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Everything posted by Alec

  1. I was gonna ask this exact question lol, but on that note. +1
  2. o7 dude, you better still come in ts sometimes
  3. 9/10 I got to use a turret again
  4. Imo it's dumb af for people to do that. Which is why I always prefer one life events
  5. RP Name: Alec | Comet Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81513248 VIP (Y/N): Ye Age: 17 Timezone: GMT +2 Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I mostly just wanna work my way up to SA and GM again, I love hosting events and shit. I also wanna help the server as it recently has been suffering a bit. Being staff would also allow me to help my battalion (and other battalions), in hosting trainings and such. EU staff is also basically non-existent which is when I'm the most active due to my timezone, so it would allow me to help while other staff aren't necessarily on. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a 17 year old (03 kid) dude from Finland. I love playing games and listening to music. I have a cat who loves to sleep on my table as I try playing anything. I spend most of my time sleeping tbh. Ive been playing on the server since 2017 and was a VA previously. Currently I'm a CMD in the 104th Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes I do Manager (2nd highest staff rank) on a CWRP server under the community name of LucidRoleplay Owner of a MRP server under the community name of LucidRoleplay Was also a Developer for the server mentioned above, but I don't know if that counts as staff VA on Synergy How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: Somewhere between 2500-3000
  6. I had never watched clone wars before joining the server so I had no idea what the game mode was even like, I just felt like I could easily have fun by minging :D
  7. I also originally joined to minge, yet here I am after 3 years and a perma ban lmao
  8. I had no idea this is something CCs had to do, forcing the download of Teamspeak to play on the server seems dumb to me. If I was forced to download teamspeak before I even get to see what the server is like, I would dip before being trained. Some people stay, some don't, at least let them experience the server before forcing external downloads on them.
  9. 10/10 Best event ive ever been in. It was also scary af and I lost half of wolfpack
  10. -1 a lot seems off here
  11. 9/10 Amazing in every way except lack of RP. Also if I get a cannon in the next event as well, ill love you forever
  12. Oh shit, seems I forgot to actually base my 8. It was a nice event, good balance between shooting and RP, only issue was that the RP was only for a select few
  13. I guess I qualify as an OG 104th, and this is pretty true ngl
  14. Name: Doc Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82802199 Ban Reason: I think causing drama? (Has been quite a while not entirely sure) Date of Ban: January 31st, 2020 Length of Ban: permanent Staff Member(s) Involved: I believe general high staff / owners Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: the ban was, frankly, over a joke post made on the forums comparing current synergy to icefuse because of at the time recent events. Albeit, it was a baseless joke made because of a group just making a laugh, but it was a joke post. I do recognize the error that I put it in the wrong section of the forums, leading people to believe that my claims were serious. I do also acknowledge that because I had not played on the server for more than 20 minutes in months, and all my info was instead second hand from players and again, pretty baseless. I’ve realized that there’s nothing to gain from just talking shit and as you can see by me moving on and not messing with anything, I’ve moved on from that aspect of viewing the server and have done nothing to harm the server other than this joke. This is my first and only ban I’ve ever received. I genuinely would like to return to help out my old battalion and be a positive member of the community and help it improve, whether i see something as positive or negative. As I have my forum account banner and have not made an alternate, if you have any questions for me, feel free to message me at Doc#4464 on discord Evidence to support your claims: there is little evidence I can give here. The post I made was delete it soon after and after a brief talk with founders and directors I was banned. Note, this is a ban appeal Made for Doc, not for me. I'm posting it due to him being banned on the forums
  15. 5 pages is still too much imo, just let players do waht feels right, ez
  16. Having to follow a doc and flowchart word to word wasn't any more RP than this is. Even tho arguably that was even worse
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