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Posts posted by Reborn

  1. 2/3/5 I dont mean to sound rude when i say this but i had no clue what was going on during that entire event i was lost. When i did find the EJs i tried to RP with them but you decided to come in admin mode and tell us they can be there and TP them out. For me i think if your going to have EJs give them more of a purpose and let players roleplay with them.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Poker said:

    1 question before voting

    What do you think can were not capable of achieving with the CMD power that made you want to go for the BCMD position?

    That is a great question firstly if I were to be selected to become a BCMD my main focus would be the Chain of command and structure. As a commander, I have an opportunity to keep a chain of command and keep the values that my BCMD has set in place. With the current structure the way that it is, it's close to impossible to even think of enforcing the chain of command. So with that said that would be my first thing would be to establish some purpose to the ranks as the current ranks in the 501st are just a new title. For example one of my plans is to give the rank of CPT the responsibility to deal with all disciplinary actions that happen in the battalion. For this example, the CPT would be the first to deal with disciplinary actions and then would go up the chain of command and go all the way to the top if need be. Once ranks have some meaning then you can begin to enforce the chain of command and build structure in the battalion. Overall to answer your questions as a commander I have a big say on what goes into my battalion and how my battalion is looked at. With this in mind, I myself have many ideas that can't be put in place unless I am in a BCMD position. My battalion is something that I have worked on improving for close to 5 months now and a position such as Rex can help me show myself and the server the hard work that myself and my team have been working on all this time and I don't plan to stop until my vision for this battalion comes into fruition.

    • Informative 1
  3. Steam Name: Reborn

    RP Name: Fives

    RP Rank: Commander

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13970381

    Battalion you are applying for: 501st


    104th Battalion (PVT-CPT) 2020

    When I first joined and became a clone trooper, I was approached by a few different battalions, as Star Wars RP was new to me at the time, and I asked which battalion needed the most help. Close to everyone replied with 104th, so I decided to join. Once I was in, I was under the command of Steel, who seemed to have been burned out. So I took the time and effort to get to know everyone inside the battalion, as I like to know the people I work alongside. For my regiment, I decided to join the Jet Troopers, as they needed some leadership. As I progressed to an NCO, I learned how to recruit and decided to attend some ARC trainings where I strived to get my ARC status, as well as try my first hand at a "lore" name when I was given the position of Frosty. When Steel's term ended, a new BCMD term began. Brooklyn had taken over the reins and became the BCMD that we needed to get things going. At about the same time, I applied to become a WO and was chosen for that position. WO Terms at the time were a single-slot month term where I was tested to see if I was worth moving up to LT. Instead, I stayed in the position for two months, as nobody was ready to replace me. During these two months, I was able to get myself into Wolfpack, become Boost, and become the Jet Trooper lead. Once my term was up, I was given the rank of CPT, skipping the LT ranks as a whole. When Brooklyn term ended, everyone left, but a few of us, and my personal life started to become a bit busier, so I decided to step down


    41st Scout Battalion (PVT-SFC) 2021

    I decided to take a dip back into the server and try my hand at another battalion; this time I decided on the 41st, mainly because I liked their armor. Once I was recruited, I met a few of the people who were all nice, down-to-earth people that I got along with well. As I had gone through the training before, it was quite easy. I unfortunately didn't stay long, as video games as a whole at the time were starting to get boring, and I decided to take a break from gaming as a whole.


    212th Attack Battalion (PVT-MSG) 2022

    When I did decide to make a return to the server, I decided to join something other than mechanized, as I wanted a nice change. When looking, I was approached by a few NCOs inside and decided to give the 212th a shot. I climbed the ranks quite fast as I became an ARF and decided to ascend the totem pole of the ranks. I stayed active and set my sights on ARC status; as of 2020, it was wiped. So I got to work, became an ARFO, and pushed week after week to get pieces of my ARC training done. I chose Ghost Company because I thought the people inside were cool, and I loved the look of their armor. I passed the trials, becoming a Ghost Company ARF and taking on the name Crys. This was my first time being in an attack battalion, and I loved every minute of it, but the server took me away from school and my girlfriend at the time, so I needed to step away and focus on the important things in my life and get myself back on track.


