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Posts posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hayley said:

    1. Was abusing powers as Ahsoka, got removed by staff ( And no I didn't get him removed, nor did I want him removed, he got caught by someone and got himself removed)
    2. Minges during debriefs, has broken PTS and gotten arrested.
    There's much more I can go on, but you get the point.
    I also have no hate for Sniff. Hate is a strong word, but I do believe with the way he acts on the server, he is not ready for a position like this.
    Let's keep this civil.

    1) Didn't get removed by staff, was removed by llama and it wasn't for abusing force powers.

    2) The arrest was falsed, you can ask LTC Holo in shock.

    Just to clarify... 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Llama/Yoda said:

    I can wholeheartedly +1, this man has been doing an excellent job as my Ordo and there is no one I would trust more to take my place as Papa than this lad right here. Good luck my son, I know you will make Ba'buir and I proud!

    I actually love you man. You don't know how much I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to become your XO. I've grown very close to you in my time in SO BDE, especially in null. And i'm really sad that you left, but happy that you believed in me so much to make me your XO. ;( ❤️

  3. 4 minutes ago, Faded said:

    Felix and A-a-ron have a valid point on your application. I've witnessed you in game, and watched you conduct a debrief. It seems you're lacking maturity and have a problem upholding a professional manner. Saying derogatory words behind someone's back is never okay; only, if you say it to their face! 😉I've done a lot of stupid stuff on this server, been every Null (except Prudii,) and been in SO BDE entirely seven times. You seem capable learning from mistakes and striving to do better, but you shouldn't be doing these actions as Ordo! C'mon, man. Be a leader not a follower. As for Felix's comment: you shouldn't be disrespecting each other. You were both in the same damn squad! You're basically an internet family! I understand you have friend groups in SO BDE and you may dislike others, but learn to be a better person. Everyone makes mistakes, but do you learn from them? I've been blacklisted from majority of SO BDE and was a delinquent in Foxtrot. Once I got A'den (first time,) I straightened my act up. Till this day, I've never been arrested on a Null job. 

    I trust the act of your position as Ordo.

    As Prince told me...
    "Don't try to be another Kal. Whether it be Cipher, Korm, or I. Make it your own because that's what will make you enjoy the role." ~Prince
    "You're suppose to be elite, not autistic" ~Thexan

    Don't do what I did, Sniff. I just piggybacked Null and changed a few things. Take all the leadership from other squads leads and past experience and combine it into your own. Lead Null the way you want them to be.


    Don't make me regret my decision. I want you to prove me wrong. Succeed, have fun, and take care of Clan Skirata. 

    The support and you believing in me means a lot to me personally, thanks man... <3

    • Winner 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

    Sorry Sniff but agree with everything that Felix has said, you have shit talked me behind my back and I found out through other people I've just never brought it up before. One time you deleted all of SOBDE bunks while messing around and when I materialized you and told you to put the props back, you then threw a massive hissy fit. Moving me multiple times in TS and refusing to put the props back. You basically held bunks hostage until you got exactly what you wanted and nothing less.

    There have been times in events where you just can't admit you were wrong, whenever someone disagrees with you you instantly go you "You're retarded" "Stop being a retard" I've seen it countless times and have been part of it countless times.

    In your mind you're never wrong, I just can't see someone like that in the position of Kal Skirata or a squad lead in general. 

    Understandable sorry you feel that way. I would've really liked it if you brought it up though so we could talk about it.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Felix said:

    -1 So back when i was Kom'rk you did a decent amount of things that started to stack up and i didn't like at all, First, Back when you and Tino were mass repping each other, i dumbed some of your post and then you dumbed some of mine then idk if you did,  but sanchez pulled both of us into a channel and told us to both stopped and i did obviously and i wasn't mad about being dumbed, but you, before we even got pulled by sanchez you sent me this


