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Posts posted by Woeny

  1. On 8/5/2023 at 9:27 PM, Slak said:

    Agree or Disagree, Gear 5 Luffy was the best and most hyped event in all of anime. I need some peoples opinions and see what they thought of it


    14 hours ago, Slak said:


    Majority of people shitting on the episode and the anime haven't even watched the entirety of it or aren't even real fans of the anime. People just can't ever stop bicthin. One piece is prob the most unique fighting anime out there man even the naruto manga creator said that one piece is better than his own creation.

    This is a GIGA hot take holy moly :FeelsDankMan:


  2. On 4/12/2023 at 7:19 PM, Keegan said:

    I also feel like part of the server is hurting at times is the poor management of suggestions and bug reports going back more than a year. My suggestion was denied in less than 10 minutes with the community not getting a chance to put much say into the matter. If people can't speak their minds in an actual suggestion and get a chance to say something, then why even bother to have suggestions on the server. As Mas Amedda, when I initially got the position, I often vetoed or denied bills very soon without giving people a chance to say anything, and this pissed many people off with me, regardless of if it was the correct decision or not. People should get a chance to voice their opinion in a manner that actually has a chance to change anything, like this post here will not do given that the actual discussion was denied immediately. The server only exists at this point due to continuous generous donations and dedication of time by the player-base. I've been in this community for a consistent year of my time and I feel like I should be able to make a suggestion post on a forum without it getting immediately shut down, and that those who have been here longer than me should get a say as well.

    There's plenty of suggestions and bug reports up that are seemingly not being worked on (both now and then) and we are back to the point where we have pages of posts that have no resolution that would take literally an hour to go through and clean up so the community knows what's going on, and somehow this simple task is constantly ignored for months at a time. Here is an example of one such suggestion that is being totally ignored.

    Mas Amedda out.

    Now normally im down for a good discussion no reason not to have them, and its nice to hear everyone's points and view, but this crossed the line calling the dev team lazy. That  is  absolutely mind blowing to me because it just shows really how clueless you truly are. Lemme throw some things out to educate you.
    Now mind you when it comes to suggestions they do stock pile i wont disagree with you on that, but to expect them to constantly be cleared out is an expectation that is just way to high, as @Xaze  and @Jad are the main people that go over them as they just sit there bashing there head into the addons tools etc to find whats the issue with them or if they are good, as you might know this takes alot of time sinces its not a simple log in click the tool use once, No they run through scenario after scenario and even after they have! they go to @Baron to triple check them! Now we just recently had a server suggestion update in late march! so its crazy to me that a little over a month is too long for you. baffling honestly

    Now for that whole laziness part had me dying that you think that, maybe i can interest you in on a cool thing that @Xaze went out of his way to add for the players to see! Go ahead and head to https://discord.gg/synrgg there is a channel in there labeled #github looks like this  now crazy idea here! Xaze himself is throwing in there what hes working on so that you guys can see. a lot of it is reworking/fixing the major contracting and clans system for the Civilian faction. A lot of the bugs that your pointing out are minor or model changes. 
    Server suggestions like i said were literally just done in march, they are done in phases which was announced a while back so of course they are gonna stock up, but I wouldn't even say that late FEB is stocked up. Anytime they are about to go through server suggestions they announce it either through community meetings or discord pings, anything after that point of when they review them gets pushed to the next round of server suggestions. As stated above its not just something simple of hurr durr i click link drag to folder. (as stated above) @Baron @Jad and @Xaze go through them and test each one since 99% of the time things go over peoples heads when they suggest it since they wouldn't look at it from the same view Management + would 

    Now talking about the event server, i spoke a little in the commander chat about this but the standard has been set for when the server would return an average of 70 players over a decent span of time. This is why the suggestion was denied because the standard has been stated many many time. whats that time? why 70? what led us to these numbers etc etc.
    Now when we were talking about this, this conversation spanned about 2-3 weeks because its a pretty massive thing, none of us (none being Management +) want to shut the event server since that's where a lot of cool things take place, but it kills main server massively.
    For proof 104th had there BOTM of the month event server deployment today, now context going into this everyday this week weve sat around 60+ throughout the day 
    now when that deployment occurred this is what main was looking like noted HERE  we dropped.

    Now for why 70? 
    We had a discussion taking a look at the entirety of the community and how our approach on it, as you guys have said we are no longer a "massive large" community and we needed to change our approach on it. We decided to take a step back and approach it from a smaller community stand point thinking whats best to boost main so that we can bring in new faces and new life to the server. Thinking to watch attracts people to join, theres quite a few things, Population being #1, systems or unique things the server might have and how the community interacts.
    Population: People are always gonna stray towards the higher number when it comes to games, much like streamers they have more viewers so obviously they are doing something right, same goes for products your gonna lean towards the one with better and more reviews. So we wanted to bring the focus back onto main, since we took this new community, we wanted to bring the focus to main in which ES was hurting main proof above

    So then why 70?
    70 gave us that comfort where we can have a good enough population on main to still give that feel to new players and returning players so they are not missing out on alot. This giving that larger community feel and its where WE as management+ would feel comfortable to go back to that larger community view.
    Going off your point of people leave after main deployments, of course thats always going to happen the same thing happens with ES so your point doesnt really ad up to me as those people are on main making it more likely for others to join compared to them being on ES and not returning.
    Deployments feel like a repeat?  hate to break it to you almost all ES Deployments are similiar since the same tools are provided to them, they just tend to have a little more since its less people. Majorityt of the ES are still just shoot emups since finding people who wish to be an EJ isnt the easiest but i implore you to apply for the gamemaster team since its not linked with staff you ccan focus on designing and creating new creative events, heres the link to the apps create those events!

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