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Posts posted by Col

  1. 5 - Gameplay - Great RP at the start, really enjoyed searching the downed ship. Really fun combat at the end, the part with all the rockets was great fun.
    5 - Care & Effort - The RP was made great by all the effort put into it to make it feel fleshed out.
    4 - Server Performance - Only 1 incident when the factory turned on where there was considerable lag, other than that it was perfect.

  2. Was only there for the first part but:
    5 - Gameplay - Stealth/recon missions are always fun. This one was done really well and made it really fun to sneak in and steal the data. 
    5 - Care and Effort - Excellent performance from the EJ's and the dupe/droids was very well done.
    5 - Lag - For a main server event, there was no lag.

  3. 4 Good RP, could do with a little bit more to do other than the talking and IR.
    3 Good setup with the wookie and the earthquake. The dupe could have done with more to show that it was a mining outpost and not just a generic outpost.
    5 No lag

  4. 4/4/2
    Gameplay was pretty good. Enemies were tanky due to lag and being a main server deploy but thats not your fault. I did enjoy you letting Omega have some fun behind enemy lines.
    The props and the consistent spawning really made the event much more enjoyable.
    It was really laggy, but that is mostly out of your hands.

  5. Concerning the proposed PVP zone:
    If you want braindead PVP  just go claim a SIM room and do it there. Personally, I believe we should be striving to create more interactive and meaningful roleplay, having a chunk of the map dedicated to faction PVP really wouldn't do anything to improve roleplay on the server. 

    Personally I dislike the PVP focus on the BH side of the civilian faction in general, that is a different conversation for the most part. But this change would remove Thesh from the playable area for me, and people like me, who do not enjoy the faction PVP gameplay and who do not wish to take part in it. This may sound like dream come true to people who like to PVP, but for people who prefer the roleplay this would just be a reason to avoid Thesh, or whatever other area is chosen, like the plague.

    If this is must be added, it should not be 24/7, the map is small and Thesh is needed for most events. It may be possible to have it somewhere in sector 2, but even then you are taking away parts of the map that our creative GM's need. Without the event server the GM team have had to make use of every inch of this map to continue to make new, fun and engaging events that do not feel repetitive. 

    Regardless of where you stand on the discussion between PVP and RP, this does hold many possibilities for people breaking, abusing and complaining about the rules surrounding the PVP area. Potentially making it unenjoyable and an overall drain on the server populations happiness on the server.

    I would like to hear more on this being an area for the PVP minded players to PVP and as a replacement for base/village raids. I understand the idea, but I do not know how this will change things for BH's attacking the base. How is this going to change BH roleplay? Why should BH's care and why should clones care about the zone in character? Is this just a PVP zone or is roleplay inside or outside supposed to affect it? Is the zone just a free fire zone with no ROE for either side? If there is any part of this damn essay to reply to it would be this @Mazen. Knowing how this is supposed to function and how it will affect everything outside of it is crucial in deciding whether it is wanted on the server.

    With this in mind, ask yourself if  having the 24/7 PVP zone will bring you more enjoyment on the server at the end of the day.  For myself I can only see this as another part of the BH guild for me to dislike. 

    • Agree 3
  6. 4 - Gameplay was good, I do think in order to make this event the best it could be it would require the event to be an event server deployment. Otherwise the gameplay was fun and very connected with the RP.

    5 - Start to finish the event was filled with detail that showed how much effort was put in with the team of gamemasters and helpers. Events with this caliber of effort can easily be some of the best events available on the server.

    3 - Most of the event the performance was fairly stable, there was only 2 instances that I can remember where the FPS dropped significantly.

    Keep up the excellent work, these quality events clearly have a very positive impact on the server.

  7. 2/2/4
    Gameplay was not great, in the beginning it was just go find the supplies. We didn't know what the supplies looked like or any general idea of where it was, this made it for most of the event we were just walking around an empty map. When we did find things of interest and tried to do some roleplay to find more information on it, we were shut down and not given any information of use. The only thing that was remotely fun was the interaction with the lady and her kid. But even then there really wasn't much to go from with it and again the reluctance to give us essential information added to our failure. For the most part of the event the only fighting we had was against droid gunships that had a little bit too much shield health.

    There did not seem to be too much care put into this, the DB felt very rushed and the DB itself told us very little useful information and at some points complete misinformation (we were told there were not going to be civies, due to the devastation to the area, but the whole mission in the first place was deliver supplies to civilians). Interactions between the players and the people in charge made it so whenever we asked questions about what we were looking at we got responses that withheld any information that was actually useful to us (We found a computer on the roof of a building but all we were told about it was that it was a part of something. We were not allowed to find out what it was for no matter what we did, and only by the end of the event did we find out that for some reason that computer was a part of a network that was supposed to be used for us to call for help.) Aside from that the worst part of the event for me was the droid spawning. Several times droids came out of nowhere just to be spawned almost on top of people causing several people to lose their limited amount of lives in an way that wasn't very fun.