    If you can't see that it says 


    Im actually gonna remove you

    dont test me

    So basically you were being hypocritical when you sent me that cause first off i dumbed you but you did the samething, so i don't see how you weren't in the wrong here. Second time you threaten to remove me again, was during BVB against 327th, everyone was getting all bitchy about ohhh nigel's helping 327th and literally going on a witchhunt trying to see if he was in or not and trying to keep him out, then you pulled me into a channel saying this will be an issue if you dont participate and lead to you being removed, and i was like what? because first off its my choice if i want to participate or not, you can't force me and then threaten to remove me just cause i don't want to and i decided to do that because i didn't want to be part of yalls petty shit of oh hes not in 327th. also your attitude and the way you act is a no go for me bud, as well the way you shit talk people behind thier backs, you're suppose to be an example. and i never reported you ahead of time because you would most likely try to make up some BS reason to remove me and i left before because i don't want to be part of a squad who has someone who doesn't know how to act correctly and also who abuses their power and threatens their own members with removal if they do or don't do something

    To explain we were both in a joking mood and we were even mass dumbing eachother atleast I thought we were joking around lol I didn't mean for you to take it seriously. Regarding me talking to you about the removal with the whole BvB thing, people have been removed in the past for the exact same reason you can ask XO+ in SO BDE. You also tried to accuse me and a few Squad leads and a director of talking shit about alpha behind their back, which also never happened, due to the fact that we have a great relationship with alpha, so im not sure much of what you say is true. I understand if you want to keep your -1 and you can DM me on discord regarding any other questions.

  6. 1 minute ago, Bbstine said:

    Dude, you’ve greatly grown up from the minge you were when you first joined the server. It brought me great hope for you when you caught up your act and sharpened up. You made me proud and I couldn’t have asked for a better Master when you finally joined the Council. You were a fantastic Ordo from what I have heard, you received not only one recommendation from someone who was Kal but you earned the respect from all of the SO BDE.


    +1, you’ll be a great Kal Skirata. 

    It won't let me react anymore cuz epic gamers

    but I love you man this gave me goose bumps 

    <3 <3 <3

    • Friendly 1

    Steam Name:[SR] ISNIFFPROPANE [VA]




    RP Name: Null-11 Captain Ordo Skirata 




    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:188628909




    Battalion or squad you are applying for:Null






    Foxtrot Jedi Iri Camas:

    This was when I had my first taste of SO BDE. Feeling the freedom that they all had, being able to become part of the culture that was present in SO BDE was one of the most amazing experiences that I've had, especially on my jedi. I wasn't Iri camas for too long though, as I left shortly after to go for Serra Keto, another named Jedi, but at that first moment, when I felt like part of SO BDE, I never forgot, and I've always wanted to join back since then, which is why I did.


    Jedi Warrior Bith Master Sniff and Jocasta Nu: 

    Basically, at one point after working very hard to improve the branches of Sentinel and Guardian within the Jedi, I was put up for master and promoted shortly after. This has been a great experience for me up to this point, and has taught me many things, like hard choices that are needed to be made, and leadership skills. At one point, I went for Jocasta Nu, but since I was maining Ordo, I decided that I needed to drop the position due to the fact that I didn’t want to taint the legacy that previous Jocastas have created for that character. To this day, I am currently an Unnamed master, and am I trying to juggle between Ordo and Master, hosting trials, and dealing with questions that younger less experienced Jedi may have.


    327th Warrant Officer Green:

    The first battalion when I ever joined the server was 327th. This is where I was able to reach my first officer rank, as well as become a regiment officer  in ARC, and learn everything that means to be a leader in a battalion. I was able to make a name for myself in 327th, by recruiting over 20 people in my final month, and getting promoted to warrant officer and in the 327th, the lore character Green. Unfortunately, my warrant officer term was cut short due to trying out for a SO BDE position and passing. My desire to join SO BDE was too strong to keep me in 327th, though it will always have a special place in my heart, with many of my close friends coming from there, and it being my first battalion and all. 


    Delta Six-Two "Scorch":

    I was super lucky to finally pass my first tryout, and become a fully fledged member of the brigade. I managed to reach the rank of commander, with Agent being my Boss, and I was delighted to have him. I had a really good squad with me, with Cabrera as Sev, and Zeik as fixer, and I feel like we had a really close relationship to each other, and this really made me a part of SO BDE. When I joined Delta, I knew that I would be here for a while, and I've loved SO BDE ever since. 


