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Medal of Honor
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Posts posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. On 7/15/2019 at 11:16 AM, Bbstine said:

    Using it against event jobs would kill them way too quickly and would practically ruin an event/encounter. And most likely will just result in the gamemaster/countermaster/event job to complain.

    Ya this would just fuck an event over so fast. Also knives wouldn’t just insta kill someone in reality if you’re trying to go for more realism. -1

  2. First, you cant demand things like that, second its common sense, if you watch your own stream, you said as soon as you started playing, "Im getting perma'd, Carvis asked you why and you responded, "I just advertised my stream on the Sith Discord"...

  3. -1

    The blatent disrespect that came from you towards me was incredible. I was just trying to do my job and I was getting multitple reports towards you for minging around and NITRP and just going around stabbing people. NITRP - You literally just kept repeating I'm just hear to fuck around dont be so serious on a serious rp server... You say we didnt take you to a sit, but trust me I did, when you were in the cell, I was trying to talk to you but you just kept repeating "Sniff, get away from, your harrassing me, im gonna report you for harrassment". And also for your advertsiting, this is directly from the CWRP Punishment guidlines doc, "Any kind of advertisement in game, TS, or a synergy Discord = PERMA BAN (Go to HA+ if you can't use the perma ban) Can apply through Synergy website to contend it." Any kind, doesn't matter what it is... 

  4. This fucking guy right here... Let me tell you. He is not only active in the 327th, he doesn't only put a shit ton of work in with his heart in soul, but this... this motherfucker right here, is a great leader, he's a leader of the 327th, and he is my leader. And I will tell ya, this guy, this guy deserves this spot over so many people out there, because of the hard work and dedication that he has put into our battalion. I don't what this spot to be wasted over some random shmuck, THIS IS THE WHY I AM GRANTING YOU THE FATTEST, JUICIEST +1, MY TORTELLINI. 

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