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Everything posted by TopGunz9

  1. +1 You and Jack are both capable.
  2. Name: TopGunz Who helped (If applicable): Wulf, Shake Event Name: Senate Imposter [2/3] Summary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j6q4iTIKYuXWxAxRkzpTebsmp2Kpzq8jZPAMYbFTjRw/edit
  3. AAR Template Name: TopGunz Who helped (If applicable): Brick, Bud, Malore, Nevergold Event Name: Senate Imposter 1/3 Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OFJAt7a2oHtjzzT59XDLv6wv4F4v2xtDJzXxt09Yttk/edit
  4. +1 Extremely dedicated. 2 game helpers of the week in a row. Definitely capable of GM.
  5. Name: TopGunz (Frank's Idea) Helpers: Chew, Young Summary: Trandoshan clan Cacster had a meeting planned with the CIS for materials for the new fleet they were making the republic got this information came from the last attack when he had 1 of the 3 leaders captured. The Trandoshan made this a trap and attacked the base while they were busy with the meeting and Trandoshans needed blueprints for the Venator to make their ships as best as they can.
  6. 6/10 Pretty good job. It was a pretty normal event but I liked it
  7. Name: TopGunz | Lancer Who helped (If applicable): Flytape, Johnson, Lucky, Aces Event Name: Galactic Police https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xI0F0F00MT-oesEmd1FQjTaM7Ex-NUe8vXfKUxZV2nA/edit
  8. 6/10 Unique concept, but could've had a bit more stuff to do
  9. Ya spelled assault wrong but good and simple event. 7/10
  10. +1 Tiplar got shot by a clone before order 66 can you even imagine
  11. Name: TopGunz Helpers: Artican Summary: Simple CIS attack with some rocket droids, drill pods, and aqua droids. They attacked from multiple areas in a decently large battle
  12. I didn't say to completely disregard those actions, I said that everyone hating on him due to these "actions" should not just take one persons word for it. A lot of people on this forum are not giving their true opinion and are following what others have been saying. I believe awesomekiller is Levii, and he does an amazing job of summing up what others did to him. He was given an oppurtunity to still help out DU after having lots of IRL issues and things that he wish he could fix. He didn't want to leave synergy since he had been a part of it for such a long time.
  13. I completely agree with this, people have taken out of context information and used against him.If anyone has broken rules it would be other members of the community, they took private messages or messages from non synergy related discords and used it to make him look bad. I don't appreciate what they did, and I dont think most people would if they knew the whole story.
  14. Before actually getting into this, some of you need to actually read his appeal before responding to it. I see countless posts -1 him for his actions within DU. When he clearly stated that this is about him as a person, and him as a part of the community and not his actions within Dooms Unit. A lot of people in this forum post have been pointing out Ninjaman's flaws instead of his achievements. I know most people on this forum post pretty well and I don't like to point fingers so there will be no names said. He has received a lot of -1s and I disagree. He believed that this community cannot give constructive criticism towards high staff. He was doing something along with a few other people that tried to point out the flaws in this community and make people realize what they weren't able to realize. I knew Ninjaman for a while on this server until he was banned, but he was someone that I would consider a friend and therefore I kept in touch and played on another gmod server with him at the same time as playing on this one. He is an awesome guy that sometimes lets words get the best of him. It would be amazing to see him back in the Synergy community and I hope people can agree with me on this. He has realized his mistakes and he is asking for another chance. He obviously cares very much about synergy as he probably took hours to write out this appeal just to attempt to get unbanned. +1
  15. Name: TopGunz Who helped (If applicable): Aces, Arctican Event Name: Large CIS Compound Description: There was a very large CIS base on dagobah and we infilitrated it, while grabbing all the intel they had stored on the base. We had stolen the new prototypes for the destroyers and all the fleet movements from the super tactical droid.
  16. +1 Hellfire is an awesome guy, and this one mistake should not define the type of person he is. Everybody makes mistakes and he definitely deserves a second chace.
  17. I realize that using staff powers to create income is against server rules. So would I be allowed to create a casino in one of the CSRs or somewhere around the base where I can have people bet on certain games. I would create a bunch of games, like boxing, Firing Range games, maybe even mini soccer or something. And people would bet credits on things in certain games, where they could either win double, triple, or lose everything. I could easily lose money in this, but I could also gain money. I have nothing to do with my credits and I have a shit ton so I want to make something fun that everyone can try out. For all we know, I could lose all my credits because other people are getting lucky rolls or something. Could I get confirmation on this before I build a casino dupe? Yes, I would make every game a fair probability to win and lose.
  18. Name: TopGunz Helpers: Young, Brick Summery: Two IG Units accompanied by many trandoshans ventured to every republic outpost in this sector of the galaxy, where they gained a large amount of intel from most of the bases. They then infiltrated the felucia base and failed to capture the intel, however their leader who is still unknown, has some plans for the future with the information he/she received.
  19. +1 You've been an awesome attack reg commander so far and I've personally never had any problems or mishaps with you so I think you are more than capable of it.
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