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Everything posted by Zensras

  1. It breaks my heart to do this as I wish neutral was still a thing, but I'm gonna have to -1 while leaning neutral. Your very active in the morning and noon like EU Timezone and then afternoons it gets flaky. Kurama, Your an awesome dude and I enjoy being around you when I do see you. I loved when you were Obi-Wan and that damn impression. You got a good heart as well. I just can't see it working well with that activity right now
  2. While I do like you TechnoDad, I'm -1ing this for three reasons. 1) You never even came up to us to talk about UNTIL THIS WAS POSTED. 2) You have not been part of 212th nor has anything to do with 212th since around this time last year when you left for 91st as a CSM. 3) Many of your points you obviously have no idea what is going on in 212th at this current moment and are bringing just general ideas onto your app.
  3. It was great working with you nade. Your a awesome dude and hope things go well. Hit me up the next time you want to play TU
  4. Zensras

    Chaseman Reapp

    +1 Alright, People gonna disagree with me and call me bias because Chaseman is a 212th. Chaseman is young and got into a very bullshit situation that even I would have a argument over with. I will not bring this up further here. He's a good kid and does good work. He's a great TR and got TR of the week his first week as new admin. He works with a lot of the gamemasters quite often. Say what you want. When people have talked about "he's too young", realize we had staff younger than him get waived and actually do good work.
  5. +1 Kurt's entertainments when he was staff was damn fun. It gave a lot of people who are night owls something to do. He's a good man all around as well.
  6. Ron's not wrong here. Garry's Mod was in it's prime around 2009-2010 when Facepunch was kicking with all sorts of addons for Garry's Mod. Facepunch was BOOMING at this point with so many addons and model packs being made for it. The problem is that your working with an aging engine. That being said, Garry's Mod is not on death's door. There's still a good chunk of people still playing it. I have a feeling that there will be a renaissance in the future with Source 2.
  7. I'ma say something in regards to this: Kelso was allowed to appeal his blacklist twice by two different cody's, the latter it was ultimately lifted. I believe he has came along way since this event. +1
  8. EDIT: After thinking it over and realizing this incident was awhile back +1. I'm aware a lot of people were upset about the removal of sith and some took it harder than others. We gave people like Comics a chance. I say Maverick should be given the same chance. Put his ass on a short less and if he causes trouble, back in the bin. And about him asking for directors for approval to post this appeal: It's is HARD to get in touch with them and 99% of them they either ignore discord messages or never get back to you. I've had a complaint about someone on the server who was obviously getting around breaking rules that went ignored. I'm a bit sympathetic with him about that.
  9. +1 I've heard so many praises of Fyi's work within Delta. This man continues to impress me even when he's not in 212th anymore.
  10. -1 *facepalm* I can't believe people are getting angry over a fucking box.
  11. -1 This is really childish. This is all over a emote? Really people? I'm gonna have to agree with @Yeetus, as I've seen this behavior from some of the people claiming this is "toxic" including the irony that some were previously banned for this behavior. I figured this section is used for more than someone rating a box repeatedly...
  12. Name of the staff member you're asking: @Joah @Carter @Marvel Question: I'm not sure who to tag about this, but I've heard two conflicting stories about why the prop packs are seemly messed up. Hoping someone can explain as Directors and all have been kinda silent about it. Further attachments: none Concerns: Some of the server seems to be at a standstill til this is worked out. I.E: Certain members of the server are not able to host trainings or tryouts currently. Just curious what happened.
  13. Zensras


    -1 Just gonna say this: It's more likely this is broken like the Media Player due to how it is based.
  14. -1 1) Format 2) He's talking about the Youtube players, which apparently was a thing early in Synergy's life and were removed due to being broken. This was suggested before and denied.
  15. +1 good luck, both of you are good ❤️
  16. +1 I'm not normally wanting to give people second chances and I'm also pretty chill about people. Will say that Comics DID push a few too many buttons back then. It's been year now and I think he should be given one more chance on a tight leash.
  17. -1 I originally wanted to go +1 then @Joah's post made me change my mind. Officers are made officers for a reason. They care about their battalion and do a lot of work for them. We're not meant to be lazy. I know people are used to saying it and I've honestly been almost arrested twice while I've been an officer in 212th from my shitty accent.
  18. Gonna have to agree with this regarding forest. An server I used to admin on a medieval rp used this and I can tell you 100% this wouldn't fit in a Star Wars setting at all. It's a cool map, but very very medieval. Even more primitive planets in star wars lore didn't go full on medieval. Gonna +1 everything but rp_bremergard_forest
  19. 7/10 Didn't like the fact you spawned drones ontop of us several times.
  20. +1 In the words of Whisper/Wooley: "oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck" Bro has been base ops since I joined this community. I really do trust him to bring Base Ops back in full force. He has put so much work into it and Engineering as well.
  21. Zensras

    Ban Appeal

    -1 Yeah, I don't believe you at all. Sorry. You had plenty of time to change your ways, instead you kept on.
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