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Posts posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. 9 hours ago, Tinovious said:


    As a former, Niner, Kal and Regimental of the Special Operations Brigade. I’ve seen Sniff progress within SO BDE. For better, or for worse.

    Concurrently, I’m staring at my screen pondering if I should +1 this or -1 it because I cannot neutral it. You have the support of the brigade, and that enlightens me to see. Everyone is a pretty close packed group within SO BDE.

    Now, I’m not sure if my personal opinion. Though, I’m going to give my two cents. I can not deny the god you have done within SO BDE. It’s great, you’ve been active, and done things. You’ve worked hard personally. Although, there is things that I’ve seen and been victim to that I’m weary of. As a Regimental, you will be the figurehead and the role model for not just people within SO BDE but others outside of it who aspire to join the brigade.

    First and foremost. Your attitude is a big mountain that you’ll need to overcome, Throughout my time as being your Squad lead, Reg and XO. I have collected thoughts on your overall attitude on feedback from others. You are, entitled to your opinion, yes. But when others try to form an opinion against you, Your behaviour becomes that of a selfish child. Which, can be bad for a leader. Especially when others are constantly going to be critiquing you. 

    Secondly, There has been a few mishaps in terms of being a good role model. Where in game you are literally telling people (Bounty Hunters.) to “Fuck off” and personally going out of your way to seems like witch hunt them. Now I’m not saying I agree with what bounty hunters do, but as Kal. I see him as a figurehead of not just Null but literally a senior figurehead of SO BDE. You constantly tell people to act mature and behave when sometimes, you are truly going against the on things you are telling your lads to do.

    Thirdly, You like to overstep your boundaries. Throughout my time back, I have seen you do things without properly advising our current Regimental and it seems that you are going out of your way to do those things as a popularity stunt. Communication is key, wether it be making different changes to discord or making changes to the brigade as a whole. You should always consult your reg.

    Fourthly, I believe that at the time of writing this. You are definitely going through a change, but I’m weary. I always will be. You’ve personally told me not to promote Venom in PM’s. (Our current prudii.) as he spoke against the new changes to null being promoted, and he’d rather be locked at captain like the original things. Now I supported your changes to Null and I still stand by them. 

    Furthermore. I understand that the outreach program is optional. I changed it back to that way, and you’re interested in changing the outreach so more of SO BDE do things. Though, it’s old news and some people just aren’t as interested in such things. And yet you don’t even do a lot of work as outreach yourself before Kal except deploy. Also; You were never left in charge as Kom’rk when myself and Llama were running Null. 

    I’d like to close this up now. Sniff, I love you. You are one of my closest friends on the server, and now at my closing statement. I am going to +1 you, and support you. I just wanted to provide an open floor, so that you can improve. This isn’t to witch hunt you or personally quarrel with you. Good luck.


    I just want to clear some things up by saying, when venom spoke out against the change of promotions I PM’d you saying not to promote him because he personally asked not to get promoted that was just his preference. And also when you were Kal and Llama was Ordo when you weren’t on and Llama was getting off he would sometimes leave me in charge to clarify. Also for the Overstepping part, I never really did any big changes to the entire regiment without the approval or consultation of the regimental so if you could give an example of when that happened I would appreciate it. Overall I will make sure to work on the things you said and try to improve myself whether or not I get the position.

  2. 3 hours ago, Pythin said:


    I’m sorry Sniff, but I just can’t support you. You have been if not the rudest person I have ever met on my time on the server. From what I see, and what I hear. You just don’t treat people right. I feel as if you are 2 kinds of people. You treat people you wanna find lit, and all others like shit, and that’s not how a good leader should act. You should follow 4 good things in being a great leader


    I think you don’t have 3 of these, and I’ll explain in here

    -Relations. I have been a member in a battalion for a while, and I’m not gonna use names here since it’s stupid to do so, and you have done literally nothing with them. As a outreach I know you don’t have to do a lot for a battalion, but if you sign up you should at least help them with small task. You did nothing.

