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Everything posted by Esitt

  1. Esitt

    Saint App

    neutral, i have never seen you on when i have played, and i don't know you, you made a great staff application but try to become more active
  2. +support very responsible mate
  4. +Support, he's by far the best for the job, hes a great guy and mate and he will do wonders as the next Attack Regimental CMD!
  5. +SUPPORT, great mate and tries his hardest for everything
  6. +1 only mate fit for the job
  7. the event server still needs to be tweaked out, like the skill points transferring over, perma-weapons, etc. So I would take a guess that they are not meant to be there, so don't use the models during events mate.
  8. Esitt

    Egg GM App

    +1 just give him it already!
  9. +1 Eric, you can sometimes be mingy, but I like you mate, you make me laugh during events and on the server. I feel like you can become a trusted and great staff member if given the chance. that's a +support from me mate. ~Esitt
  10. Esitt

    Events and Naval

    I agree with Raven, now that naval can't command anymore there just seems to be a gap in the system. There's no point for Bunk checks unless they are mandatory. No one going to go to boring old bunk checks if it optional. We just totally lose the point of RP that strives the naval to be different from others. As naval we are supposed to be great at RP and to bring the whole server to replicate what it would have been like in the clone wars. I mean, isn't that why everyone is on this server? To recreate The Clone Wars of course! I just think that as Naval we should be able to command people to do RP within our branch/boundaries. Like to call mandatory bunks checks, or to call mandatory Gun checks in the armory, or to call certain battalions down to the med bay for mandatory checkups on all their troopers, but it wouldn't be every damn moment of each day, we would just sprinkle these little RP sessions in there sometimes so everyone can feel the RP without there being an event or anything else. It's not like naval would command anyone about something that's not in our damn boundaries we get that, but on the other hand, we should be able to command certain things in our boundaries/branch. That's all I have to say on the matter, I don't mean to offend anyone or any staff members. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION NOT A STATEMENT! ~Esitt
  11. I was there when it happened, thought he was joking. rest in peace
  12. +1 don't mind if i do
  13. Esitt


    Its about time for Pie season, so its right to ask, what is everyone's favorite pie and why? Need feedback so I know which pies to buy for everyone
  14. +1 a scottish event.. dont mind if i do
  15. +1 this mate deserves it!
  16. defiently a +1 you both deserve BCMD! Its a battle for the BCMD! we should make this type of thing a show lmao
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