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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. I'm just gonna put this out here the man did talk to his regiments BCMD's and that's all that matters. My opinion, Stormzy opinion doesn't matter it's up to the BCMD's of that regiment to put someone who they believe can do the job. Others can apply good for them that doesn't mean SmallJeff shouldn't apply either. The whole mindset of "oNlY oNe PeRsOn CaN aPpLy" is absolutely retarded. This man has my +1 Yes he can be a bit inactive at times, and so are others we have seen other higher ranking officers just go away and disappear like some of the previous SPEC REG's, not going to name names but ones who served a whole term and only came back in the last two or so weeks. He is a young kid who has school just like most of you goobers who play this game, and that's what this is a game. Everyone has their moments of immaturity and what not but all those things can be worked on and improved. Ever since i've known smallJeff to me he hasn't seemed like a toxic person and wants to help when he can. So let the kid apply for the spot everyone here is human and has things to work on.
  2. Now this guy is an epic gamer. I like the way he thinks. +1
  3. NOW THIS IS HOT TAKE but for real OMEGALUL WHAT "corrupt leadership"... um excuse me everyone who is in their staff spot has worked hard and put hundreds of hours if not thousands of hours to make the community better. Now take your special snowflake ass outa here if you don't like it
  4. I’m just gonna shit post these out when something pops into my head so be ready for some hot takes on things. It can be on anything really. First I’m going to rate all current star wars movies that have been released to this date. THIS IS MY OPINION. 1. Revenge of the sith 2.Empire strikes back 3. Attack of the clones 4. Rouge one 5. Return of the Jedi 6. The force awakens 7. A new hope 8. Solo 9. Phantom menace 10. Last Jedi Hot take: attack of the clones is one of the better movies.
  5. Good bye my son it has been an honor
  6. for anyone else who was wondering why i left. WEll first i was demoted and the directors words were this " You have ruined the high staff name on the server and made it a joke, you have an anger issue and need to calm down". After this i decided that i was tired of being tossed around like an unwanted stepchild and im not going to waste my time, with people who don't want me there in high staff or the community.
  8. Name: Dennis Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86273369 Staff Rank: Former HA and now SA Were you VIP: yes Date:9/8/2019 Reason for leaving: I've done nothing since day one of joining this community but try to help people and improve the community. I have taken the criticism and people have given I have pushed past all of the people who have tried to hold me back and keep me in a place that didn't think I could do anything. I have spent hours pouring over event ideas and creating a great time for people when they come on the server. I have turned down real-life friends to play on the server and make sure people that I barely know have fun and have something to do. Since day one of my RP as a CT I have been a no-bullshit guy and I'm not going to take some dumb shit from anyone. If people are going to all get in a group and complain about what I am doing to try to help the server then I am clearly not needed or wanted as a staff member. For the attitude problem that has been cited before I have worked on it and well it wasn't quick enough to do it for the large group of retards that have 2 IQ in this community. This is honestly one of the dumbest things to happen and was the last straw in all reality im not going to return to staff in a very long time. Thanks to all of the people who were there with me from day one in staff. Marvel and Sanchez, it isn't you its the idiots in the community who like to bandwagon and all do the same thing cuz this guy is doing it. Agent your gonna do great things man keep up the great work. To all of the other HA’s love you boys a long time and to the other VA’s keep working hard and good luck. I'm just going to focus on my battalion to prove everyone wrong so see ya in a bit losers. @Agent@Marvel@Sanchez Resident@Snadvich Farewells: Snadvich I don't think you're a bad guy at all just think the things went about wasn't the best and good luck with Jedi. Forgot to add this but im still Doom. Just leaving staff.
  9. PRESENT for the High Staff Meeting: Dennis sanchez Cloves Joe Loopy Nade Absent: Marvel High Ranks Staff PTS Make sure to limit your PTS to only 1-2 minutes. Jackson: Square: Chamber/Carter: Dragon Sanchez: GMO’S LOG YOUR GAMEMASTERS ON THE DOC Marvel: Poe: Nade: Remember it is your job to enforce serious roleplay Dennis: Don't Delete doors please and Admin Choice form and take tickets Staff > RP Loopy: Don’t be toxic in the upcoming BVB’s Cloves : Stop despawning doors! Joe : Don’t forget to T-Bag the losing team in BVB (only a joke) Staff of the Week/Month Killjoy - Week Private Hours/Steam Format: Staff Promotions NA to A- Clutch-STEAM_0:0:239387446 Phoenix- STEAM_0:0:75670380 McNob-STEAM_0:1:150237956 Frogo - STEAM_0:0:96431726 Admin to SA - SA to VA - Killyjoy - STEAM_0:1:438030370 VA to HA - Rohan - STEAM_0:1:155676106
  10. @Lucky This is for the directors to do omegalul
  11. Dennis