    -Attittude. You have the worst attitude towards people, and are kinda of a “Shmuck”. Their is a incident that I know of, and have evidence of, where you removed someone for just giving their opinion, and trying to help you out. You have so much pride that you honestly don’t view others opinions about you correctly. If someone has criticism you either remove them, or treat them like shit. Sometimes you don’t even ever treat them right. To be a good leader you wanna be nice to be people, and represent your squad or battalion with maturity. You don’t have maturity, and I wouldn’t want a person who doesn’t have the right standards in a leading position. 

    Personal falls under Attitude.

    Only thing you have is Communication. You communicate well within SOBDE and others.

    With all these I can’t give you my support. With how bad you treat others, including me, I can’t. Hope you have the best of Luck!




    -Relations. The reason as an outreach, the relations I had with 41st weren't so good, or seemed to not be good is because of their expectations, they didn't have the set expectations or standards that we had for our outreaches. We had it so that its optional to have an outreach, and you don't have to have one, but if you do have one your main priority is to be the squad not the outreach for obvious reason... 41st wasn't aware of that or even how many outreaches they had ending up being just me we didn't meet the expectations that they thought we had and it caused clash. This is one of the things I said I would work on would be communication with battalions in my app.


    -Attitude, in my personal opinion, there was no reason to call me a shmuk, I don't know who that helps, just seems like a random insult. and also the removal that you are talking about, we both admitted we had problems going on irl so we were exceptionally moody and not understanding, and also the argument was over discord so it was hard to hear what tone we were talking in, and yes I admit to making that mistake of removing him, which is why I asked him if he would join back not an hour after... and we resolved things. I talked about this in my app too that I would try to never make that mistake again because I know how it feels.

    -personal I don't know what you mean by this


    This is why I respectfully disagree with what you said, but thank you for leaving the feedback and I will make sure to look into the things they said and make sure that they don't happen now or in the future.

  3. Steam Name: ISNIFFPROPANE


    RP Name: Special Adviser Kal Skirata


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:188628909


    Regiment you are applying for: Special Operations Brigade




    327th Warrant Officer Green:


    The first battalion when I ever joined the server was 327th. This is where I was able to reach my first officer rank, as well as become a regiment officer  in ARC, and learn everything that means to be a leader in a battalion. I was able to make a name for myself in 327th, by recruiting over 20 people in my final month, and getting promoted to warrant officer and in the 327th, the lore character Green. Unfortunately, my warrant officer term was cut short due to trying out for a SO BDE position and passing. My desire to join SO BDE was too strong to keep me in 327th, though it will always have a special place in my heart, with many of my close friends coming from there, and it being my first battalion and all. 


    Jedi Warrior Bith Master Sniff and Jocasta Nu: 


    Basically, at one point after working very hard to improve the branches of Sentinel and Guardian within the Jedi, I was put up for master and promoted shortly after. This has been a great experience for me up to this point, and has taught me many things, like hard choices that are needed to be made, and leadership skills. At one point, I went for Jocasta Nu, but I decided to main Ordo, I decided that I needed to drop the position due to the fact that I didn’t want to taint the legacy that previous Jocastas have created for that character with a lack of activity because I wanted to focus on Null. Soon after I became an unnamed Master for a short bit, hosted trials did all those types of things, and resigned soon after getting Kal into Elder Knight so that I could focus more on Null.


    Foxtrot Jedi Iri Camas:


    This was when I had my first taste of SO BDE. Feeling the freedom that they all had, being able to become part of the culture that was present in SO BDE was one of the most amazing experiences that I've had, especially on my jedi. I wasn't Iri camas for too long though, as I left shortly after to go for Serra Keto, another named Jedi, but at that first moment, when I felt like part of SO BDE, I never forgot, and I've always wanted to join back since then, which is why I did.




