. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): A little about myself is I am 16 and a sophomore in high school, My school is on the edge of trying to stay up and shutting down to go online. I'm a football player who plays D-end, D-line, and O-line so I know what it means to be a team and to try your best no matter how hard it gets, I also enjoy lifting in our schools annex and one of my favorite liftings styles are deadlift and benchpress. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to computers as I have been using one for most my life and know the in and outs of a computer and how to build one and program it to start up and all that. I have been on many other servers and I say again that this community is completely different in a good way and again one of the nicest I've ever seen. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I have many past experiences on Icefuse I used to be a gm and it was ok, on NVN which is now a dead server I was a gm,Senior gm, and made it all the way to head gm and then server manager, On International networks I was head GM, on Apollo networks Im a senior gm, and on Defcon I was a gm and left due to lack of motivation as events were getting blander and blander on that server. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 91 Hours but have been playing for over about 5-6 months on this server
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