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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by Lighig

  1. Congratulations you have passed the interview process. Welcome to the Staff team. Moved to accepted applications.
  2. why'd you have to post this while i was sleeping. Now i've got tears in my toast. But for real, thanks for all your hard work, your service to Both the community and GM, and the words of praise to everyone. I'll try to help fill the void in HA until we decide on a new one. See ya around.
  3. Name: Lighig Who helped (If applicable): Wicked, Rogue, Bigzach. Event Name: Maysako's Machines Summary of the story: Masayko launches a series of prototype Masykobots at the Republic's ship to damage both it and their morale. What was the result of the event?: The droids were destroyed and Masayko gathered some data to better his droids in future. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up
  4. +1 looking like a heckin good boy.
  5. Name: Lighig Who helped (If applicable): Dargon, Unkindled Event Name: Shipping Happens Summary of the story: A shipping crate launcher with a faulty AI begins firing crates full of enemies at the ship. What was the result of the event?: The launcher is destroyed Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em Up.
  6. Name: Lighig Who helped (If applicable): Darkk Event Name: Gargol Google Summary of the story: An alien Called Gargol google stowed away on the ship after getting on the hutt families nerves. A group of bounty hunters were sent to bring him back to the hutts. What was the result of the event?: The bounty hunters were detained before causing problems and Gargol was executed for disobeying orders. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role play.
  7. Name: Lighig Who helped (If applicable): Alec, BBstine Goldie/merb Event Name: Masayko's Mistakes Summary of the story: A mystery benefactor, secretly Doctor Masayko, sends his hordes of failed masayklones as training for the republic, in reality he merely wants them disposed of as they take up space. What was the result of the event?: Masayko cleared up his lab and the Republic got to shoot stuff. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up.
  8. Name: Lighig Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 04/30/18 - 05/03/18 (3 days) Reason: Pretty swamped with assignment work currently, need a bit of time to focus and catch up with it. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes.
  9. +1 so close to fooling them, but i guess joah is above insubordination. You fuck! (Just joshin BB don't hurt me pls)
  10. Name: lighig Who helped (If applicable): Darkk Event Name: A matter of Family Summary of the story: Vukwal, brother of the other Ukwals, Attacks the ship with the CIS, using an exploit made in the Republic comms left by his brothers to listen in on their chatter. What was the result of the event?: Cis run out of droids and their ships retreat. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up.
  11. Name: Lighig Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: Hide and Gonk Seek Summary of the story: A supplyman was bringing supplies aboard the ship with 3 gonks in tow, they were being delivered to another place. When he landed the gonks ran into the ship and needed to be captured and brought back. What was the result of the event?: 2 Gonks saved, Suicidal Gonk killed itself. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay
  12. +1 Past experience is always good to have.
  13. Name: Lighig Who helped (If applicable): Esitt, Andrews, Zyner, Gink, Smeck Event Name: Masayko's Masterpiece. Summary of the story: Masayko finally created his clones and challenged the republic to battle them, they eventually mutated again but continued to attack the republic. What was the result of the event?: All clones defeated, Masayko gathered combat data. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot'em up.
  14. Name: lighig Who helped (If applicable): Andrews, Arcann,Egert, Alec Event Name: Masayko's Monster Mash Summary of the story: Masayko brings his soldiers to drop off his failed clone army on the nearby venator, impersonating simple traders. The first crate contained his first batch of cannibal monsters, and the second crate had mutated cronenberg style monster, which were his second batch of failed clones. What was the result of the event?: All Masayclones wiped out, soldiers heads explode due to killchips. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.
  15. +1 i got to bitch slap clones as an ancient dinosaur, what more could a man want?
  16. +1 i've seen you around occasionally and i think you could do some real good for the server.
  17. +1 Very interesting conclusion.
  18. Name: Lighig Who helped (If applicable): Arcann, Stone, Forge, Thexan Event Name: Tukwal's Revenge Summary of the story: Tukwal hired a set of mercenaries to try to avenge his brothers, Sukwal and Dukwal. What was the result of the event?: The bounty hunters were killed. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot ' em up.
  19. I'll give it a +1 but will say it could be improved on. The main concern was probably the lack of threat that was provided, the amount of droids was probably too little to be very challenging and once we beat the first wave, that was pretty much it in terms of danger. It could have been better if you added perhaps some snipers or Strong event jobs to do some damage, or even had a second wave when we were trying to get the savages out. I understand it was a one life event, but that shouldn't completely neuter difficulty. Don't be afraid to get a bit challenging and let some people die, that's kind of the point of a one life, potentially dwindling numbers and loss of vital troops which can add tension.
  20. +1 was fun being sneaky.
  21. +1 got killed in a firing line by RC/Null
  22. Name: Lighig Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 4 days (03/29/18 - 04/02/18) Reason: Got sick and need to recover, also my headset broke and i need to order a new one. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
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