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Everything posted by Rolenth

  1. oi spoof, where in Georgia? I'm in Atlanta
  2. Accepted for interview. You have until 9/22/17 to contact @Rush Cator Myself for your interview.
  3. And you lost almost all of them to another neighborhood that stares at the floor. Tell you how much they didn't like you
  4. Bitch your neighborhood tried to get you to move out and you did.
  5. Let me tell you a little something. Y'all have to use a rebreather. GM doesn't. Also your suits can last roughly an hour without one. GM is up to 10 hours. Get yo fat ass off my turf.
  6. Holy tits those models...just keep not that we use CGI models.
  7. Locked. Please use the correct format here.
  8. I have a simple solution to number 2....TELL SOMEONE DAMN IT. GET SOME PROOF TOO
  9. Accepted for interview. You have until 9/18/17 to contact @Rush Cator myself for your interview.
  10. Rolenth

    Woenys Rex App

    Accepted for interview. You have until 9/18/17 to contact @Rush Cator myself for your interview.
  11. Accepted for interview. You have until 9/18/17 to contact @Rush Cator myself for your interview.
  12. they take orders from any reg+, rear admiral+ and yoda
  13. Shit last time I did that she punched me. I'm just going to gether drunk
  14. Bruh punching a woman is wrong. No matter how mad she is.
  15. P.S.: I'll be on tonight but tomorrow will be questionable.
  16. Name:Medic Length of LOA: depends on how bad Irma fucks me. Reason: my ex turned into a hurricane and she's coming to destroy me. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yup Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yup
  17. I probably won't be home from work then
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