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Posts posted by Alec

  1. Name: Alec

    Who helped (If applicable): Egert, Stix, Firat, Arcann, Wicked

    Event Name: Deathwatch Invasion

    Summary of the story: Deathwatch attacked the ship 

    What was the result of the event?: The Deathwatch were defeated

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  2. 9 hours ago, Doc said:

    Neutral, this is more of a case I feel of, any clone would use jetpacks if necessary, not that this was a specialty of theirs like it is for something like Wolfpack (http://clonetrooper.wikia.com/wiki/Wolfpack) or someone like Gree (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/CC-1004/Legends) both of which it explicitly states the use of a jetpack for missions necessitating the need of it, Wolfpack for using them and grappling hooks for any rescue and infiltration they were a part of, and gree using it whenever necessary. I for one couldn't find any such info for TC on their use of jetpacks other than that certain instance which ties back to the idea of less a lore thing for them and more that any clone could use them if it was deemed necessary for the mission, not that that was their "thing". So again, NEUTRAL. I would be more willing if anything that just named TC got it

    NEUTRAL. Reason stated above

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