    Server performance was good for the most part but for majority of the event there was significant frame drops despite not much happening.

    Overall the idea of this event was good, all it needed was just a little bit more information for the players to work with. Knowing what the supplies looked like, and being able to find out what the computers did, would have easily turned this event up to at least a 4/4/4 for me. That and an improved droid spawning and more involved combat could push the gameplay and care to a 5. I feel you could easily try this event again, maybe on a different map, and with these suggestions in mind you could easily make the event great.

  8. 5/5/4
    The beginning part was great, I love it when GM's give the players the room to RP wherever they see fit, and it really made the rest of the event that followed better. The gameplay after was very combat focused but we were still given so much freedom to do what we wanted that it was very fun.
    They care put into it was astounding for an event with only 1 person running it.
    I was hearing some people talking about poor performance but for me personally there was only a very minor amount of lag.

  9. 5/5/5
    Great gameplay, loved the inclusion of fire support and the ability to RP wherever we wanted to help us defeat the CIS.
    The performance of the EJ's and the excellent use of droids showed alot of care was put in.
    I didn't get any lag at all during that despite the large amount of new droids used.

  10. 4/4/5
    Gameplay was mainly shoot 'em up but there was some nice roleplay with the supplies .
    Everything was made quite well and there were no issues so a good amount of care went into it.
    No lag.

  11. 4/5/5
    Game play was pretty good, plenty of rp for most of it with a hectic fight at the end.
    The performance of the EJ's and the story being told was very in depth and interesting which helped make the event very enjoyable.
    No lag at all.

    • Friendly 1
  12. 3/4/5
    The droids and tank were along the lines of a standard shoot'em up. But with the player count and what was put down, this still made for an enjoyable experience.
    The comms RP, careful droid placement and inaccurate sustained fire from the tank clearly showed that you were putting a lot of effort into making the experience enjoyable for the few who were there to participate.
    Of course with it being an early morning event with low population there was no lag to speak of.

    • Friendly 1
  13. 5/5/5
    Despite the NPC proficiency being bugged, it was still extremely fun to fight through those canyons and the base.
    The dupe, droids, vehicles and the holo comms RP made this event very fun and shows how much effort was put in to make this event work.
    I didn't feel any lag the entire time, and as someone who played a Jedi on this, this made lightsaber combat much more enjoyable.

  14. Bug Type (Server:): Jobs Main

    Severity level (1-3): 2

    Evidence (if you can): Ranks.PNG

    Description of the bug: For officers in the promotion menu the following ranks are missing: SSG & SFC

    How can we recreate it: Have a battalion officer access the promotion menu through the C menu.

  15. 2/4/5
    This really didn't work as a recon event, I would suggest for future events, deploy a smaller group of people, use friendly instead of hostile droids so sneaking around is possible and change the placement of droids a little bit. With some of these changes I think it would be a much better recon event and could be very fun.
    The idea is good and I think much of it was done well, just some of the issues like the droid placement could be a little bit better.
    For a main server event it was lag free.

  16. 5/4/5
    Small scale single battalion or single sub unit events and encounters are always very fun. This one in particular used a fun dupe and had plenty for us to do and to roleplay.
    All in all pretty good, there could maybe have been more benefit in having more EJ's so there could be a little more roleplay and variety in the event.
    Excellent for being on main server.

  17. 2/5/4
    Entirely my opinion but the inclusion of bounty hunters in this made it hard to enjoy at times for some of the republic players. Getting repeatedly 1 shot is not the most fun to be had on the server.
    Still seemed like some good amount of work put in, I'm not sure how the Sith fit in the story but that's probably just on me not noticing it.
    For a main server with this high pop it was pretty laggy but that is not fault of the event, server has just been struggling with ping. So lag in this was not amazing but still not bad.

  18. 4/3/5
    As far as shoot'em up's go it was pretty good. Fun dupe to board and the end battle with the Sith on the ship was fun.
    Standard event for the most part, could maybe have benefitted from a EJ.
    Low pop and not too much spawned made this perform great.

  19. 3/3/5
    It was fun seeing Dooku pop out of the ship and chaos erupting. Other than that it was pretty basic just having a boss enemy run around base. I know the jedi wanted to try and do a saber duel but Dooku would often focus the clones instead so maybe that can be changed in the future.
    Not much to really say on it just kinda a basic thrown together engagement with just Dooku.
    No lag at all, probably due to it just being 1 ship and 1 EJ.

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