    Delta Six-Two "Scorch":


    I was super lucky to finally pass my first tryout, and become a fully fledged member of the brigade. I managed to reach the rank of commander, with Agent being my Boss, and I was delighted to have him. I had a really good squad with me, with Cabrera as Sev, and Zeik as fixer, and I feel like we had a really close relationship with each other, and this really made me a part of SO BDE. When I joined Delta, I knew that I would be here for a while, and I've loved SO BDE ever since. 




    Null-12 Sergeant A'den Skirata: 


    My goal, long before Scorch, was to one day join Null. I've always been fascinated by Null, their lore, their mandalorian culture, everything about it intrigued me. I think that when I became Scorch it was more of a trial run for me, to see if I fit in this place, with the culture, and these people that I hung out with almost every day. It ended up being an amazing experience, and after a while, with a lot of experience in SO BDE, after hearing that a few spots opened in Null, with the current Ordo leaving, and the Current A'den being promoted to Ordo, as well as Mereel was open. My really close friend, regional, wanted to go for the position Mereel, and I instantly knew that I wanted to come with him, at the time, I didn't know which character exactly I would want to be, but I knew that I wanted to be in Null and that, that was where I belonged. I absolutely enjoyed my time as A’den, and it was one of the most enjoyable times I’ve had in SO BDE Rping as Sergeant A’den, and I will never forget the experience I’ve had.




    Null-6 Lieutenant Kom’rk Skirata:


    After learning that the current kom’rk would soon be running for Marshal Commander, I jumped to the opportunity of becoming him. I really wanted to become Kom’rk to enjoy different experiences as rping and stepping into the shoes of the character Kom’rk. Kom’rk was definitely a cool experience that I enjoyed. Being a medic is in SO BDE is super fun, as there are only a few of them, and there is a huge responsibility on medics, and reliance that they would be there for you when you need them. At this point, and I learned many lessons on responsibility, and what it means to be a leader, as multiple times I would be left in charge when Kal and Ordo weren’t on. Kom’rk was the first leadership experience that I’ve had in SO BDE, and ever since I wanted to continue assisting the Brigade, trying to assist in as many things as I can, and slowly working my way up into becoming the XO of Null.




    Null-11 Captain Ordo Skirata:


    So, eventually, after being Kom’rk for a bit in Null, I was presented with the opportunity to become Ordo by Llama, who was my Kal. Llama was one of my best friends in SO BDE, and the server in general, and I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to step into a leadership position in SO BDE, and join one of my friends in the prospect of improving the squad, to become what its known as in SO BDE as an examplitory squad. Llama slowly taught me what it means to be a leader, and has mentored me all the way up to the point, up to applying for Kal. Llama and I slowly worked on making Null an example for SO BDE, and something that people might be able to follow and look up to in the brigade, and the server in general by keeping our boys and check, and setting an example. The experience that Llama gave to me as Ordo is something that I will never be able to repay him for. Ordo has been one of my most precious and entertaining times on the server, and I don’t know where I would be on the server today and as a person if it wasn’t for Llama. SO BDE in general taught me how to act, and taught that with responsibilities, come a change of attitude. If you want to be respected by your boys, you need to earn it.


    Special Adviser Kal Skirata:


    I think this position, probably taught me the most about myself, and SO BDE, and how I interact with people. Throughout my time as Kal, there were ups, and downs. But I think I learned a lot from the downs, and I was able to recover from them. I definitely had a lot of help throughout my time as Kal, and I had a lot of lessons that were taught to me. But overall, I learned that communication in SO BDE is one of the most important things. And Communication, not only within SO BDE, but with other regiments and battalions is really important. When a group lacks communication, they are practically blind. I want to make sure that everyone in SO BDE feels comfortable with where they are, and I want people to feel comfortable to talk to other squad members, to talk to their XO and Squad lead, and to be able to resolve problems. I want SO BDE to be able to talk with other battalions, and resolve underlying problems that may be there. As Kal, I learned many ways to increase communication, and bring squad members closer, so that they don’t feel a pressure to stay quiet, and so that they can speak up whenever they feel necessary to do so. Of course I also had errors in resolving those issues myself, but at the same time I learned from those errors. Although my term will be cut short if I do get the position, I would be very comfortable leaving it where it is, as it’s in a very good, stable state, and it would be very easy for another Kal with a bit of experience to take over, as in the current moment, Null is in a very good spot, and I know there are a few candidates who I trust to be the next in line.


