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Everything posted by Rickle

  1. That costs $40, how you think I'm going to pay for it
  2. You might know me and you might not. either way, this will be my last post in a while. (I might come back sooner or later) ↓Some people who have helped me through my journey, or I know↓ @Poe - You've probably helped me a lot. I know when I joined back a few months ago I hadn't had the greatest listening skills. But I cannot be mad at you for things I did. I hope you can forgive me for what I did. @Cyclops - Even though you don't play on the server anymore, I still think you're one of the reasons I stayed in the 327th a lot longer than I was going to. @justuscloud5 - I hope to see you stay in the 327th for a while. @Nano - I will never forget what you said to me, thank you for all of the help. @Jenko - Ur a meme... @Regional - You're doing great in the 327th, buddy, I want you to keep it up. @Clank - You might of have been kicked out of the 327th, but I still liked you for all of the hard work you did back then. And when you came back, you came back stronger than ever. @Bananaberry - I don't really know you that much, because when I joined the 327th I was shy and scared to speak. But now I realise you're doing great than ever, I hope to see you again. @Brady - I hadn't known you for long, but you seem like a cool guy. Keep up the great work in the 501st and you'll make it somewhere. @Cannon - Like you told me when you joined the server you wanted to be a minge and get banned, but that didn't happen :). I let the past be the past and forgot about that little incident though. I hope you one day do better than you are right now in the 327th. @Usefulgamer - You name used to be Useless, you should've kept it that way lol. All jokes aside, you've been in the 327th for a long time and you became something greater than me. Good job! @Kangaroo - I had never heard you a lot, but when I did :O... @Elijah - I don't really know you as much as I would like to. I know that I been with you on the Venator a couple of times. But other than that it's not that much. Anyone in the 501st - I don't know everyone in the 501st, but some of you I do and sorry for not making a message to you. ~~ I know this was short, but I don't know that many people. If I have forgotten to add you on the list, I am sorry. ~~ To anyone that knows me, and knows me for good things I had done on the server. Please forgive me if I hadn't put your name on here. I know that when I joined back, I was acting immature, but I'm just a kid and I have time to learn. When I come back (if I come back) hopefully I can get all of my loose ends tied up. Hopefully, you're not the people who only know bad things about me. Because I don't want you to just remember the bad things that I had done when I came back. Sincerely, Rickle...
  3. What I've heard so far isn't that good ( sorry bud ). What I've heard from Hayley and other people aren't that good. So unless you can fix these issues it's a -1. Also, you've actually disrespected me a lot. Even though it was in a simulation you still called me a bitch and other rude things because I stabbed u with a knife ( but u were using u Jedi, and I said I would stop knifing u if you change to a Clone ).
  4. I've actually never really disrespected anyone in our battalion or disrespected anyone else, and If I did I am very sorry, but I feel that I did no such thing like that. The RDM offence was kind of stupid because someone knifed me ( which didn't kill me ). I was very tired so I do stupid things ( that's not an excuse for what I did ) so I stabbed him back. I healed him back up since I was a medic and I didn't think he even cared so I do not see why this was even an issue if the other person didn't care. End of story ( just stating what I can say to back up my story ).
  5. I've actually never refused to change it if 104th asked me to change it and 91st also told me to change it I would definitely be okay with that ( After I've joined the 91st nobody in the 104th told me to change it ). Now, let's stop talking about this, please.
  6. Yes, I would ( and I know I'm still prob not in the right ). Also, let's just stop talking about this after I tell you. Someone stabbed me as a joke and it was late at night so nobody was on ( I didn't die from the stab ), so I stabbed him back and he dies instantly. A Jedi changes to his Sith job that can arrest ppl and instantly hits me and arrests me. End of story.
  7. Time Update ---> 846:36:06.
  8. +1 I've seen you before in the 501st and you seem like a very nice person
  9. +1 Great 104th Officer and a great guy in general.
  10. +1 I feel like he would be a good staff member, and he is active. ( He is good at having fun ).
  11. Title of Thread: CWRP - Rickle's Staff App. RP Name: Rickle ( TR Recon 91st MED Staff Sergeant Rickle ) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:218377315 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 12 ( Was waived by Gregor/Jags ) Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would love to become an admin because I love to help people out when possible, I know that I can be active, and I would be able to constantly accept peoples tickets. I feel that if I was staff I could help a lot of people and make them happy. Ex. I would help people by whitelisting them for a job that they need if it is necessary to give them that job, build dupes/spawn dupes for people that want them ( If they were requested in a proper place ). I would also love to get Game Master or Game Helper and either help people with their events or create my own. The main reason why I would love to join staff is just to help people on the server that are new to it, old to it, or in the middle. I feel that I would be able to help out a lot since am usually on every day, all day. I also feel that I would be a very good staff member to have even though I would be new to the whole staff thing. I would never break any rules, for ex. say Order 66, be racist, RDM, NLR, etc. If someone needed me on the weekend and I am not asleep I will probably be able to get to them very quickly. If it was a school day I wouldn't be on from 8:00 AM EST - 4:10 PM EST. Oh! I also love making people laugh and love a good laugh anytime. Other than that thank you for reading my application, Sincerely, Rickle. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have been playing on Synergy since the Venetor map, and I joined back after December to realise there has been a map change. I love to help people when necessary ( even if they are annoying or mingey ) I would still help them because it is the correct thing to do. I would especially love to help out on this server because I have been a member for about 6 months now and I think that this is the only StarWarsRP server I would ever consider playing on. I'm a 12-year-old kid that goes to 6th grade, lives in Pennslyvania, and I just like helping people which is a big reason for me making this. I get bullied most of the time at my school, but I don't think about what they say and I just ignore it. When I get home this server either makes me sad for 10 minutes or it makes me extremely happy because of the people I'm with ( the 104th, 212th, 327th, and some others ). I love coming home and playing on this server because it cheers me up if anything bad has happened. I also have 1 older brother ( that doesn't live with me ), a very young cousin, and a lot of grandparents. I am usually on the PC more than I am outside, but I feel that if I can help someone out other than me it can make my day as well. Sincerely, Rickle. Do you have any previous staff experience?: Not currently ( but I have watched videos of people being staff ) How much play time do you have on the synergy server?: 775:40:01 Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: Nope Other: https://gyazo.com/d90ea769affe211fa77168ee703f8c9f Proof that Jags/Gregor waived me ( if needed ).
  12. Rickle

    Re-add the AT-TE

    +1 This would be a cool new vehicle for the event servers.
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