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Posts posted by Trig

  1. -1 I was on a server that used this, the medic system is cool and all but its very buggy and doesnt work for what you guys want to intend it for. I dont think this is in top priority to be added. It comes with a lot more then just the wait to revive thing and thats just a waste of space to have it just for revives and a respawn timer.
    Also to revive someone you need to spawn like 3-4 ents to revive them and work on them for like 5 minutes. Not worth when they can just respawn


  2. Im sorry id rather see another lore battalion like 612th or 327th come back rather then 187th. Everyone is riding off of the whole "purple wide" meme.

    There arent even parachutes on the server


    phat -1

  3. Name: 41st GC SS SSG Trig / 41st Jedi CMD Barriss Offee

    Suggestion: Add a medpack for Barris

    Implementation: Allowing Barriss to spawn with a medpack


    Offee was also featured widely in a number of other Expanded Universe products, in which she eventually advanced to the rank of Jedi Knight and was also a noted healer,


    Workshop content if applicable: Already on the server
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

    If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

    Add or Change:





  4. RP Name: Trig
    Steam ID: 
    Date of Ban: last month / couple weeks ago
    Length of Ban: Perm
    Offense: "bye Jouii"
    Banned By: Uncertain
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Who the hell is Jouii? I got asked if i was him and I responded with no. I came onto the teamspeak to talk to old friends and got banned messaging Koval
    Evidence to support your claims:


  5. -1 There would be people better fit to run CG. I personally didnt even know you had a clone in the 41st GC let alone have seen you on the doc. I checked the doc right now and there is no comments class steam ID or date promoted. That is expected to be missing in the lower ranks but not as a captain and the fact that you are marked as active is a big lie. I personally dont think your responses are heartfelt or good responses. Everyone who applies for fox always says "oh mingey, oh seriousness " your responses are common responses that every fox puts on their applications. The fact that everyone that is +1ing your app are high up in staff or people who are your friends show the favoritism in the server and shows that people are +1ing the app just because its Halpert. I would also have to agree with @Venom




    • Agree 2
  6. Name: 

    Trig / Current Battalion Commander Fox

    Reason for stepping down: 

    I came here to help revive the CG from nothing and I came onto team speak and I just felt like I helped them to the best I could. I love all of my CG children and you have all done me proud. Im sorry that I'm resigning early from you guys but i believe my suggestions of @Bazoo And @vanhorn Would make great candidates for the new fox. The server just isnt worth to log onto anymore and its sad to say. You all as a community have been a big family for me and every moment. 

    Date of full Resignation:


    @Bazoo - You where here from the beginning and you quickly became an inactive hound. You where my best friend in CG

    @Caps - Pubg?

    @Vanhorn - You where practically a technodad to me and I appreciate your dedication to training and the server. Another one of my star children in the 41st

    @Egg - Im Coming home dad ;w;

    @llama - Your next ;)

    @Koval - I used to hate you when we both rivaled eachother in tryouts but you became one of my best friends. See you in Valhalla 

    @Max - Our galatic senate was a fucking meme senate and you know it

    Time for the memories 




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