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Posts posted by McFisher

  1. Give the server a description so when you google it etc it actually tells you stuff.. idk just a small thing but just something nice to make it looks better and more professional. And idk how ti add a screenshot tbh

  2. -1. So it does damage, and it stuns the players for 5 seconds. But they only disable droids or electronics. in this they done no harm to the geonosians. just disabled their guns and cannons. yeah clones have comm links, maybe prosthetics or metal legs etc, but if it does it to All enemy's its abit dumb. like what if it was a civilian or a  creature  that was player controlled. and it sounds way too Overpowerd. imagine like 15 something clones are shooting a sith like what happen the other day with Elijah. if someone threw a droid popper when he was in the open and got him, he would be stuck for 5 seconds, lose all of his armour and enough time for 15 clones to absolutely destroy him. and we already have a  thermal detonator. unless its like 4 Mil it will be a pain in the ass for event jobs if most troops have these.


  3. Ngl as soon as j read this I laughed and went thags stupid af. After reading it. It's TRUE. Its inactive AF. Literally no BO are on at all. Only thing they do are debriefs and that's cut short. But ima -1 cause were getting rid of too much stuff. (2 heh) also took around a month to 2 to finally get me a BL appeal even though they were on many times before and able to


    • Disagree 1
  4. When people-1 you for being inactive although you're more active than the other nominee. Honestly stupid. Hes the most active outta the 2 and recently done the most for 41st and best for it. Just the way some people come out no where and get a BCMD job.

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