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Posts posted by Trig

  1. I am now home from work and I am going to type out a SPICY -1

    I will be the first to address this, I could honestly give NO FUCKS about my "rank" I am 23, I could care less about a virtual game rank.

    What I care about is the PLAYER VOICE that synergy was founded on, being told "you no longer play you don't matter" is the scummiest thing I can see come out from this community, being here since the server was beta testing with error models and statueRP and becoming the servers first BCMD Fox.

    I have been fully planning to come back to the server to play, I DO NOT care if I start at PVT or if I start as CPT. The reason why I would like to come back would be because of my friends and the 41st. The 41st is my battalion that I would call home and over 4 years of playing I have only ever left to become BCMD in CG.

    I HAVE NOT returned to the server because from the changes, actions, and ways I see in the discord alone is gross. Recently Wren knocked legacies down to SGT. I voiced against it as SGT is a rank you can obtain from any battalion in the server in the matter of a day or two, my voice against it was because Wren was too scared or indecisive to fully remove legacy. I don't care if you support legacies or don't, his reasoning for his changes where simply because others where changing the legacies and instead of solving it himself he just did what everyone else was doing, I feel like personally from what I can tell is how he has made his first term like this. You have given at least 3-5 people who where below even Low NCO legacy, for someone hating legacies you seem to give the tag out a bunch. For legacies also being an issue, it seems from the log channels I can see with no channels, the most active members and officers you have are previous legacies.

    Off the topic of legacies I will add on a recent matter in discord.

    Recently I was voicing opinions on a vote that happened about getting new models, and another one that said to remove useless channels in the discord, you decided you did not enjoy legacy members putting in opinions but was fine with people outside of battalions deciding internal affairs and have yet only removed legacies to type let alone see any suggestion channels.

    For me being "toxic" or "talking shit" I hardly have typed in that server, I just pop my head in from time to time to be a meme or to just spectate then close it. Recently, on the discussion of me being a furry, and members inside your battalion insulting me and saying things bad, have decided to just tell me alone to stop when I brought up some of the people liking anime https://gyazo.com/309dac3b74a059a9707215a3a47b0f55. You yourself where making fun of it saying "Imagine cosplaying as a dog (or wolf)"https://gyazo.com/9a7fcc13a5a808ff0f619d5905466aa3 Which is just insulting as you are a BCMD and should not be insulting someone like that joking or not.

    Seeing the posts of RDM, Staff abuse and other shit like that makes me wish I could double -1

    I'm sorry for this but I cant sit here and just watch people "shit" on legacies not realizing that those people are former and active players and are getting treated worse because they have put months and years of their life into Synergy and that the 41st I went through my playtime with went on to become some of the highest positions in the server.


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  2. I recovered my account for this but ima hit that with a big -1.


    People deserve second chances but from what I saw you had many chances before ultimately being perma banned in the first place ontop of the fact you where a staff and BCMD when doing this. There is no, "i've changed"  you should already be well aware when you are in those positions. You talk alot about the 41st being bad under Egg but that man led the battalion for more then 2 years and I'm my honest opinion it's only ever been good under him, mostly every other Gree after him has been laughably forgettable

    I will always stand by my word that bad BCMDs will blame previous ones or always state that they did "backend work" and "doc work" so they can try to claim successful actions of the next BCMDs


    You also removed a bunch of legacy members because you absolutely didnt want any feedback from the players who put years into that battalion.

    Edit : i bring up some of the 41st drama and the way he has acted as BCMD purely because he has previously given others no chances to change and no second chances

  3. Honestly, IDK why people say "our vehicles already cause lag" the vehicles we use are old as fuck and outdated. A lot of server use this with alot of other high tech shit then we currently use and *probably* have better performance then we do. Just because it looks fancier doesnt mean it cant lag, its probably been optimized constantly. If this gets denied thats gonna be a big oof becase this will probably add a bunch of fun that players are looking for


  4. 43 minutes ago, Juan_Cena said:

    Your AFKing just as much as him  and your particpating in the so called inactive battalion kek with 16 idle hours. 

