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Everything posted by JamicanBoy

  1. +1 Have been in CG for a while doing some good job Good luck man !
  2. -1 A lot of miss communication going on with the high Council And i Agree what Tetra Say. And second in the command don't have the same plan as you are trying to implement I care a lot of the Jedi Order.
  3. 5/3/5 It was funny asf xD Thx man
  4. +1 My man Active in the Jedi Order and Help us with the documents and Rules he help me a lot until now!. He ready to be in this Position good luck !
  5. +1 Good guy and he knows what he doing
  6. 10/10 I love it thx i got fun and nice event
  7. 10/10 Good Event thx man! i had fun!
  8. +1 Active always here when 104th need help or have question. his a good fit good luck
  9. Get 104th More officer and he active.
  10. +1 The goat himself he did great in the 104th as a CO i Trust him.
  11. JamicanBoy

    my Ban

    he wase in prisson falirp
  12. JamicanBoy

    my Ban

    i now we have waren is me and wareten is a CT we wase in prisson for Failrp change Name
  13. JamicanBoy

    my Ban

    and i play on the serv 32045h
  14. JamicanBoy

    my Ban

    no je suis VIP se pas un Nouveau compte
  15. JamicanBoy

    my Ban

    is the same region
  16. JamicanBoy

    my Ban

    a doc for the acc
  17. JamicanBoy

    my Ban

    a doc for the acc
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