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Everything posted by BlackPink

  1. Now to add to my first point, which I will since I'm out of DU now. One of the commander is one of the most toxic members that we have in DU, and HE IS COMMANDER. Pretty much every officer meeting we were talking about toxicity, but strangely enough, when he goes on LOA, we don't talk about it. Coincidence, I think not. Whenever we say something to Slak, like how he could become a better commander or some shit like that. It might work, but after a few days it will be back to normal, nothing changed. Willy, what has he done since he became XO, I don't even know and I'm ex-Captain in there. "Oh he is Disciplinary Lead". And ?? The handbook hasn't changed from the look of it, the one who actually apply discipline in the batt are Officer, Senior Officer and Harsh. Slak might do that sometime, but you can also hear him slamming his desk while he is giving the PT. The rumor (might be wrong, but I feel like it's right, I wouldn't be surprised), that Willy only got XO because he was ex-BCMD, and Slak was looking for an XO that was exactly that. Battalion morale is at an all-time low. I never saw a battalion with a morale so low. "DU is doing quite good". Yeah, all I see are NCO complaining that the requirements are too high, why, cause they are. I will compare with 501st requirement, they are easy as fuck. Here are the requirements for a 1SG going to SGM. "4 event lead, 7 event participated, 2 training lead, 6 training participation, 14 recruit points". Now we need to say that training lead/participation is kinda very easy. But event lead is hard when you NEED to give event lead to lower NCO. 14 recruits point is equal to 7 actual recruits (each recruit is 2 points), or 3 hours and 30 minutes (15 minutes per recruits points). Insane amount of time for a game to be honest. CSM is even worse. "6 event lead, 9 event participation, 4 training lead, 8 training participation, 18 recruits point". So 4 hours and 30 minutes. The thing is that all actually add up at the end. Only for SNCO, you need like 12 hours of soft recruits (doing advert bind but not recruiting anyone). Fucking insane. Here for the recruits point for the NCO. They need 36 of them. So yes, (36*15)/60 = 9 hours. 9 hours + 12 hours of recruitment if you are unlucky with recruitment (and trust me, we are). Now the officer requirement. Great idea if you ask me, it just needs to be used. When an officer is promotable, no one will promote him unless he speaks about it. When I was promotable, I waited but no one actually cared. "Just ask for it"'. But you can get a PT for asking for promotion, 3 Gregor laps or 30 grammar squats. So no, we don't like asking for a promotion. Last paragraph (I hate writing long things omg), the WO application. We had 2 apps which I will not talk about, but have been denied. Then a few days later (perhaps more), I learned that one of our best SNCO has also applied for WO, but he got no word for it. Slak didn't even say that he actually received it(he might have ignored it, Slak has done that to me a few times). I asked in our super officer chat, but as always, this is going to be a Commander decision, and the officer will be the last one to learn, pretty much at the same time as the NCO/Enlisted. Slak also said that it would be a Senior Officer/Commander+, but I feel like it would still be a Commander's decision. I feel like Slak doesn't trust his officer core at all. So after all, I will -1 that.
  2. I would say 5/10, the story was dragged on with grevious. We escorted him to a venator, then he decided to come back and cloak (which he CANNOT) in front of several trooper, which is breaking a rule, section H rule 11: You can not cloak in front of opposition forces if done will be considered Fail RP and will result in an AOS. I could have AOS him but since I didn't see it happening in front of me, I didn't care.
  3. Well hello there, I will start by saying that pretty much every time naval call defcon 3, we go in HMC and hold security. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Even if we miss most of the action, we still hold it. Secondly, As a past Havoc Squad member, I will say that Havoc Squad are held at a higher standard than all DU, they need a minimum amount of hour online per week. Even a minimum amount of training hold per weeks. For when you said that shouting out a battalion/sub-unit for when they are not there, what, are you going to AOS them every time too ? I will also add that Harsh play every day, without even missing one, from like 9pm EST to perhaps 11h30pm. When an event start, we stop our training and go to the event. Edit: Doom's Unit is also a night battalion, we have more member online during the night then during the day. A lot can happen during late night, even if you don't like that fact.
  4. True, already my second using it. I want to use it more lmao
  5. Name: BlackPink Who helped (If applicable): Warmac, Clumsy Event Name: Maze on umbara p.2 Link to Event Document (optional): No Document. A sith was asking the jedi to come fight him on Umbara, but when the jedi came, he found a shit tone of droid and a maze. The GAR had to kill the droid and clear the Maze. While that was happening, 2 commandos droid were infiltrating the GAR, helping them but killing them when no one was watching.
  6. Wait we can do NPC route ?? Btw +1 from me.
  7. +1, Drew seem to be more active than me.
  8. 7/10, was quickly put together. Shoot'em up for the clone and Sith for the jedi.
  9. Pog, BEST FUCKING DU EVENT, 10/10. And he was fucking alone to host it.
  10. Wait, you did an event and then resign. :sad: Still. o7 man, you did really great event sometime.
  11. Name: BlackPink Who helped (If applicable): None Event Name: Finding the R3s What happened: The republic lost a battle above the forest moon of Endor. Tho, some important R3 droids that contain very important GAR intel are there, in the wreckage. The CIS doesn't know, but they are still there holding their victory ground. The republic need to find the 2 R3s.
  12. Name: BlackPink Who helped (If applicable): Chumbus, Guppies, Warmac, Graham Event Name: Welcome to the maze Link to Event Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RklUBsShAsSzytqYnqBOyli57HaMAGIZZS_2cpY2rBs/edit
  13. You are 20, oof. Huge +1, one of the most serious guy when we need and also very good at pvp.
  14. 8/10, great idea but there wasn't enough rp with the prisoner. I would have prefer more. Still fun af.
  15. 6/10, was kinda weird, zombie using force choke on trooper was strange. We didn't know what was happening to be honest.
  16. 8/10, funny event, but please 21st, stop fucking speaking in espagnol when the EJ tell you multiple time that he don't speak that fucking language, thank you. Still it was a funny event.
  17. 7/10, was a fun event, trust me, I started playing at the end of it and it was fun.
  18. Thank you all for the reply, I did learn a lot in this infection event. Here is a few things that I learn: This is my first infection event and last, I never want to do that ever again. I didn't really plan anything, I just wanted to test something. English verb are hard, I hate them. French is better now that I think about it. Running around coloring people was hard, I don't really want to do that again. I didn't know a director said that infection event are the worst (or some things like that), but I understand him now.
  19. Name: BlackPink Who helped (If applicable): Kaptin Event Name: New virus on anaxe Link to Event Document (optional): Patrol gone wrong, DU went to Aurek as a patrol but found droid. The droid were making a virus. The virus had multiple stage, pink - speak non sense, green- want to infect, cough a lot and also speak non sense.
  20. +1, always ready to help for an event, seem like the right guy to become a GM
  21. Name: BlackPink Who helped (If applicable): Xenomasse, Cuzzo, Guppies, Narra Event Name: Among us on geonosis Link to Event Document (optional): No docs. Alright, quick event. Commando infiltrate the clones forces and help them attack Geonosis. The clone had to fight commando killing them and the CIS at the same time. Edit: They were also able to infiltrate DB.
  22. I see you online pretty much every time I play, you don't seem to minge and seem like a good RP'er, +1.
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