    Tetra dealt with the other points go look at that for more info just wanted to say that

    So you are admitting that with 16 hours I'm afking as much as members of HC

    Congrats you just admitted it

    Also I'm a PVT I don't uphold to same standards as HC or BCMD

    Edit : also I'm at work and I was asleep, forgot to turn off my pc

    Also why am I being @'d i said my post and it should be left there, I've read every response on both sides

    • Agree 2
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  5. 31 minutes ago, Beetle said:

    -1 sorry but no. Something doesn’t feel right about this. Two privates come in that have around for a long time, gather information and screenshots and write a paragraph about why the other participant shouldn’t be BCMD again. Coupled with your previous commanding style, minging, etc. I don’t care if people hate on me for posting this, this is supposed to be a fun video game where we’re a community, it doesn’t feel like it anymore because of this, anyone who wants to figure this out in person by all means contact me. But otherwise -1.

    Huh privates came in and realized the battalion is fucken dead aswell as other issues
    Thats pretty sad /shrug/

    • Funny 1
    • Winner 2
  6. 4 minutes ago, Underpaidstaff said:

    -1 ive seen you arrested blacklisted and unblacklisted through unknown meens ive seen good people banned because of you ive seen you minge ive heard you say things that are truly unspeakable both in TS and game so no -1 from me that will not change 


    Man please post evidence because I talked to fox and there is no records of arrests on him.

    Get evidence that stands instead of "ive heard" like i did

    also why is egg still on the server and not banned if he said "unspeakable things"

    • Agree 2
    • Winner 1
  7. I'm going to say this as a big -1. I was going to leave it there but upon High command in the battalion -1ing Egg’s app and writing huge amounts of false information im going to be writing even more with accurate information.

    1. I have hardly seen you active, the most ive seen is AFK from you and other officers in the battalion. I recently checked and most of the HC have 11-19hours+ a day, now that it is school season I highly doubt you can physically be on for that amount of time, if you aren't going to be playing just log off the server._oopyfUbJFhgNFi_lO78NMNhvgScTKMEWHUfYAzbLcol5pYfk-pMkhhX6aXHz1Lnu8iJvYe1E6ITjkGD9sTFWfbiGuAtCn85tRgeaSMJH1aBoWdW9zB583h9ZcNBeUJgZw
    2. The battalion really promotes the Special snowflake vibe, after recently being in the battalion for a lower enlisted I felt like I was treated like trash, I was being hawked over and followed by CO’s and when I asked why do I have to take off a bodygrouper i was told “You just have to” no explanation other than, “You are not special enough like us inner circle guys”

    3. 41st? More like green company. Elite corps is practically dead and nonexistent as your battalion promotes the we are the best because we are green company vibe, there is not a single EC officer I have seen online and it makes it feel like being in EC makes you feel like a lower life form and you will not be noticed

    4. Lack of just anything. Upon doing tryouts my trainer was being watched over like a hawk and upon him being followed whenever he moved he asked the CO to do something like a training with the battalion or interacting with him to which the CO responded with “No, I don't have to” in front of me and another CT. If I wasn't already dedicated to 1yr+ of the battalion I think I would have just went to another battalion at that point

    Battalion Bunks are constantly Filled with AFK players like this, I also have videos of multiple officers going AFK during events

    5. Fast promotions. On your roster you have dates when you recruited people, some people in the battalion have been here for 2 months and are high officers as such people (Egg and other ncos) have been here for much longer and trying their best and are still low NCO

    6. Based on what i heard from CMD Gett, the 41st are currently -1ing egg because the Higher ups in the battalion are scared of Egg removing them and that they will leave the battalion just to not be with him, with these statements it just proves that nobody in the higher positions care about the battalion or other enlisted and its all for character models and virtual rank.

    7. Immature high command. Once again the people you promote and think are doing good jobs are the people going after your opponent saying “Eggs a dick and hes mean and he's been arrested (Both where technically false on Egg’s case but they want people to -1 Egg really bad)
    Instead of being mature and debating they just continue to try to insult him. If they can do that to Egg what's stopping them from hating other NCOs or enlisted. This is not something that should be happening from Higher ups who should be professional, this happening on the forums should not be a thing as its showing to the public who these people in the battalion really are.

