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Everything posted by BlackMamba

  1. @Shovel all I can say is WOW... Dammit Shovel... @Billiam Clinton I remember back when you made the Gearshift lore name legendary, look where it got these days... OOF
  2. Haven't got that emotional about a resignation since former 212th/2ndAC XO Hiro resigned... Damn dude, I'm gonna miss you! We still gonna talk, I'll make sure we do <3 I have some great memories with you! And you better send me some of your music once you get that started Best of luck my man, love you <3 -Ya boi BlackMamba
  3. +1!!!!!!! Have been waiting for you to apply for so long! You'll do great as a staff member! -212th Batt. Commander Cody/BlackMamba
  4. +1 A very active and mature member! Would really help the eastern time zone! And damn those models are nice!!! -212th Batt. Commander Cody
  5. @Jagger knowing you for a long time I know you're great at RP. I would love to sit with you and think about drills/roleplay situations or just listen to your ideas to help you push it forward. -212th Batt. Commander Cody/BlackMamba
  6. What's SSG? REEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jk, yeah sure. Just translated it
  7. But Jagger was the worst SMB ever :^) Lol I'm just kidding. Since Jagger was a SGT2 he got my favoritism and I made him fly through the ranks hehe @Jagger ya meme <3
  8. @Kain Lol didn't expect to get mentioned ;) I'll do my best to find something that works for both battalions to make good relations between the 501st and 212th just like in lore. Cody <3 Rex -212th Batt. Commander Cody
  9. Holy shit that's a nice app! Storm (Reed) is very dedicated and a hard worker! +FUCKING1 -212th Batt. Commander Cody
  10. OOF NO DADDY DON'T LEAVE ME! NOW I NEED TO FIND A NEW BARLEX AND NEW CMD! NOOOOOOO FOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv u 4ever bbq <3
  11. +1! I've been with Jimbo in the 212th since he was a TR3 (PVT back then) and he's one of the best we have. He's creative and a great leader! OOOOOF! -212th Batt. Commander Cody/BlackMamba
  12. Denied - You may re-resign in 30 days Thank you, Cam, for what you've done! You got up to MAJ, the closest thing to CMD and at the beginning, you were doing great as HVL, but things went a bit wrong later on.
  13. Even in your +1 you spam me... Thanks man Yeah, I remember that. It was great! Thanks, Ginyu, can't wait to work with you as Anakin and the 501st!
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