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Posts posted by Alec



    Name: Alec

    Who helped (If applicable):  Arroyo, Chambers, Lyonaxis

    Event Name: Port side Contact

    Summary of the story: Shields are taken down for maintenance and during that some pods land in Hangar 2 and start spreading throught the vents

    What was the result of the event?: The zombies started spreading through the vents but the vents were closed and the infected killed

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  2. 7 hours ago, Esitt said:

    -1, I will follow Zim's advice here and give a reason. You are just not mature enough or a good enough leader for the position. The toxicity in the DU discord which got you kicked out of it shows that, you being a past Doom makes that worse. You just overall being immature ingame in different situations lead to you not being staff. Overall, the potential lies, bad attitude, immaturity, and leadership status is what leads me to believe that you are not prepared for this position.

    -1 Reasons stated

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