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Everything posted by Cronis

  1. +1, do I have to go for A'den so I have a chance to be your XO again??
  2. I have to agree with Marvel. Just make sure you keep a strong head. +1
  3. wait this isnt a Bly app wyd man? +1 anyways
  4. Understandable, most of the rp was already done as a main server event. Hence why I had Malore lead the briefing and such. But I do understand your critiques and next event will be more rp focused as I have planned
  5. Name: Cronis Helpers: Bruise, Wolfro, Guac, Malore Summary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1le2Ty8Dux_ENOF98Pl4aH_5E8QveNWkimn1ZMUmtUq0/edit?usp=sharing
  6. +1 luv this guy. Also I still wanna fight
  7. I did not expect for my helper to go afk so I did have to pick up the slack on that so I do apologize for that one. And I am working on doing more rp heavy events so this was a good test.
  8. Name: Cronis Helpers: Bruise, Thunder, Jayden, Trapper Summary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1434Fl3WcWtte4QtbrO9Ug7ObDe0ZPIcDG_pIRKJjh0c/edit?usp=sharing
  9. 9/10 Rp was well put together. The rest was again above par. Good work
  10. Name: Cronis Helpers: Clutch, Nex, Nova, Fister, Wren Summary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hl6ft6zi1BmZk41o7gL0kO3yVKzLxjER2R-g7GwnmFI/edit?usp=sharing
  11. Name: Cronis Who helped: Wolfro, Bruise Summary: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s4XpT--dnlCb-MOcEmc6oNJ0PIsYIVQKK5-p3UsCNFk/edit?usp=sharing Hope you enjoyed!
  12. 8/10 really good event, hate that we werent able to rp more due to not being more democratically but otherwise really well put together.
  13. +1 Have done some good work when I was in SO BDE and is a great person!
  14. I understand that. I usually have a roleplay aspect to my events but due to some complications I was not able to adapt and decided to scrap it.
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