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Everything posted by Fallout

  1. -1 Since im getting a lot of shit for this. Chrome has done a lot to revive the Sith and is trying to fix the problems within it your trying to take it away from him and many people that bought VIP. with the removal of sith the Jedi will have a lot less to do. it's just not fair to try and remove an entire faction especially trying 4 times. Just let the sith play it out for a while there is no need to get rid of them
  2. +1 allows me to bully him
  3. bunch of people played Roblox together late night
  4. RP Name: Sparrow/Aven Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91558011 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 15 Timezone: MST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an administrator because of the wonderful people I have met on here. I enjoy being event jobs and helping out the community. I am serious when I need to be, but enjoy having fun. I want to be an admin so I can help people with problems they have on the server and be there for them. I want to be one so I can be more important on the server I wish to help people with issues and dive deeper into issues within the server so I can help it. I like communicating with other people and as an admin, I can do it more often I can talk with other battalions and other people as a regular person I wouldn't be able to. With the number of people that join this server I wish to be there for them and any questions they have. My activity is daily there is almost never a day when I am not on. I'm a very positive person and would love sharing it with the rest of the server! I wish to prove myself once and for all that I am capable of doing something bigger than myself. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I was born in the western USA and have loved star wars ever since I was a little kid. I am an aspiring actor and have been in some things. I love RPing because it reminds me of my future career. I love hanging out with others and watching the clone wars! Now my favorite star wars character is either Wolffe or Obi-Wan (cliche I know.). finally, I wish to know people better on the server and people on the forums too! Do you have any previous staff experience? Sadly I do not but wish to get some more in the future! How much play time do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) | Alpha-22 SFC Aven has played for 284:32:04. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) Not Currently.
  5. 7/10 was good story got a bit jumbled but would enjoy more from you
  6. Good Event 7/10 10/10 if it did not crash. loved that it was not passive rp and constantly engaging with the sith lords but count dooku spam was big ridiculous.
  7. Wild event lots of casualties very fun event. +1 9/10
  8. 9/10 Glad to be apart of this event meant for the wolf pack found it very interesting and fun. liked the negotiations but did not like the player controlled Baddies they were a little to much at one point during the mission but other than that it was fun!
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