    my apply

    Your staff application has been DENIED. Your post does not follow the format provided. You have many statements that contradict themself. Along with your English needs to be worked on as communication is very key as a staff member, verbal or typed. Along with the errors in your format being pointed out and not being changed. You may re-apply in 30 days 10/5/2019 // locked // Moved to denied
  12. Your Staff Application Has Been ACCEPTED Contact a HA by 9/12/2019 OR BE DENIED // Locked // Moved to Pending
  13. Your Staff Application Has Been ACCEPTED Contact a HA by 9/12/2019 OR BE DENIED // Locked // Moved to Pending
  14. +1 This guy came to all of the SPEC BCMD's and talked about what he wanted to do and i believe that he will help all the battalions.
  15. ---- Colt Brothers Update ---- Writer: Darius Colt I tried to blend in with the jedi and try their way however i was not welcomed. Once they found out that my father was a former sith lord they kicked me out and cast me aside. I don't know what to do with my life right now. I have tried to show that i can change and pursue the jedi way but everything i try they reject. My brothers left with the ship and still haven't returned so I have been scavenging for food on planet. The house that we bought was sacked and looted and nothing was left good thing i took all the important things and hid them before the clones could take anything. I will have to see what i can do to live here for a time being. I tried to consult for the republic on all things sith related but even then i am not welcomed and shot at I just think it is time to stay im my little cave and wait to die. If this is the last time i write in this thing then I have either died or been captured. If one of my brothers finds this and I am dead... I love you guys please carry on and keep doing great work.
  16. [8/31/2019] PRESENT for the High Staff Meeting: Cloves Sanchez,Loopy, Dennis, Nade Absent: Marvel Poe joe High Ranks Staff PTS Make sure to limit your PTS to only 1-2 minutes. Jackson: Square: Chamber/Carter: Dragon: Sanchez: Marvel: Poe: Make sure you take tickets for your rank Thunder: Nade: Dennis: Fill out the admin choice form Loopy : Cloves : Take tickets, Staff > RP Joe : Staff of the Week/Month- Sanchez Rohan- STEAM_0:1:155676106 Private Hours/Steam Format: Staff Promotions NA to A- Poe Pot- STEAM_0:0:84418607 McNob - STEAM_0:1:150237956 Spoof - STEAM_0:0:144678532 Phoenix - STEAM_0:0:75670380 DeathTiger - STEAM_0:0:419522160 Admin to SA - SA to VA - Dennis Foxey - STEAM_0:0:101435744 VA to HA -
  17. Dennis

    Abeloth's Rage

    Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Abeloths Rage Summary of the story: Abeloth sense a great disturbance in the force and the jedi must be punished for it along with the clones. What was the result of the event?: Abeloth was weakened and had to run. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  18. Hey we do need an ENGL/MEDO and heavy lead omegalul, what’s that?
  19. This member has passed the interview ACCEPTED // moved to accepted
  20. This member has passed the interview ACCEPTED // moved to accepted
  21. This member is no longer staff // moved to Denied
  22. Your Staff Application has been DENIED Please wait the full 30 days before applying or ask a HA to get waived. You may apply in 30 days 9/28/2019 // locked // moved to Denied
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