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Hades last won the day on May 16 2020

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  1. 4?/2/1 I can not really rate the gameplay because I was never able to connect so I was not able to deploy with my battalion. What I can rate I rated a 2 for Care and Effort because it seems like not much effort was put into it. If this was only a event because the server was unstable cool I guess, it was still annoying being forced to go while another event was in progress... and yes I was having fun with the other event. After Failing to connect 3 different times to the Event server I was starting to give up and thats when a single VA came in to "help". Who ever helped thanks for trying but you could of done more because you didn't actually help, I did everything you already said and I could still not find the event server or join. (Why is the Event server even a option on the main Syn server if it doesn't work??? I am talking about when you hit ESC and its the 2nd option.) They ended up starting the event when only 1/2 the people were able to connect. I can only assume it was 1/2 because in TS about 1/2 the people were also having problems joining (in our own battalion) and that is when I could hear that the event pretty much started. 1/ I guess killing the server is a good way to stabilize it
  2. 4/5/3 was quite fun until half the pop was forced into the event server, while I understand Everyone was having server issues doing that mid event causes issues, may not of been your fault but overall good event.
  3. Question: Who can actually train me in interrogation? I am not trying to be a dick, but I have asked and messaged many people in game and over TS about getting interrogation trained and every time I have been told to ask SOBDE. Cool I have asked many times since 6/13, I asked the RCs... no one ever responds they just go afk on me, I ask some one in bad batch they all run away. No one responds, I messaged some lore charters in TS to see whats up if they have certain days they do those trainings and he drops from TS. What is going on? I do not think I am being annoying, I do not spam or message the same person if they are not responding to me. I think some Jedi told me that CG could train me, but when I asked no CG knew what I was talking about or were unwilling. I don't even think the Navy Intel officers or manager could train me, but I have not asked because we have no officers and I only talked to the manager one time. Comments/Concerns: Not enough IR trainings being hosted. IR is needed for a naval job and it seems like no one is hosting the training. Why can CG not train interrogation which to me seems perfectly reasonable (SOBDE to me is the Bad cop and CG is the Good cop during interrogation no? if not it should be). Are people Gatekeeping? I have no Idea. I just came back from a long time of not playing so could someone enlighten me? I clicked on all SOBDE TS channels to see if I could find any information there are none. Staff Member you're asking: Pref a admin in SOBDE? Admin not really needed tho. Additional info: This is not a complaint about SOBDE, Naval, CG or a specific person, if you get butt hurt over anything I said that is your fault. I wrote what I have personally experienced so far since I have been back on the server.
  4. Ima go with a 6.5 / 10. I took off a few points because you told me I could not blow up a rock in MHB, 5 mins later you let the other guy blow it up... -2.
  5. ok I am not gonna rate too much on the story since I joined in a bit late. I like that you spawned them in the trees, but you also spawned them on top of us (trees was fine) but not when we started to push a bit into the planet you spawned them behind us which killed everyone even when we cleared it. You then re-spawned in the droids which was kind of confusing since their was no drop pods or anything, im assuming that they pushed up a bit? a bit annoying that we would clear them and you would then re-spawn them. commandos were not super bad so it was fine. overall i would give a 2/4
  6. 3/4 was good other than the fact that we had no medics :(
  7. Note: All resignations are final ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Hades Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:122941806 Staff Rank: VA Were you VIP: Yes Date: 5/24/2020 Reason for leaving: I try to be active and have fun but it just seems too much of a chore, which was fine but I would rather play games that do not seem like a chore. I only stayed so long because I love being a GM, but recently it was a pain to deploy people so why bother? Other reasons but I dont want to talk about it. Farewells: @Hades2or was it @Hades3481 rancor hades you can have your name back. @Pythingood luck in the GM branch sorry I just dont feel motivated to do anything anymore. long live the fire nation.
  8. You have been accepted for an interview! Please contact a Head Administrator for your interview! Failure to do so by 5/30/20 will result in a denial. //locked //moved to pending
  9. Congratulations! You have been accepted for interview Contact me or any other GMO by 5/30/20 or your app will be Denied
  10. Name: Hades Who helped (If applicable): snadvich, Keo, Kessel Event Name: Lost contact Summary: SOBDE were deployed back to anaxes after we had lost contact with the base. As it turns out the CIS had launched an attack and pushed into the base, it is SOBDE’s job to set up a foothold and if they choose launch an attack or wait for reinforcement. If they do launch an attack they will find out that the CIS were able to make it into the base but met resistance while the clones decided to fight to the last. They also had many option on how they could of handled attacking slate/ the base. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shootemup/ RP Story: - (The storyline of the event) Execution: - (Flow/Timing) Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) Overall: [Rating] - [Reason] Story: [Rating] - [Reason] Execution: [Rating] - [Reason] Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]
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