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Everything posted by Matt-Matthos

  1. +1 I feel like now our event server maps either don't have a lot of potential/too laggy or used to much so I think this is much needed!
  2. +1 You can't just force people to be active. It also feels like people forget the word "time zones" so keep that in mind. I've never really heard anything major and toxic from the squad. From my point of view Omalic is doing a good job. Enforcing the rules in game and promoting RP with his squad, making sure his squad doesn't do anything dumb and making himself available if you need to bring something up to him. If theirs issues with certain members you can bring it up to Omalic. He will keep giving the position of Kal his all and making sure the Squad is being handled well and being put on a good standard which he has done and will keep doing. So best of luck to you sir
  3. yo guys please stop talking in ooc
  4. 5/10 I think on your part you did okay. I mean I feel like you were just spawning on top of me as we were chasing the massiff. You could of at least made holes in the ground instead of them appearing from nowhere. And the sealed suit thing was kinda of a cluster as a lot of us did the RP for it yet we still got infected.
  5. I do understand the point that we don't follow lore therefore it doesn't matter to have these characters in the faction. But let me add some light to this. Ventress stopped working with the CIS when clones were Phase 1. Savage worked very briefly with the CIS then jumped ship to work with Maul. I also feel like the point of "adding RP" doesn't seem to work because from what I've seen CIS Ops are just a group of droids and Dooku or Grievous killing clones with very little speaking in game or comms RP between each other and the clones. That doesn't sound like RP to me. And you may say ya sure but they can RP with Kenobi or something well again Ventress can be used as a EJ for that while Savage, well Savage kinda needs to be with Maul for him to work in my sense. Again the main focus for the CIS faction is to cause some havoc and kill some clones and Jedi, never really stop and RP. also feel like the CIS faction is just going to get more and more force folks yet its the CIS factions...not the sith one -1
  6. 7/10 appreciate you doing this for the bounty hunters. Its fun during down time
  7. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Head Admin to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  8. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Head Admin to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  9. +1 many have voiced this already.... this wouldn’t be just for CIS We have other droid jobs lol
  10. Name: Matt Who helped (If applicable): Foxey Event Name: Operation Silo Link to Event Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/195kMPxhukLtxU5LfEEICXfi52weaFb3yoGHY1_GGU3g/edit?usp=sharing
  11. Glad we got the chance to work together in the Jedi Order, Council, Guardian and the 501st. Best of luck to you
  12. The community awaits your return....hopefully
  13. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Head Admin to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  14. 2/10 Basically voicing the same issues that Gears brought up. It seemed to have just been handled poorly from what seemed to be a RDM fest with the infected running around punching and killing people to people killing the infected. It was hard to follow and I didn't understand the story and I was voiced many complaints specifically from the medics on how they couldn't do much MedRP.
  15. I’ve always heard good things from when your were Niner back when and I trust that you can do the same now. Although it seems that yes you feel a urge to do it like an obligation so I do hope you find a real drive for the position. +1
  16. Name: Matt Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: The Villagers Link to Event Document (optional): The CIS were being ruthless again and went to a village on Endor. They killed half of their population and burned all their belongings and the other half were transported to Geonosis for forced labor. Luckily the GAR were informed by a villager and traced the freed the villagers that were taken on Geonosis.
  17. Best of luck to you man. Truly man, hope you do well wherever you go.
  18. Name: Matt Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Forced Labor Link to Event Document (optional): A group of Republic Civi's were taken prisoner as they passed through the System. Why? Well the Umbarans don't like the GAR so they figured why not. Unfortunately for them one of the prisoners god a comms device and informed the Republic. Once they got their they took them down along with their operation. But the General may return with a larger force.
  19. Well if it is I haven't seen most them aside from you, Meena and Padme time to time. Thats 3 out of 8
  20. +1 This is very important and beneficial for the server's survival. NARC's must be added immediately and without delay!
  21. Ya I understand the issue. I figured it woudnt hurt anyone that not all the NPC's HP's were at 300 so it wasnt too easy for everyone
  22. Name: Matt Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Excavation Link to Event Document (optional): The CIS made a new type of vehicle by mounting a excavation drill onto a NR-N99. Their plan was to make pockets across the region to have marine droids occupy it but their planned failed. Their first plan was taking Aurek but failed due to them being caught by a patrol. Therefore their plans were foiled and they couldn't get the CIS garrison ready in time and they lost.
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