    Null-12 Sergeant A'den Skirata: 

    My goal, long before Scorch, was to one day join Null. I've always been fascinated by Null, their lore, their mandalorian culture, everything about it intrigued me. I think that when I became Scorch it was more of a trial run for me, to see if I fit in this place, with the culture, and these people that I hung out with almost every day. It ended up being an amazing experience, and after a while, with a lot of experience in SO BDE, after hearing that a few spots opened in Null, with the current Ordo leaving, and the Current A'den being promoted to Ordo, as well as Mereel was open. My really close friend, regional, wanted to go for the position Mereel, and I instantly knew that I wanted to come with him, at the time, I didn't know which character exactly I would want to be, but I knew that I wanted to be in Null and that, that was where I belonged. I absolutely enjoyed my time as A’den, and it was one of the most enjoyable times I’ve had in SO BDE Rping as Sergeant A’den, and I will never forget the experience I’ve had.


    Null-6 Lieutenant Kom’rk Skirata:

    After learning that the current kom’rk would soon be running for Marshal Commander, I jumped to the opportunity of becoming him. I really wanted to become Kom’rk to enjoy different experience as rping and stepping into the shoes of the character Kom’rk. Kom’rk was definitely a cool experience that I enjoyed. Being a medic is in SO BDE is super fun, as there are only a few of them, and there is a huge responsibility on medics, and reliance that they would be there for you when you need them. At this point, and I learned many lessons on responsibility, and what it means to be a leader, as multiple times I would be left in charge when Kal and Ordo weren’t on. Kom’rk was the first leadership experience that I’ve had in SO BDE, and ever since I wanted to continue assisting the Brigade, trying to assist in as many things as I can, and slowly working my way up into becoming the XO of Null.


    Null-11 Captain Ordo Skirata:

    So, eventually, after being Kom’rk for a bit in Null, I was presented with the opportunity to become Ordo by Llama, who was my Kal. Llama was one of my best friends in SO BDE, and the server in general, and I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to step into a leadership position in SO BDE, and join one of my friends in the prospect of improving the squad, to become what its known as in SO BDE as an examplitory squad. Llama slowly taught me what it means to be a leader, and has mentored me all the way up to the point, up to applying for Kal. Llama and I slowly worked on making Null an example for SO BDE, and something that people might be able to follow and look up to in the brigade, and the server in general by keeping our boys and check, and setting an example. The experience that Llama gave to me as Ordo is something that I will never be able to repay him for. Ordo has been one of my most precious and entertaining times on the server, and I don’t know where I would be on the server today and as a person if it wasn’t for Llama. SO BDE in general taught me how to act, and taught that with responsibilities, come a change of attitude. If you want to be respected by your boys, you need to earn it. And I am really thankful to everyone in SO BDE who has helped me get to this point. 




    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    I think that I should become the Battalion Commander of Null, do to the experience that I’ve gained throughout my time in SO BDE. As a Battalion Commander, I want to make sure that anyone else who joins, has one of the most memorable, and fun experiences that they’ve had on the server, because that’s what it’s all about. I want them to enjoy it just as I have. Being able to project this experience onto other players gives me a heartwarming feeling, and I would love to continue to do it as the father of Null. I also feel as though I have the leadership, activity, and mindset to support Null, and be able to keep it full, by running tryouts consistently and making sure the right people get in, so that we as Null, set an example, rather than tarnishing the legacy that previous members have worked towards building.



    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:





    Monday: 4:30PM - 11:00PM EST

    Tuesday: 4:30PM - 11:00PM EST

    Wednesday: 4:30PM - 11:00PM EST

    Thursday: 4:30PM - 11:00PM EST

    Friday: 8:00PM - 12:00AM EST

    Saturday: 1:00PM - The rest of the day on and off

    Sunday: All Day On and Off



    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

    I believe since about March of this year.



    Do you have a microphone?:




    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    I want Null to continue to be the exemplary squad that is to this day. I want other people in the Regiment, and everyone on the server in general to be able to look at the squad and say “Hey, one day, I want to be there.” Just as I did when I first joined the server. Other than that, I want everyone to know their character well, and be able to engage in active, heavy RP. The lore of Null is very interesting and I want everyone to be engaged in that. And lastly, I want Null to be a brotherhood. As it is, the entire regiment is very close to each other, and we all know each other personally. I want it to continue to be a place where people can join, and become a part of this very close group of people that we have created, and care deeply for each other, in a none ya know sexual way or anything like that, just a brotherly love. 