    501st Legion (PVT-CMD) 2023 - Present day

    My reasoning for coming back into the server and joining the 501st at the time was that my close friend had been in the battalion, and I was just looking for an excuse to come back and play on synergy. When I first joined, the battalion wasn't in a good spot, as there were only NCOs and no officers. Under Zeros term at the time, we all pushed to get battalion of the month with training and recruitment. I tried my best to get us the numbers, but we just didn't have the playbase to keep up the numbers. Right before Zeros stepped down, I became a WO, joined 332nd, and became an ARC under the name Vyse. I attempted to go for Jesse at the time but wasn't chosen for the position. While as a WO I changed how the NCOs were doing close to everything because our system at the time didn't work well, I also made a weekly NCO document to keep all NCOs in the know. When Zeros finally did step down, he promoted me to CPT because he thought I was doing more than what was asked. When our next rex, Rohan, stepped in soon after we began the rebuild, as all of our documents were outdated and needed to be redone, I decided to rewrite all of our documents in a new, easy-to-understand format. Soon after, I went for Jeese again, and this time I was able to obtain the position where I still sit today. After becoming Jesse, I decided to push our tryouts and fill 332nd while adding HVYO to 332nd to give it more of an identity. I became a senior officer soon after and continued to work to make all of our documents and discord look clean and ready for a rebuild. Unfortunately, Rohan had to step down and make me a commander right before he did to carry on the rebuild. This is when Joyboy stepped in. We have always worked well together, and we managed to completely flip how the 501st does things as well as our numbers, and we are so proud of what we have accomplished. This is why I keep pushing to make our battalion better so that all of our hard work doesn't amount to nothing


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
    One of my biggest reasons for wanting to become a battalion commander is that I would like to carry on the legacy of our battalion. Myself and the officers in the 501st have worked day and night to get the battalion in the place it is today, and I would like to make sure it stays in a position that is welcoming to all new players and accompanying all of the returning players. I love working with all of the people in the 501st, and I feel that after watching three Rexs, I know what is expected of me and how I need to carry my battalion. Overall, this is a big step into leadership for me, as I have been a commander for close to four months and have established myself with a good reputation in the community and my battalion. I have many ideas that I would like to put into place, and I'm excited to get the chance to put forth my ideas to build a legacy in my place where all Rexs finish their terms as well as keep the 501st on the path to success.


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
    Mostly every day at all parts of the day, unless I'm working.

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
    A little over 3 years with about 2000
     hours played

    Do you have a microphone?:

    Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

    NCO Core
    As I have always said, this is the heart and soul of the battalion. The NCOs make up the largest part of the battalion and must promote a desirable outlook on the enlisted and to other battalions. At the current state, we have many NCOs, but not all of them understand what is expected of them, which I believe can be related to an unclear SGT training document and the trainers themselves. As of now, I have begun to make the necessary changes to revamp the document so that it has a clear way to train as well as for all SGT training going forward to have only SNCOs as well as low-ranking officers give the training in the future. My main goals with the NCOs are to keep them entertained with unique training as well as reward them all for their hard work while inspiring them to move into the officer core. Rewards for their hard work include Trooper of the Week and Trooper of the Month, as well as some specialized events for the 501st if they can meet our goal for the week. NCO's work is what keeps the battalion moving forward, and during my term, I would like our NCOs to be self-sufficient, where they feel as if they can lean on each other and ask each other any questions they might have.

    Officer Core
    Our officer core has never been stronger, in my opinion, since our previous Rex wiped the officer core and we began to build it from the ground up. With this being said, there are still some things that can be improved. For example, our officer training document is unfinished and sloppy, and we have been doing less than optimal training because of this, as well as our chain of command is weak and serves no purpose other than a title. Just a quick update to the document should help with the training, which I have begun the process of fixing now. Overall, I feel as if some of the NCOs don't feel a need to move up, and I would like to make the officer core a little more appealing by giving all ranks in the officer core a purpose and promoting hard work inside the officer core.
    Battalion Commander

    The BCMD, or battalion commander, is responsible for everything that happens in their battalion. The BCMD must allow the ranks to do their job but be able to intervene when necessary. This rank must ensure that all steps in the chain of command are doing their job properly while maintaining a professional appearance on the server. including interacting with their battalion and others and promoting entertaining interactions.
    The most trusted of all of the ranks, commanders are veterans when it comes to dealing with battalion issues as well as promoting the battalion in a healthy manner. Commanders are, to me, an indispensable resource that shouldn't be taken lightly. This rank is to be responsible for the entirety of the officer core, from hosting WO interviews to helping decide when officers are ready for their next step in the battalion. Commanders are to be looked at as the future of the battalion and should be able to run the show with or without a battalion commander.
    Major is the beginning of the senior officers, who are expected to be natural leaders as well as assist in battalion decisions. Major is a big step up, as in my eyes, the start of High Command is to be filled with people who know how everything works and can handle any situation that may come up. Their job is to handle the day-to-day tasks and report what has been going on within the battalion. For example, if we had a good week with training and activities, they would report what they have seen work with the battalion so that we can continue to take what has been successful and grow as a battalion.

