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VIP: Early Access
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About Shady

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Forum Onion

Forum Onion (1/6)



  1. After working through some issues and discussing with Kaiser I believe he is fully capable of leading CG and fixing the mistakes I made during my term. A big +1 from me.
  2. Kaiser I'm a bit apprehensive to give my input considering the palpable issues between us. I'm not the biggest fan of anyone becoming Fox if they haven't been in CG to see how things works and how things run. As the former fox I had lots of battles with you and 212th and I may have caused quite the rift on relations. That being said as much as many believe I have lots of disdain for you I don't and I believe with the positions you've held prior to applying for this position you could make CG a better place but before I +1 this application I would like to speak with you privately.
  3. +1 to my main guy Rohan you are an amazing dude to talk with. I've known you for a long time and i believe your fully capable of RCMD. Good Luck DU Battle Buddy.
  4. 5/5/5 Thank you for hosting my End of Term deployment it was a great time with lts of rp and some shooting elements. One of my favorites.
  5. 5/5/5 thanks for letting me a special guest on this and letting me enjoy some time with yall.
  6. +1 Everytime you interact with CG its great and we always enjoy joint trainings with you. Good luck!
  7. Even though you may not have as much time in CG as some members you have what it takes to be a great BCMD in CG +1.
  8. I know the app is the best but i believe chips can be a good Fox +1.
  9. After s[eaking with you i believe your a great canadite for Blitz and would do an amazing job running rancor +1
  10. Shady


    5/5/5 great time.
  11. 5/5/5 good time got to yell at civies
  12. A staff member on suspension is still a member of staff they weren't removed they WERE SUSPENED KEY WORD
  13. Even tho he was on a suspession from staff he was still a member of staff and he has to follow the rules. The fact that people are defending this action and saying it was a joke have no regard for server rules.
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