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Everything posted by BlackMamba

  1. Rex cheated on me... With @woeny23 (@Jackson cuck)
  2. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA the story behind it is better than the picture itself LMFAO love you Max <3 -212th Lonely Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba
  3. +1 DEDICATED AF AND THE BEST MEME ALIVE! (@Flynn sorry, you're just a good meme, not the best one...) -212th Battalion Commander Cody/BlackMamba
  4. +OOF (+1) very dedicated and a hard worker
  5. +1 very active and dedicated. Works hard when it's needed! -212th Batt. Commander Cody/BlackMamba
  6. HOLY SHIT +1!!!!!!!!!!!! After @XSilentJoe did a good job as ATK REG CMD you need a good person to fulfill the expectations and I think there's no one better than Gene to take on that role! He's serious, strict (something that I would love to see from the REG CMD above me) and gets the job DONE! If he doesn't get accepted I'd be SHOCKED! Gene, can't wait to work with you dad! -212th Batt. Commander CC-2224 "Cody"/BlackMamba
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEB! DENIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIED! -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Now time to actually be serious about it... Sad to see you go, my friend. I've had some great times with you, you're one of the funniest people I've seen here and it was so fun to work with you on your events back on Icefuse when I was either an event job or an event helper as an admin. Some people say your events are memes or bad, to be honest, they don't know SHIT! On my summer break every night I was waiting for that Beb event and when it happened I enjoyed them more than any other events (no offense any other gamemasters)! Once my summer break ended and my timezone wouldn't allow me to stay on until a late time for me and play on your events I missed your events so much and I think I even told you that. I'm pretty sure you were the first person I had a good relationship with outside the 212th (back when you were 187th COL and XO) and we're still talking from time to time today and you're a good friend of mine. Truly tough to see you go and promise me you'll still be playing some other games with me. Love you forever Bebby bb. -BlackMamba <3
  8. +1 when Canadian puts his mind into something he does great! Should totally be part of the staff team.
  9. Ewwww you suck! Tho you paid me enough for this +1... So there you go I guess, +1 (meme) (Jk I love you Joe don't demote me) ALSO HE DID NOT PAY ME THIS IS A LEGIT +1
  10. Look at the tags, it says "not a meme unfortunately"
  11. Lmao I'm a Battalion Commander, not a prime minister... In my opinion, Israel has to give some territory to make things quieter and nicer tho not too much because I still want a place to live... So this is my opinion but not really a solution lol (I'm Israeli)
  12. That's why I made you CMD, to work on stuff with you. Cya soon bud
  13. Ewwwww Jagger, it's totally not like I favoritised you since you were a SGT up to CMD... Just because memes I won't give you a plus juan... X d
  14. BIG FAT +1! Matt is one of the most dedicated 212th members, I'm sure he will work hard for the server as well! Best of luck my dude! -212th Attack Battalion Commander CC-2224 "Cody" (in lore a marshal commander of the 7th sky corps that is part of the 3rd system army)/BlackMamba
  15. Exactly what I was thinking Also adding to that, the event server is so cool but if we'll have unlimited events on it I think too many events will happen on the event server at the beginning and we'll just get tired of it and that can cause HUGE issues... That's why I think 5-6 will be a great choice, it's enough and not too many, we can enjoy it but it will last for a long time until we get bored of it. Also, I would still like some on ship events My main concern about the event server is the time rules? Is that a real thing? I heard event server events can only happen at specific times of the day... Not sure if it's true and sorry that I don't know it if it is (I don't read the forums that often...). Basically, as an eastern player (European, kinda) it's gonna be hard for me to play at those specific times. If those can change I would love it. Overall the event server is amazing and I'm so glad it's here! Thanks for asking for opinions and listening to the community!
  16. DENIED - YOU MAY RE-RESIGN IN 30 DAYS! Now seriously, Reaper. You were such a great BCMD for the 187th and whoever comes up next has some HUGE shoes to fill. I remember all the trouble the 212th caused you and all the problems the 187th caused us Every time I saw you even though we are (or were) the same rank I looked at you as, wow he knows how to run a battalion and the fact you've done it for so long is phenomenal! You can only understand how hard it is to be a BCMD if you are/were one and now that I'm BCMD and I see all the difficulties of being BCMD, I'm amazed by how long you could handle this position and with great success. Love you buddy. -212th Batt. Commander Cody/BlackMamba
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