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Everything posted by Sanchez

  1. We pulled you into a sit and said to you please change your name you then said nah sanchez downvoted my post ran away after wee then had to tp multiple times procedded to act afk then CG arrested you, you then left came back acted AFK after you saw we pulled you you acted AFK after this you after this you just sat there am i missing something the ban is proper you even said you L2AP the staff dis is really iffy though
  2. @vExalted then join a battalion with sock trust me it's so much fun Being a CT is boring well a lot more boring then not being in a battalion
  3. @Feds 5k for one rockets shot that does 300 damage seriously just give more rocket shots honestly
  4. +1 also refund people full price who bought them plus a little extra
  5. -1 for CTs being medics or being promoted they need to join a batt reason they have this rule is to grow battalions +1 for being able to buy rocket ammo 3 shots is not enough honestly just give more shots to the rocket if you don't want people being able to buy it Also why haven't you joined a battalion yet?
  6. Reeeee Mesa buying VIP for this
  7. Skeeti I've talked to you so many times and getting tags on ts but the problem is u are inactive +1 sorry
  8. If you were the best you would already be diamond lol people that play siege have inflated egos not saying you also I'd be up to play
  9. @[SR] Havoc [NA] reee
  10. My name is Sanchez My profile pic is from when my friends wanted to be edgy on csgo and start a hentia group
  11. Hey guys I found this server 1 month ago and I'm loving it the people are just amazing I hope to see more of you all in the near future after I get off this 3 day LOA Oh yeah this is sanchez Oo0f
  12. Damn man I only had a few interactions with you on the server but you seemed so nice hope to talk to you in the future
  13. Dude The app is really vague -1
  14. -1 No at a younger age you do not fully understand certain actions now ike im not saying you but many kids are not mature. you are an exception
  15. I really don't see how its not blanks fault the cc wasn't past that sign yet so he was just confirming no order 66 +1
  16. Sanchez


    Can i have some cutie points also this post is stupid
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