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Everything posted by Rolenth

  1. Not entirely true. When @Forseenwas Bacara they were mainly eastern with around 15 people on during western.
  2. So @Rush Catand I have talked this over and his DEMOTION will NOT happen. Please do us a HUGE favor and do not ask us why we made this decision. We will be talking to the AD Senior Commander(@Billiam) about future actions regarding the individual. Best regards, Medic. Director of Staff.
  3. Here is his activity within the last 2 weeks. https://gyazo.com/d520fce8cd142bc623406c6a2ad23dbe
  4. kay this has gotten out of hand. This is under review. Do us a solid and no one bring anything regarding this to @Rush Cator myself. Locked.
  5. Denied. Due to not being the proper rank for the proper amount of time.
  6. Rolenth


    I'm sorry Raider but you cannot void off a resignation. All resignations are final.
  7. Name: medic Length of LOA: uuhhh now until Friday. Reason: will not say publicly, personal matters. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yup Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yup P.S.: I'll still be on steam, def not on ts tonight and tomorrow.
  8. Hey Kip let me shed some light on Game Makers: Yes a Game Maker is a person who makes the events but if we do event after event after they will get burnt out(trust me, I did). So we told them to give them an hour of down time between events so people can relax maybe get a new member or two or deal with staff/trainer stuff. Also due to this being a new community, there aren't a lot of Game Makers, it's a climb in staff to get to the rank to host a event. Lastly, on the other side of the event is a person who has a life. School, work, kids, a family etc etc, we don't hold a gun to anyone's head and force them to do it. They have full autonomy over if they want to make a event or not. Hope this clears some of this up, Medic, Director of Staff.
  9. Due to request of the applicant. This application is closed.
  11. Hey Let/Long, this is Jek. He is a founder and is in charge of the forums/teamspeak. I took this matter to him. Take care, Medic, Director of Staff.
  12. Rolenth


    Denied due to: 1. Lack of effort. 2. Literally no information on anything. You may reapply in 30 days. P.S.: If this was just a meme, do not do it again.
  13. You are not the proper rank to apply.
  14. Anytime after 11pm unless it's my day off, it varies.
  15. Hey smith, so we do consider "nibba" racism. Was you being insta-banned necessary? No, but we were talking about this in staff chat when I declared it considered racism. Was Fixer/Punda in the wrong? Kinda, bad instaban bad, talk to him first but in his defense, we DO NOT tolerate any form of racism. Regardless, you should be grateful for only a 6 hour ban, people who say it with the hard R, they get a week. Hope this clears stuff up, Medic, Director of Staff. LOCKED AND COMPLETED
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