    Upon writing this I saw this happen (I can get it timestamped aswell if you really wish) I wouldnt doubt if you told these people that you posted the app seeing as they almost all are here instantly

    Sorry b but once again I have yet to see anything from this battalion since I left over 1+years ago besides a dead and broken battalion. Egg is the redemption its needed.
    For everyone that negative reacted the +1's on other apps this is how you do a -1 with *EVIDENCE*
    EDIT : Imagine dumbing and reacting which means you are defending a dead and inactive battalion kek


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  8. *Breathes in* BOY HERE WE GO
    Ive been in the 41st under Egg since the end of his first term, ever since that Egg has showed me into the server, for people saying egg is disrespectful to the battalion I bet you where being an asshat and egg was calling you out for it. Also the fact that the battalion HC is negative reacting all the +1's shows how immature the current people that are leading the battalion are.

    Egg's showed me the great things about 41st if you liked or hated him hes one of the better people the server has seen, Christ 2+years of this mans time has been spent to the battalion and it kinda shows, I've recently been trying to play again in the battalion and its not the same. As an enlisted I constantly feel like im being hawked over and that I dont fit, the 6-1 officer to lower ratio doesnt make me feel like I can enjoy the battalion and game. Recently when I did my tryouts Egg was the only NCO who was recruiting, he was the only one on and there was about 4-5 officers on. Egg was being hawked over and being followed the entire tryout, Egg kept asking the officer if he could stop hawking over him and do something productive whether it was a training or something with the battalion, instead of doing so the CO responded with "I dont think so, I dont have to"

    The current Gree's have never matched up to Egg and its a fact, this battalion isnt 41st EC and GC its currently just Green company. The lack of activity within officers, ncos, and EC is very apparent. I mean hell I even screenshoted the current BCMD AFK in TS for 2 of his last 3 days.

    Also if you are going to say "Hes been arrested twice" please atleast post the evidence, I can say oh current gree got arrested 4 times. Sorry if it feels like Im attacking the current BCMD I bet you have good heart and intent but this battalion needs people who care for it and thats egg.

    -Go ahead and negative react this since its a +1 :^) youve been more active here then within the battalion


    • Winner 4
    • Friendly 4
  9. +1 Egg has been the best thing for me throughout my time on CWRP. Even when I left the battalion for BCMD Fox egg still helped me out when I had issues or needed help with certain things to do with a battalion. He really cares for this position and he cares for everyone in the battalion from his XOs all the way down to the pvts. Egg doesnt have the best of activity but he tries. He has works and school and he spends all the time he could on the server. Activity isnt about the hours you put onto the server, its about what you do when you are on. I dont see anyone else keeping this battalion alive. Yes it has its problems with activity, every battalion does. Its the fact that they always bounce back from it.  My first even when I met egg was when I was a PFC in an event. I wouldnt even expect him to notice what I was doing, none of the officers did around that time.
    Ive spent around 3,000 hours inside your battalion and I dont see anyone else being Gree besides you o7

    • Friendly 1

    8 hours ago, Joah said:

    That post is from 08/08/2018,

    What are you doing? That's almost 3 months ago at this point. Lmfao, Things can change. Just look at BBStine, Omegalul. but seriously.

    Pythin, I have a lot of problems with you and a lot of positives to look at. 

    Things to consider, 1.) Maturity, You can be a giant Meme at times, but who knows. Maybe you'll have a different ego as a commander. I definitely did when I was Rex.
    2.) Dedication, are you actually ready to take down the giant egg himself, you have a lot to shine for if it does go through.

    Note, you don't have a good forums reputation from the founders perspective. This is from someone who talks to these people on a daily. Understand that it's not me that has this issue, but instead, ~ could either be Zim/Jackson. Not my place to say. But higherups have complained about your forum shenanigans, (I do not have any evidence conclusive to what they're talking about) I just strongly trust a founders word.

    However, I do think you're a great guy and think you have a good chance against Egg. I will [Neutral] this, but. I will not +1 other Gree apps. I like Gree Applications. It makes for good memes and drama. It's like watching an episode of survivor or big brother knockouts. And with that, I leave you this meme.

    Also, I don't think @Jorrdan is fit for Kit-Fisto because of his maturity, this doesn't mean you can't get Gree. If someone who is a minge/memer can sit on a master seat, you can get commander.


    Also, put -1 reasons, don't be retards.

    Same for +1's

    Neutrals are fine, just put input with it to help them make a decision


    This was fucking 2 months ago hardly. Its the fact that he is still the same. Trump can get shit on for stuff he said 40+ years ago. Saying something like that on your battalions discord for all to see is not what an senior officer should do. Anyways why step down if you are going to stay at COL. 

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