    When LTs have shown that they can handle the NCOs and all of the work that comes with being LTs, they shall be moved up to captain. The purpose of the rank is to handle all disciplinary actions in the battalion as well as train all new officers on how to handle such situations. as well as watch over the LTs to make sure that they are staying on track and handling situations with care. Captains will be in charge of mentoring the WO, as they will need to be taught what is expected of them and how to conduct themselves as officers in the 501st.
    As WO has become a training position, and LTs will take up the responsibility of keeping the NCOs in line. This change allows more than just a few people to watch over such a large group and will allow the LTs to watch a greater number of troopers, as this is the core of the officer team. LTs will be the first step in the chain of command and will take care of all questions that anyone may have. This will be a good example for all of the NCOs and hopefully inspire some to become officers themselves. This rank is expected to take on a leadership role in events by mentoring NCOs on how to lead properly and efficiently.
    The gateway to becoming an officer WO is typically in charge of all of the NCOs, but I would like to stray away from that and allow this position to be a training position. WO are typically new to officer work as a whole and have loads of questions, so to take some of the stress away, WO will now take on a learning role. This makes it so the senior officers and high command can mold them into proper officers and prepare them for the future ranks to come. With this change, I will make the WO term 3 weeks or 21 days so that they have had the proper time to shadow and learn what is expected of them. WO will now also become a position that you must express interest in, then attend an interview to see if the officer team believes they are a good fit and will vote on the candidate.


    Jedi as of late, seems to be quite popular, as we seem to get a new Jedi in our battalion once a week. For Jedi, my main focus is making sure our tryout document is polished and efficient. For one, our tryout document doesn't even have updated questions, and the tryout just seems like a welcoming speech rather than a tryout, so my goal is to work with the current Jedi and sit down and completely redo the entire document. Jedi has been having one big issue in our battalion that has gone on for a while and has caused some problems. That is, clones will transfer their Jedi to the 501st, expect a rank transfer, and keep both their Jedi and clone inside the battalion. Going forward, this is going to be no more. You can either have a clone or a Jedi inside the 501st, and we won't be doing any more rank transfers from clone to Jedi or vice versa.


    As a battalion, training has been our strongest asset, as have the numbers that we put out for our EOD and other miscellaneous training. EOD will continue to be hosted every day whenever we can, so everyone on the server has the training needed. While I and the officer team continue to make new joint trainings with different battalions and keep the wonderful relations that our previous Rex has set up for us, I have been working as much as I can to make new and exciting dupes and storyline missions for different battalions to attend with us to keep my battalion engaged and excited to see what happens next. One thing I would like to improve in our training is variety. As of now, we only seem to host EOD and do some simulation room training. I would prefer to see some medical training as well and some more unique training outside the base rather than reusing old dupes over and over.


    With our battalion growing in numbers, we have struggled to stay on task with events and deployments. One of my main focuses is to keep order in the teamspeak and in-game by inspiring roleplay and keeping them engaged. Our battalion has great lore that I feel is left out of most roleplay, so firstly, I want to make subunits feel more unique and let them have second objectives depending on the mission. This, in my eyes, gives each subunit a chance to show off what they can offer and do what their subunit is supposed to do, even when not at events. Each week, I'm going to take each subunit and different regiments on missions that are tailored to their specialty. Overall, roleplay as a whole has been lacking, and I want the 501st to shine and show what it truly means to be blue.


    Torrent Company
    Of course, no one can forget about the legendary torrent company. To me, the TCs tryout has become too easy and doesn't feel as unique to each character inside. With this said, I am working on remaking the tryout to allow more roleplay situations inside as well as different unique situations tailored to each character. With a new Appo in place, we need to make sure we keep a standard inside TC where, during deployments and other special events, TC members are serious and active. TC overall is in good health, and just some small changes are in place to bring it back up to the shining glory I know it can be.


    332nd Company has gone through many changes during my time as commander. For one, we added Heavy Ordinance to 332nd to give the company a little more flair. The company's purpose is to siege and capture, and with this goal in mind, 332nd shines. As of now, 332nd is full, and as we are getting more and more members, I feel as if it is time to open two more slots, making a grand total of 8 slots even with TC. With heavy ordinance inside 332nd, we need to make sure all documents and trainings are up-to-date and still working properly. 332nd is as healthy as it can be right now. With that said, we need to continue this trend and strive to promote siege and training to keep players interested in the company while continuing to bring in new talent.


    My main hope is that at the end of my term, my officer team will be completely self-sufficient and know how to handle any situation that arises. As well as, all members of the battalion are respecting the chain of command. Thankfully, Joyboy, the previous rex, set me up quite well with his term and has allowed me to focus on creating a standard in the 501st that can stand together through my term and hopefully the next Rexs as well. I wish to create a safe place for any person to be able to join and relax and overall enjoy their time with the people around them and the server as a whole.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

  4. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED.

    Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @.

    If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.

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