    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:


    I believe that I should become the Regimental of SO BDE, because I have extensive experience within SO BDE, I have quite a large amount of knowledge of the lore characters of SO BDE, so I can be a person anyone in SO BDE, can come to, and ask for tips and questions on their character, and ways that they can improve their RP. I have learned from being both an XO and a Squad Lead in SO BDE, that there are sometimes hard things that one must do, in order to keep order, and standard in the regiment. I feel like i’m also quite a flexible person, so if anyone has a problem in SO BDE, I can, with my experience and knowledge, come to a conclusion, and a fix/compromise, that will be able to resolve most issues quite quickly. Though I understand that the SO BDE Regimental Commander position is a more of an overseer spot in the regiment, there’s still things that have to be done and I’m willing to do them.


    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:


    Yes, Sir!




    Monday: 3:00PM - 11:00PM EST


    Tuesday: 3:00PM - 11:00PM EST


    Wednesday: 3:00PM - 11:00PM EST


    Thursday: 3:00PM - 11:00PM EST


    Friday: 11:00PM - 2:00AM EST


    Saturday: 2:00PM - The rest of the day on and off


    Sunday: All Day On and Off


    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


    Ahsoka Tano x2


    Serra Keto


    Iri Camas


    Jedi Master


    Jedi General 


    Jocasta Nu


    Guardian Manager


    Brute Manager


    Guardian Manager-Lead


    Sentinel Manager


    Shadow Manager


    327th [PVT-WO]


    327th MEDO + MEDXO


    327th ARCO


    Delta Six-Two ‘’Scorch’’ [2ndLT-CMDR]


    Null-12 Sergeant A’den Skirata [CPT]


    Null-6 Lieutenant Kom’rk Skirata [CPT]


    Null-11 Captain Ordo Skirata [XO]


    Special Adviser Kal Skirata [BCMD/Squad Lead]


    Medal of Valor


    Veteran Administrator








    Do you have a microphone?:


    Yes, Sir!


    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

    Firstly, I want everyone in SO BDE to have fun on the server, because that’s what it's all about. If the people in your regiment aren’t having fun, they won’t have the motivation to get on the server, and there’s no point in being on in general. I want to make ways that squad leads, and myself can entertain the people who hold a position in SO BDE. I want everyone inside SO BDE, to feel like they can freely communicate, without repercussion, or suppression, which is something I learned the hard way in the past because I’ve made that mistake. I don’t want people to feel like they need to be quiet, and stay quiet, because in the past, that has cost serious problems. I want very good activity throughout the regiment, so that people will be on constantly throughout the day. I also want people in the regiment to be examplitory roleplayers, so that they can be people that are looked up to by other people around the base. I want SO BDE, to hold the example for the rest of the server, of how they should act, because if we can make that example, it will set a standard for the rest of the server, and create a better quality of RP throughout the server.


    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    To be honest. SO BDE as a whole, has a great relationship. We’re all in one channel all the time, chillin together, and having fun. Where the relationship improvement needs to happen is within each squad. I would like for the communication within each squad to be more free as I discussed earlier. If within the squad, the relationship between the Squad lead, the XO, and the other members is really close, there won’t be any issues with communication. I plan on improving this by having the Squad Leads host regular meetings with their squad, whether it be every week, or every two weeks, in order to have any issues or any smoke in the air be cleared. Because honestly in the past there’s been some really serious issues due to the lack of communication. If we can fix the problems that occur before they grow and get worse because it isn’t discussed and fixed right away, then the relationship we all have will be much more smooth and the regiment will run easier. I will also try to host regular SO BDE wide meetings, where more general issues can be discussed.I also want to improve relations outside of our regiment. I feel like the current outreach program/situation we have is deteriorating the relationship we have with other battalions. Basically our outreach program has changed several times over the course of my time in SO BDE, and I’ve noticed that the standard for our outreach system isn’t really communicated to other battalions. So when we have an SO BDE member in another battalion, holding an officer rank, being in their discord all of that, that battalion has a certain expectation for what that SO BDE member is supposed to be doing. When we have our own expectations, we sort of clash with that battalion, and it causes problems that I’ve noticed from first hand experience. Whatever way we decide to change the outreach system, I will immediately communicate to other battalions, the standard, and the system and how it will work, in order to improve relations, and make everything work more smoothly. 


