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Everything posted by Foxey

  1. Truthfully, I've been sitting her pondering whether to support or oppose this application for a good half hour. I've got a tremendous amount of respect for you, Scarecrow. I've got faith in you, despite what's been said above. I realize it can be hard to complete things, and I understand the plea for more time in the interest of seeing things through. Once all that's done, it may be worth addressing the other concerns on this forum feed. +1
  2. Could always say no and cite times like this.
  3. Thinning the herd, so to speak, isn't the worst idea. All battalions are struggling in one way or another, and having the resources of the server less stretched would certainly be beneficial. The key is being open and accepting to members of battalions that get shut down, so that people don't just stop playing because their hard work and progress was for nothing.
  4. bro big -1 this guy posted this in my TS channel should probs get a ban for spreading around his application
  5. Not a bad idea, I've got memorial stuff this weekend. If possible, it ending officially on Monday, 10/7/19 will be great, thanks! @Agent
  6. +1 Everyone deserves a chance.
  7. So, I'm not new to Mount and Blade, I've got several hundred hours on this game. I'm not new to the Viking Conquest DLC either, I've got a fair bit of experience with it. Does anyone else have a hard ass time playing on normal difficulty? With the stamina, the bleeding, the shield bashing, the gear affecting your skills, and all of those other realism perks? After dying in combat for the fiftieth time I stopped trying to play normal and went back to beginner difficulty. Much less time consuming. Just looking for opinions / tips / tricks.
  8. I mean MLA format dictates Day, Month, Year And that's used globally, yeah? Sooooooooo tbh America does it wrong.
  9. Your Name: Foxey Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10143574 Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: Executive Officer, Intel Director, Medical Lead Dash-44 Battalion Commander(+)'s Name: FM Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID (OPTIONAL IF UNABLE TO FIND): STEAM_0:0:104948679 Battalion/Squad/Regiment/Brigade: 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion, Specialized Regiment Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?: FM uses Discord White Theme and refuses to change the error of his ways. Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?: Uh, yeah. Totally. Evidence against the individual?: https://prnt.sc/pdvqgo Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?: Wolfpack Lead Comet (Caulin)
  10. +1 Matt is a hard worker. Good luck man.
  11. I'm going to have to -1. I don't personally see Boutineer on the server a whole lot, but I'm well aware that he works hard behind the scenes- and that's really more important when you have a job like Yularen. Additionally, there is a lack of evidence. Don't take the feedback too hard Blue, some people are a bit more aggressive than others but it's all a learning experience.
  12. @Agent I'm going to extend this LOA to Friday if that's okay. My grandfather passed away yesterday.
  13. I was thinking that.. I remember deploying to Kashyyyk with Doom's Unit, Shock, and 21st. That's full Specialized.
  14. +1 (I'll take over for @Agent with saying this on every application) Everyone deserves a chance!
  15. +1 Edit: Glad you fixed your app, good luck man!
  16. 6/10 Honestly not a bad idea, but the health / tactics of the droids was an annoyance. It's just not fun to have something that's almost impossible to put down run into your line and murder everyone.
  17. Name: Foxey Staff Rank: Veteran Administrator Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 9/25/19 - 10/1/19 Reason: Homecoming week, going to be very busy these next few days. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes.
  18. +1 BigZach, I wholeheartedly support this. I believe you will do great things and wish you the best of luck.
  19. I've heard others are considering this position who have actually been around and doing things. Additionally, Agent has some fairly solid reasoning. It's a -1 from me.
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