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Everything posted by Eagle

  1. 9/10 What an event to do all by yourself. I really enjoyed if even if the end was really long with the discussion between shadows and shock. Keep it up! you are always doing great events.
  2. 8/10 nice event. it was the first one for me on the venator. Keep it up,
  3. +1, I believe you can do it.
  4. 2/10 probably was a nice event. I havent seen any action. 327th had nothing to do during almost the whole event. It was defcon 3 and there was no action at our battle station. We have been holding command deck for almost the whole event.
  5. +1 Best attack regimental commander I've seen and he is a great person. I'll still be your pokemon that cannot hit anything. You deserve it.
  6. 8/10 Liked it Elijah, Carvis and Undead. Good job
  7. 8/10 nice event. From what I've seen there was something to do for everyone. Nice shoot 'em up.
  8. 5/10 bomb defusal was fun and very original. After it was extremely boring. During defcon 3 327th goes to Command deck. there was no action there at all. This could be because of the fact that there were no helpers, so dont take it personally if you were to busy with spawning at other players.
  9. RP Name: TR 327th ARCT JTL LTC Barr | 212th Shadow K I Buzzard Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87780379 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 19 years Timezone: EU (Berlin time) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to join staff to help with events and encounters and maybe make my own ones one day. With being a staff member I want to mainly focus on helping the community by reacting to tickets and entertaining them if nothing is going on. With helping with tickets I mean just helping the people and setting up sims for people so they can do trainings. And by entertaining I would be more focused on being a game helper at the start, because of the fact that I don’t have the experience. I have the ambition to grow and learn as a staff member so I can mainly focus on entertaining and events. In these events I would like to not only make it a normal shoot ‘ m up but also ad boarding RP, ENG and/or MED rp in there. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have always loved games, if it are board games or video games. Last year I played a lot of MTG and now I am more focused on the server and my study. I study physics in my country. I have been a fan of the star wars franchise since I was a child. I always loved the films and I have watched them multiple times. One time I started up gmod and joined a server just like this, more than a year ago (when you had the venator) I found this server and I loved it from the start. Due to school I had to drop my activity. I came back and I have enjoyed my time on the server ever since. Do you have any previous staff experience? No How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 575 hours and 3 seconds Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: No
  10. 5/10 the event was probably very good, but I did not see much untill the end. As 327th we are most of the time in bcc during events if its defcon 3 for a long time. The rating is from my perspective and for most 327th there was nothing going on for a very long time. Except for the end at chancelors office ofcourse.
  11. 8/10 Really nice deployment, its just sad that no one wanted to help. You did really well.
  12. This rating is from a event roles perspective: 9/10 very fun to be an event character in this event (I was the recruit) event though we didnt have much action. The troopers were friendly but were not letting us help. We didnt see a lot of enemies. The different characters of the squad that crash landed maked it really fun to do.
  13. 10/10 Really like the event
  14. 2/10. It was probably pretty fun, but there was nothing to do for 327th during defcon 3. We were just standing at Command deck
  15. 8/10 nice that there were enimies for everyone throughout the base in the beginning.
  16. 5/10 Good Idea, but the time it took was too long. The percentage going up needs to go up faster. Everyone in slate god bombarded and people still went in there (dont know why). Maybe its handy to comunicate that a base is exploding right before it explodes.
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