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


    Yes, Sir!


    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


    Yes, Sir!


    I also have talked to and have gotten the “Blessing” and support to go for the position from the following members of SO BDE:


    SO BDE Regimental Commander Khaos | Harte

    Director of Special Operations Arligan Zey | Wynter 

    Null-11 Captain Ordo Skirata | Tinovious 

    Null-5 Prudii Skirata | Venom 

    Null-6 Kom'rk Skirata | Rezdor

    Null-7 Mereel Skirata | Duck

    Null-10 Jaing Skirata | Faded 

    Null-12 A'den Skirata | Cronis 

    Jedi Commander Bardan Skirata | Bananaberry 

    Omega Oh-Nine ‘’Niner’’ | Forseen 

    Omega Four-Three ''Corr'' | Ratio 

    Jedi Commander Etain Tur-Mukan 

    CF-99 “Hunter” | Kojak 

    CF-99 “Tech” | Eclipse 

    Delta Three-Eight "Boss" | Marvel 

  4. When you put me up for master it showed me that you look at the small details and you give every person a chance. When you say the famous Patricia words “you’re work does not go unnoticed” it actually means something when you say it. Nonetheless I will be +1ing you based solely off of the fact that you had the most epic knight promo that I’ve ever seen. +1

  5. I think this would be pretty dope. And honestly I don’t see why it would hurt to try if it’s shit y’all can just remove it, but I think it’ll end up being a good system as long as staff oversees it well and puts time into it and all that. And like ratio said maybe if this gets added idiots will shut up about the lack of events ;-;


  6. I mean if you wanna talk about it with people who watched it already just go in a discord call with them privately. Removing the rule allows trolls who get on the server to just spoil shit for no reason. I think it's fine where it is... It'll allow people who haven't watched it yet to then watch it within the 30 days, so that any events that you guys do relating to the new season are cooler because you can actually understand what's happening and relate it to the show, if you just do it without people knowing what's going on it just won't be as fun. And also if there wasn't a rule GM's would just do as many events they can think of relating to the new season, and it'll be like that for the first couple days, and then they're just gonna run out of ideas and it'll be right back to being dry...

  7. 1 hour ago, Austistic said:

    I was not talking about overall activity on server... you said you were "beaned" for inactivity before, and I was asking how can you become more active in the staff side of the server, and how you can be a presence in the staff team unlike before.... (keeping original rating)

    I mean staff isn’t as hard now, before my “activity” was judged on how much branch work I did which doesn’t make sense because it’s staff. Now branch work isn’t required of SAs so it’s mad easy. I took tickets before and it’s not hard to keep doing it.

  8. Ya Idk if you have the money to pay everyone back might as well just give your boys the money to buy it. Taking it off the perma weapon vendor is just gonna piss off people who bought it and like using it. Either that or you could find another blaster that’s not in the perma weapons vendor... -1

  9. 5 hours ago, Twelfths said:

    So the Cabinet members are essentially the leaders of the Bounty Hunters and I will be corrected if im wrong but all Cabinet members are in great standing both RP and mentally as players and wouldnt abuse the rocket boots, not to mention its something that is earned and applied for so if its abused they can be removed, I say its worth a shot to try on them. Also I fuck with the idea of Guild Doctor being the support name.

    That's what they said for Sith Cabinet members...


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