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Everything posted by SkiTz

  1. AAR Template Name: SkiTz Who helped (If applicable): Clockwork Stroodle Nova Summary of encounter: Just a small Cis attack force hit the base from all sides destroying the HMC and comms. The republic fleet seeing the distress call moves to action Link to encounter Document (optional):
  2. 5/10 Really fun for pilots but ground troops and little to do
  3. Name: SkiTz SteamID:STEAM_0:0:90482136 Current Staff Rank: Admin Are you Currently a GH?:Yes How long have you played on the server? [Hours]:| 1056:48:34. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:7 Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?:Yes Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I am trying to better my knowledge and skill in the arts of Encounters and Events. I want to be able to put my ideas into action and see if what I think the community will like will or will not agree. I'm trying to explore into new ideas and work with new people I want to make the player base happy and wanting to come back the day after wanting another fun event. You can see when the community when they like a event and I really want to see that through with one of mine and I hope that being now or later I get that chance to show what I can do and give out some good events for the community. Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team?: Try to get more feedback from the player base maybe even from your own battalions just ask what they like things like that. Link us to a document for an event that you will execute as a gamemaster: Example 1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TBBtQmclGzNvm_9iC4hBLI0RD-q3w74RKLoOOzliGcA/edit Example 2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_dZefCgrdMpB4IuBMjNRGXmQ8ZGGsnzaD9Bcd3mBJqA/edit Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional)
  4. AAR Template Name: SkiTz Who helped (If applicable): Cyan Summary of encounter: So after the Doom's unit was sent on patrol they were ambushed and surrounded by CIS forces and called for immediate Help. All battalions after hearing the plead for help came to their AID in a convoy of tx-130s and AT-TE's showing the true might of the Republic army. Soon to find out the Annexes world was completely under siege having both outpost under CIS control after many lives lost the outpost were taken back and the injured troopers returned to base the rest of the CIS invasion force hit the BASE head on damaging the Shield generator and pushing full force into the base. in the end the stationed troopers on base repelled the attack and won what could have been a major lose for the republic Link to encounter Document (optional):
  5. AAR Template Name: SkiTz Who helped (If applicable): Goten Summary of encounter: After weeks of planning the CIS threw a all out attack on the Annaxes Base. After hours "Like ten minutes" of Bombarding and what seemed to be a endless wave of droids the Republic sent out a destress signal to a nearby fleet. After the fleet had arrived on world the nearby cliff side had blocked most of the MHB. The republic Venator Damaged the first lander enough to lower its shields for the 104th to SET RBC on the hull and destroy it at the cost of our Venator. In the end the Base was intact and repaired. - Mainly just me trying out some new things and learning some new tactics to use in there sort of situations. Link to encounter Document (optional):
  6. I agree we have not worked together yet.... but with that said i hope we end up meeting and working together soon
  7. RP Name: Havoc Squad SUPO SFC Acid Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90482136 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 16 Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Well i have been playing on the server for a while i see most if not all of the times i see a CC needing training or a GM needing help they don't really get any sort of assistance. I want to become a GM at some point as i have a lot of good ideas and am hoping i will end up getting game helper and work my way up to where i can hopefully share all of these ideas i have with everyone else. I see a lot of people asking for Events or Encounters during the later hours of the night or early morning. My idea is as i am very active during the Night and Early morning i can host Events or Encounters or even some little RP events that the Troopers and Jedi can Participate in. I want to make the experience of new and older players to be a better view then some of the things i have heard about Events / Encounters and the life of the server over all. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well my name is Blaze i live on the East Coast i'm looking into the air force and currently play the sport soccer and Fut-sol. I'm home schooled and have 2 brothers we live on a plot of land that shares a farm with horses and chickens. I'm a 04 born in February i'm a night owl so i'm mostly on during the night also i'm close to being classified as a midget. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: No How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: | Havoc Squad SUPO SFC Acid has played for 897:20:52.
  8. RP Name: TR DU MED MSG Skitz Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90482136 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 14 will be 15 in February Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would personally like to be an administrator on synergy because I enjoy playing on the server and would like to help better the community. Also i would love to help those poor CC who have to wait 10 minutes when no one wants to help them and help anyone else who needs it . I would like to be Staff to so i could better myself and the community as a way of giving back as most of my time here on GMOD is here in this community. I want to help with the Event team and assist for encounters for when there is no one else on to help. I spend most of my day on Synergyroleplay so if i'm not busy and i'm needed i can be there. I want to get to know the staff team and everyone else who makes this community a whole. I hope i can become one of the ones who make this community so Great. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well my name is Blaze I live in Virginia I live with a family of 5. I play D2 Soccer I love hanging out and talking with my friends in TeamSpeak//Discord i love playing with my friends on the Server. Synergy is my full time server when i play GMOD which is every day. People say i'm really Responsible and mature for my age. Also i keep my cool around them people (You know who i'm talking about). Do you have any previous staff experience? No i do not How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 281 Hours Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No i do not
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