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Posts posted by McFisher

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

     I'd say/recommend waiting another year or so when there's an overwhelming amount of new faces to bring up this topic, and see if the new majority agrees upon it's return. If not, then that's just how it is I suppose. But you still have a vast majority of players still playing who agreed to its removal.

    Yes. the fact is the server is dying no doubt. no offense to young people but all the good RPers were around 17+. now its becoming more of a kid thing. and they're not that good at RP. as I said no offense. and the way its going with no updates. like its took 6 months and they still haven't enabled the MTT Prop. 6 months to do that! I doubt net year this will be a thing. like today icefuse and superior servers went down. we had a odd 30 cts come on. and around 80% of them I have talked to said it was boring and I can see why.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Ratio said:


    But what ppstine said was pretty much it. No one cared enough to keep it going save for a group of persistent people. It was quite unfortunate, really. When they were very clearly on the inevitable chopping block there was a brief resurgence, then they were gone; simple as that. Sith weren't the best thing to add to a Clone Wars RP server, but I'd be lying if I said that some of the most fun I have wasn't in or interacting with Sith.


    This behavior went both ways; from the RC blatantly hunting them, troopers breaking NLR and metagaming to get revenge on a Sith that killed them, to the Jedi always bitching them out for not being the best sparing partners at times. My friend on the server, Anderson, made a very good point when it came to the R.O.E. of Sith in that NO ONE would want to be Sith. The people that were had to be either masochists or just people begrudgingly accepting things the way they were. The best RPers were usually with the Sith, and many didn't get to express this because they were stuck just sitting in a shitty CGI Citizen outfit because they didn't want to get gunned down at first glance.

    I won't say there weren't shitty people in the Sith as well who were idiots, though. Definitely had their moments.

    I Agree. I Mean The dark lord went on a DayZ spar and never came on. but now there could be a leader. there was lots of leaders in the sith. You, bro, dark. all the other lords. RC just shoots them yes but this new map is trash. its not a bad map but the people on this server aren't the best at starting RP. GMs are kinda esh atm. NGL when dennis etc was sith the RP then was much better. jedi were always lame cause they didn't like losing. its just now the server is kinda dead. no updates. no good events etc. if we tried to add a faction it could be better. like if you go on the server now all we are doing is Bhopping around. I tried to start RP but everyone didn't care.

    • Friendly 1
  3. Just now, Pythin said:

    Hell No

    I think a faction would be good to add for downtime hours, but not the sith. People who were sith got too edgy, and most of the time acted like baffoons.

    If a faction where to be added I like the gang faction, or like a CIS faction 

    Yeah I mean id like sith and some others but another faction would be great. cause EU times are down times. theres lots of VIPs and not many SA+ so there aren't any events. but adding a faction is a server suggestion and pft where even are they anymore.

  4. why were they even removed? because joah said? it created RP when no events or encounters were happening. No when no events were happening the server is DEAD. Tryouts and maybe trainings. back on endor it was always busy and fun. IDK If there was drama but no were serious RP and it shouldn't be mingy. and if they minge all it takes is an easy BL. If we need a temple just add the old one onto it. I think Lots of people can agree the sith was so much fun. Promotions, Spars, trials in general. the fights between jedi and sith. the rivalry. it was so good. Now idk why they were removed no hate on me please just yeah just wonderingggggggggg thanks . i feel like the only people that hate them is SOBDE, high jedi people or people that don't like losing. cause   I only made this because the server seems to be kinda slowly dying. thanks. Pls no ban lmao kinda seems like someone is trying to kill the server no fingers pointed im just putting it out t here

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  5. -1 I've saw you a couple times and never seriously rpd. I remember you trying to kidnap me as meena Tills and on a deployment you kept insulting me 😅 it was funny but went way over the top when you tried to get me killed. But I do like you but the birthday pts got me like nah but if I'm back too soon then so are you but I would +1 if it was next term

  6. 52 minutes ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:

    -1 bruh... I’m just thinking back to when you mass rdm’d the cc room and killed everyone as a vet admin. Sorry man

    Erm what 😂. Okay sorry but the one arrest was I Knifed someone I cant remember who but they were a admin at the time I thought it was cubby but cant remember in the cc room. And never mass rdm'd as a vet admin. Can you tell me some more details because I'm pretty sure that has never happend. Thanks

  7. 8 minutes ago, Piff said:

    -1 you almost got arrested a few days ago, i haven't seen any change from you at all, and you brought the drama to yourself due to the fact that you were in mutiple battalions at the sametime

    Hey. Yeah Thursday was a MASSIVE hiccup In the road and now I realise how that affected me. I know I should've of don't it and on a trip of good. and I didn't mean to cause all this drama. all I meant to do was get a month BL from all Batts for a short while. I didn't want it to get this escalated but thank you.

  8. Title of Thread:  CWRP - (Name) Staff Re-Application

    RP Name: McFisher

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:455161689

    VIP (Y/N): Yes

    Age: 16


    What was your previous staff rank?: Vet. Admin


    Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): Nope.


    Why did you leave the staff, team?: so I left as at the time there was lots of unnessacery drama. And I got abit annoyed at something that in all fairness wasn't needed. and I think I just broke and like snapped and just resigned from everything. also it was because I didn't think I had a future in the staff ranks as HA didn't look promising because everyone thought I was a minge. and starting college and a girlfriend got me like uuhhh im busy sorry and quite stressed. but im fine now.


    Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: well I asked someone if I could get around a month BL from all batts as I thought to myself im kinda batthopping. I told t hem something I had done around 5 months ago expecting around a month BL to let myself ease off. ended up being perma BL from most things. I lost a lot of friends and stuff Like My BO etc. and something happened not long ago which really got me in the mood for this server and wanting to get back into it. im trying my hardest to NOT minge at all. and id like to prove some people wrong that all I am is a minge. I think becoming staff will help me to prove this and become the best I can. and also Early EU times again SAs are quite low so an extra hand is good. id just like to apologise for everything and earn my stuff back and give myself rep as not a minge. all criticism is taken and I will try my best to stop mingling as I have started being serious RP. (For those wondering yes Thursday was a really off day and all I can do is apologise for me and my friends actions.) Ik if I get denied ill have to wait 30 days and I am read to as this might be abit too early.


    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: yes


    Sorry about my bio thing at the bottom lmao idk how to change it now. 

  9. Woah as soon as someone popular -1s it everyone else does. Erm idk ima +1 cause you're British and seems like the best for the time being. Idk about what changes you've done cause I'm going through a rough patch and took it out on the server so I'd but good luck

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