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Everything posted by Underpaidstaff

  1. Ah yes witch hunting. See ive been reading about that recently lots of innocent people died bottom line people should just stop dumbing and i mean EVERYONE anyways best wishes ❤️
  2. -1. don't set yourselves to diffrent standards if you dont like it when people dumb you then dont dumb other people. what you see as toxic is a separate opinion whichh we are all entitled to on this forum. Anyways best wishes ❤️
  3. -1 yoda isnt specifically assigned to 41st mush like windu isnt assigned to 91st you dont see any 91st making staff reports on windu but anyways i wish you all the best
  4. then wheres our sharpshooter theres a model for it in the game but no job. also heavy troopers in the 91st could be used as precautionary measures essentially hold the line while main force retreats should recon teams be spotted
  5. exactly i still get on to do things just not as much
  6. 10/10 best and most immersive event ive ever been apart of
  7. Name: Clorox RP Rank: XO Suggestion: MED INJURED ROLEPLAY option instead of just respawn Implementation: implement the option to be injured and be tp'd back to that spot pretending to be injured for med rp instead of just having to respawn. youd get a chance to do more med rp and itll add some nice flair to a battle just a thought of mine but anyways toddles Lore: not everyon died after being shot
  8. yes best date i can say is sometime in june when school lets out ill get on when i can though
  9. Name: Clorox Staff Rank: Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:159356456 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): Reason: school work and a lot of other stuff ill get on when i can Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  10. +1 best man deserves the position good luck my guy
  11. ive seen plenty its unfortunate if you miss them but ive seen them
  12. +1 amazing guy all i can say is he deserves the position the rank and the respect you got this man ignore those who wish only to break you
  13. -1 ive seen you arrested blacklisted and unblacklisted through unknown meens ive seen good people banned because of you ive seen you minge ive heard you say things that are truly unspeakable both in TS and game so no -1 from me that will not change
  14. Name: Clorox RP Rank: 91st XO Suggestion: Jetpack ARCs Implementation: ARC whitelists have jetpack bodygroupers we should be be to use them with correct training Lore: ARCs could use jetpacks thats just a fact Workshop content if applicable: its already in the server (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") dont even need to make it part of the loadout just let us get them spawned or something so long as we have bodygrouper and training
  15. 10/10 amazing event glad i was able to join in on it
  16. does anyone know when joah will update server because thats like 2 months past its announcement so is there anyone else thats able to update the server or is server updates just dead from now on because im sure theres quite a bit of stuff that people want to suggest.
  17. 10/10 creative idea i like it hope to see more in the future
  18. Rp name: Clorox (91st) Tidepod(BO) STEAM_0:1:159356456 VIP: Yes Age: 17 Timezone: EST I wish to become a game helper/ game master. The number of admins have been going down noticeably as it gets harder and harder to get a response from a staff ticket. the reason for wanting to be a GH/GM is because the number of events have been going down and i think that is affecting how many players actually return so my hope is to bring more events back into the game. I will work hard to make sure rules are enforced and stand by the rules of the server. i plan on being as active as possible in order to provide the most i can for the server. finally when i get GM sometime down the road i plan on making a series of events for each all battalions both on and off main server. I am a hard working individual from Virginia. I am the S-4 SNCO for my JROTC in which we deal with supplies and logistics. im a very relaxed individual though i can bbe very serious when the time requires it. previous staff experience: no playtime: 916:10:50. no
  19. +1 this man can and will run the battalion with no problem
  20. 0/10 sorry man that was horrible
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