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Posts posted by Alec

  1. 1 hour ago, Jacien said:

    This is a common bug on the server due to TFA being wack. It is mostly a bug occurring when you have low frames. I heard somewhere that it was a problem with the vectors in the new TFA pack. It will be pretty difficult to actually fix this and the "fixes" other people have you do won't do anything either. So combat will be difficult for people with low end computers.

    Also, do mat_specular 0 to get rid of that gloss on the floor you knob.


    It happens to me too and my PC is not rly low end

  2. 38 minutes ago, Ratio (Dax Jr.) said:

     The same pretty much goes with the ban. There was no discussion about it, you just unbanned him. You completely undermined what the admin was trying to do when it was an issue that should have been taken to the ban appeals. 

    If the ban is false he doesn't need to talk to anyone if he is unbanning and a ban appeal is just not needed

  3. This has been in my mind for a while now. So it's time for me to leave. Recently I have been really burnt out on the server and jsut never fell like getting on, All the events are dull and playing in general is just boring for me. I'm not really good at writing stuff so yeah.. It was a fun while

    @ChopTbh without you I would have left a long ass time ago, You are a great BCMD and a great person in general.

    @TaurYou are also a great guy

    @ccmontySometimes you can be a full retard, But you're a cool guy. Keep it up!

    @iskaffeGreat guy. Next Wolffe

    @TommenGet a mic boi, Still an awesome guy

    @Egert75Great guy, keep it up

    Don't be mad if I didn't @ you i'm too lazy
    Im also gonna add more later

  4. 2 hours ago, Nade Jones said:

    DC-15 pistol only has 8 shots which reload over time although the gun only does 50 damage compares to the naval one which did something like 80-100 I can't remember

    Doesnt it have 4

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