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Posts posted by Bbstine

  1. I disagree and let me explain why.

    The Regimental Commander position is a useful tool when it comes to the feeling of progression, it’s also more responsibility in terms of high command structure. I’d feel more comfortable with someone who was a BCMD for the first time, to become a Regimental and run 2-3 battalions then to immediately become the MCMD and run all the battalions while also establishing rules for the server with the Directors


    The system we have now is better then the one we had before, we had BCMDS, Regimentals, Senior Commanders, and the MCMD, by wiping out the SC we created a work flow that most new regimentals will never know due to the people before them setting the current  standards. 

    What we have is good, nothing wrong with it other then it being boring, but the engagement of the job comes from the player in the job. From a development standpoint we have given the server and the jobs the tools to create RP, it just now comes from the players.


    I think people forgot the aspect of roleplay on a roleplay server, when voting on Commander Apps please consider their experience, but most of all consider their ability to create meaningful roleplay on the server.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Conrad said:

    @Bbstine You wanna tell everyone how quickly the synergy modded server died?

    Straight pure vanilla is the best way to play minecraft for the long term in my opinion. Modded can be really fun in short burst, but the issue with modded minecraft has always and will always be balancing 100x mods being put together. Something is always the "easier way", and always allows you to get to insane levels relatively quickly, giving someone access to world ending items in like a week of hard core play. The modpacks that do try to fix this by making all crafting things insane are hurt by it taking a week to finish one machine. Vanilla lets you focus on building, interacting with people, creating fun mini games to keep yourself and other entertained, instead of just grinding out machines to create your doomsday weapon.

    Minecraft server died because I didn’t pay for it goofball.

    Modded Minecraft packs take a lot of ram and I simply didn’t  have 50+ dollars to spend a month on something.

  3. That’s my bad if I’m honest with you, we’ve recently started to move sections around so links aren’t leading to the correct place and I haven’t had the time to correct the Trello, however if you’re looking for a map suggestions status and it’s not in denied nor is it in accepted, it’s being looked at to be added in an upcoming update.

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