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Posts posted by McFisher

  1. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Chrome, Eren, Lie, Jaxxx

    Event Name: Chromes Death

    Summary of the story: chrome and a small group of sith attack. steals holocrons. kills loads of clones. all die. the end.

    What was the result of the event?: chrome and all the sith die

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

  2. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: CIS Boot Camp

    Summary of the story: 104th drop into a cis occupied area using pods, attack a base, find a dead acclimator. go down a cave, get trapped. go to the temple get attacked still etc then get bombarded from above.

    What was the result of the event?: Abit shakey to start of with

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em u

  3. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Me, McFisher, Yourself

    Event Name: CIS Drop

    Summary of the story: The CIS Sends in a commando with a secret pod which locates a signal where they attack. use different things like domes, turbolasers etc just testing really. hett pulls 2 Frigates down wit hthe force. yeah

    What was the result of the event?: CIS = ded

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  4. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Knight

    Event Name: CIS Got Bored

    Summary of the story: CIS attack. a basic shoot em up. was  gonna use zombies but too much lag. done some sick tunes to keep a beat then went to bravo etc yano standard

    What was the result of the event?: droids DieD

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: soot em up

  5. Bug Type (Server:): Clone Wars / possibly crashes the server

    Severity level (1-3): 3

    Evidence (if you can): I have no video proof but Qall and Jayarr have both went on the jobs and experienced it, and it crashed with Qall.

    Description of the bug:whenever Mas Amedda Gets killed, his camera freaks tf out. spasses everywhere and into the sky box. it he gets defibbed, he either spawns in the sky box un able to move, or in 2 cases it has crashed the server. I thought the first was a fluke but it was not. 

    How can we recreate it: Just get stabbed or shot on the job then use the defibs.

  6. I have two suggestions so I'll post the other below

    Name: McFisher
    Suggestion: allow VAs to give channel admin and channel key
    Where would this be implemented?:Teamspeak. Give the VA tag the power to give it.
    How would this benefit the TeamSpeak/Community?: Theres only 6 HAs. Like 3 are on ROA and LOA. and the other are not on at certain times. But theres ALWAYS a VA+ on so people dint have to ask like 3 HAs and sit waiting. Especially early UK time there aren't any HAs on and I geg asked for channel key but I cannot give it em
    Have you asked for Feedback from others about this suggestion?: No but I think people would prefer this as VAs wouldnt do anything stupid with it and like carvis suggestion it would help us loads
    Briefly explain why this should be implemented?: as theres always a VA on teamspeak and people dont have to wait for a HA to come on
  7. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Rancor eARC HVOL LTC Techno, Young, Blaki, Stag, kubert, darman

    Event Name: Shock Prison

    Summary of the story: shock went to a prison. stone became a warden. cab bane tried to escape. 3 our of thr 6 did. the others were exexuted. long RP days.

    What was the result of the event?: Lots of good RP they enjoyed it

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP

  8. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Joah ;)

    Event Name: Darth Joahs Wrath

    Summary of the story: CIS Attacked. Used drill pods to dig into the base. attacked palpy. darth joah attacked slaying everyone. palpy gets bummed. erm then the CIS unleash a new MAC Cannon. kill everyone. gets killed and darth joah 

    What was the result of the event?: The sith  and the weapon is destroyed

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

  9. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Shake

    Event Name: CIS Takedown

    Summary of the story: CIS Attack. Pods. Carrier. Droids in base. commandos attack. death

    What was the result of the event?: I Got merked by the whole base it was like a 1v17

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

  10. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: Coaxium Pick Up

    Summary of the story: 104th has to secure 104th through a CIS Controlled city. Get the coaxium and get out of there. some roads were blocked off causing them to go around.

    What was the result of the event?: they realised the coaxium and saved 3 twileks

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

  11. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Vango, Dopamine, Amsel, Xander

    Event Name: HVT takedown

    Summary of the story: Rancor, 21st and SOBDE has to make their way through a island run by the CIS into a very secured lair. here they will find information that's classified to everyone EXCEPT SOBDE Squad Leads. They have to collect this information, assassinate the Boss and escape. there's 2 ways in. Through under water hacking and fighting, or a full frontal attack. but if they enter through one way, they have to leave in the other. and one is MUCH harder than  the other. Then they leave the island and report back. Apologies it was much shorter and dint have as much RP than expected. all feedback and improvements are appriciated

    What was the result of the event?: they spilt and sandwiched the base. killed the target and rescued a VIP, A RC. they then left the base with some resistance and got back safley

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  12. This is such irrelevant drama. like why make so many fake accounts to get a single person banned like what? could've earnt enough money to make your own server.like an Instagram account? whaaaaaa. and im the only follower F but seriously this needs to stop

  13. Name:McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): sonny

    Event Name: Vice Admirals Encounter

    Summary of the story: a vice admiral lands on endor with a broken ship. engineers fix it whilst he goes to bravo, where the jedi spikes his drink and he steals a LAAT and hurts Tarkin and kills a trooper. theres some Med RP and the vice admiral is interrogated. he gets sent to prison and the 2ndlt crashes because the ships navi computer wasn't working properly.

    What was the result of the event?: 2ndlt dies. vice admiral gets prisoned.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: passive RP

  14. Name: McFisher

    Who helped (If applicable): Rose, Failsafe, stag

    Event Name: Mauls Raid PT1

    Summary of the story: Maul and oppress captured the fallen temple and looked for holocrons when a death-watch scout with important info got captured. savage went to capture him and failed and rertraeted when the republic attacked the temple. they capture both sith and interrogate them. death-watch try to save the lords but powerful body's stopped them from doing so. so they were successfully transported to courasant when they will be a deployment 

    What was the result of the event?: They got sent courasant for a deployment

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

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