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Hayley last won the day on April 29 2019

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About Hayley

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  1. +1 -- does amazing work within the Game Helper program, I have been a part of some of his events.
  2. You literally impersonated me and almost got me banned, big fat -1.
  3. +1 -- one of the hardest working members of the battalion, besides beetle himself ;). He has been a great XO, and I know Beetle made him that role for a reason, and it is time for him to take Beetle's place, as Beetle deserves a break.
  4. -1 didn't meet the age requirement/get waived, and get more hours on the server, you are also on a specialist. Being staff means you need to start in the TR program, and to become TR you need to be SSG+
  5. Unfortunately I am being very honest with my opinion. We all have our opinions, we all have had our experiences with said applicant, and some are drastically different than others. Unfortunately with the experiences I have had with this applicant have been negative, and I believe the applicant does not deserve said position. 1. You made the decision to remove him, not just from my truthfully made report, but also from others. 2. There has been multiple times this applicant has broken PTS or has minged on the server. 3. I've only disliked Sniff after he went and spread rumors about the deletion of 187th documents, and that I never sent any documents to anyone. Sniff and I used to be friends, even when he had gotten Ahsoka, I had said congrats to him. It was only after he was consistently not following Synergy and Jedi Order rules. Unfortunately, my -1 will be staying, as I believe this applicant is not fit for such position.
  6. 1. Was abusing powers as Ahsoka, got removed by staff ( And no I didn't get him removed, nor did I want him removed, he got caught by someone and got himself removed) 2. Minges during debriefs, has broken PTS and gotten arrested. There's much more I can go on, but you get the point. 3. Also was told by ex 187th members that you went around telling players and staff that I deleted 187th documents, when I never did. You went around telling people that I never sent anyone documents. (Was told my multiple people the same story.) I also have no hate for Sniff. Hate is a strong word, but I do believe with the way he acts on the server, he is not ready for a position like this. Let's keep this civil.
  7. -1 -- after my experiences with Sniff, and seeing others experiences. Definitely not ready for a position like that.
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