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Posts posted by Alec

  1. 12 minutes ago, Dragon said:

    Ok, so , he has every right to either remove or demote people. That's not a reason for a report, maybe he wants to rebuild naval his way. It may also be a test to see who is really loyal or who was just there for the rank. 

    2, everyone who is behind this report fought very hard to make it so that squeaks was not the admiral and that skeeti would get the position. You fought for this. Stop acting like 3 year olds and prove that you are worthy of the rank you used to have.

    -1 skeeti you do you. 

    I actually +1d Squeaks because every time I see Skeeti he is AFK

    • Agree 1
  2. Just now, Zyner said:

    Before anything can be done Skeeti will have to bring up his reasoning for all this. It is completely within the power of a new person in charge to do a wipe; has happened plebty previously when new BCMDs are appointed. What will be interesting is if this was brought up at all during his Commander Interview considering it's a pretty big first move.

    But he didn't wipe inactives or minges, He wiped everyone

  3. 10 minutes ago, Egg said:

    The glitch has been around for months. Since the lightsabers came out on icefuse and since we got it here the first time. It cannot be made permanent twice, only make it permanent once but then just do it another time but with the normal adrenaline length.

    If you have Double Trouble you can double it

  4. 1 hour ago, meowthemeower said:

    -1 we don’t do that communists stuff around here I see your point but the jobs that have more money people work for officer class obviously gets more money then the troopers some of the pay rates are fucked up for some battalions/Classes but I don’t see how communism is the way to go

    I said all named characters, for example CG named characters get 450 and WP get 400


    59 minutes ago, Chop said:

    Like Doc said, we chose to still have pilots due the fact of of course people wanting to fly. As multiple people have stated this would take away a big thing from 104th considering a lot of people join 104th purely based on later becoming a pilot. I will have to -1 considering this is an entire job and regiment within 104th and lots of time and effort have been put in by certain individuals to make it good. 

    And just to remind people. Other people can indeed fly. You just won't have a pilot job.


    1 hour ago, Doc said:

    Okay, I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I am NOT saying that no other battalion can fly. I AM saying that 104th is the only battalion with a FULLY DEDICATED PILOT JOB that we chose to keep because we already have two nakedness pilots. That’s one of our jobs we chose to keep with the changes, and now it seems that the decision made is becoming pointless if every job will get a pilot bodygrouper. 

    Tl;dr, while all battalions can have pilots, 104th is the only battalion with a pilot job and this suggestion would seriously need @Chops approval as this would overrule one of 104ths differences from other battalions

    -1 All reasons stated

  6. Just now, ccmonty said:

    What do u mean by “named commanders” also what about 501st they have a bunch of named characters that don’t have their own job

    Named characters that are bound to a CMD+ rank. And then theyre not named characters

  7. Name: Alec | Boost

    Suggestion: Standardizing all named clone character payrates to the same amount, Excluding named commanders. Some jobs get 350 some 400 some 450, I think they should all be changed to 450. Except for named commanders and BCMDs. For commanders it can be higher and BCMDs can stay as 700.

    Implementation: Just change the payrate

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