    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    Well of course



    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: 

    Hell yeah brother

  8. You're the XO which shows that the previous BCMD has faith in you and wants you to apply. 

    Now I myself have had some very positive interractions with you, and have witnessed first hand that you can lead and manage your battalion the absence of rex and you have a very positive attitude in general. And because of that I'm going to +1.

  9. On 12/12/2019 at 9:47 PM, Machina219 said:

    Advertisement of the server: I send a single PM/Private Message to 1 person who asked for a twitch link when i was saying some shit about me streaming on twitch ABOUT the server itself. The stream in question was related to the server but i will admit i was talking some shit but again it was in relation to me being angry about sith being removed.

    You @'d everyone in the sith discord, and it wasn't even an @ everyone

    you @'d every individual role so that it would override the @ mute that discord has and ping everybody, and you knew that, and you did it on purpose.

    On 12/12/2019 at 9:47 PM, Machina219 said:

    Disrespect: I think it was rose or one of the NA/Admins at the time i disrespected of which he did not deserve the blatant disrespect and for that i profusely apologize.

    You were pretty much harrassing me when I was trying to deal with you in a sit and you just kept leaving your cell and when I put you back you just kept insulting me

    I would love it if I could find that stream and I know everyone who watched that knew you were just straight up trying to get yourself banned, and try to make a whole big show out of it by advertising your stream everywhere. 


  10. This won't work with how our server is set up with DarkRP

    and to be able to add this without tanking the performance more than it already is (And its already really bad) they would have to create a custom script which most likely wont happen


    • Friendly 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Qal said:

    Attack Regiment:

    1) 501st Legion

              A) Torrent Company 

              B) Doom's Unit

    2) 212th Attack Battalion

              A) 2nd Airborn Company / Parji

              B) Ghost Company 

              C) Foxtrot (TBH Not needed)

    Specialized Battalions:

    1) 104th Mechanized Battalion

              A) Wolfpacm

    2) 21st Nova Corps

              A) Galactic Marines / Keller's Unit

              B) Special Operations / Shadow Company

    Recon Regiment:

    1) 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps

              Lightning Squad

    2) RANCOR 

              A) Alpha ARCs

    Special Operations Brigade:

    1) Delta Squad

    2) Omega Squad

    3) (Possible 3rd Squad)


    Shock Trooper/5th Fleet (Depending on Map)



    IMO 2 Batts per regiment. And these are my picks because of Server Content and Lore

    IK DU is not under 501st in lore but I like the concept of the battalion and I believe it could be an amazing subunit instead of a battalion.

    Ik it's not what people want to here , but this is just my thoughts on this. 

    wheres null

    • Agree 1
  12. On 12/7/2019 at 4:24 PM, Tinovious said:

    It would have to be ran correctly. Set in the right time frame, for example. 2552, right at the climax of the War. We could follow the UNSC’s rank structure and such and have High command be different members of HighCom. Most halo servers have tier classes which kinda ruins it, but paying for models and such would be expensive. 


  13. On 12/6/2019 at 9:49 PM, Rose said:

    -1 gotta be honest here I don't see you on as much. obviously I am not on 24/7 but im on most hours throughout the week and its been probably 3 weeks since I last saw you consistently on server. I have nothing against you personally but activity wise FYI blows you out of the water and I think he is the better candidate. 


    On 12/6/2019 at 10:52 PM, Tabbycat said:

    -1 -- I agree with the lack of activity from Rose.

    The reason he hasn't been much is because he's been on ROA for about 2 weeks due to his full time job + School has been overwelming him, and he was losing a lot of energy from that so he wasn't able to get on. and I can give you an exact date if you'd like. Recently though, the ROA has ended, and he's been getting on basically every other day, and is slowly gonna start to merge into every day when he has more time opening up. I can tell you Llama isn't an inactive pleb hes been on like everyday 7 days a week for like 5+ hours a day before because he didn't have work and stuff like that. 

  14. +1 I've literally only known you to be in 327th, and never saw you anywhere else in my time on this server

    you're super loyal to the battalion, and you're someone everyone can look up to.

    I look forward to seeing some amazing changes and improvements coming from you as bly. 

    Good luck!

    • Friendly 1
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