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Everything posted by Sanchez

  1. I gave you feedback on the system you use but you just dismissed it But ok
  2. Oooh yeah it sure seems to work doesn't it
  3. No other battalion has a report form and so they shouldn't. talk to the bcmd is what most people do running around the problem with a report form is pointless maybe have proper CO's that could discipline and fix these problems
  4. Lol didn't you just say people dont listen when you call defcons
  5. Are you trying to strangle tr's the fuck -1
  6. -1 dude really people already respect naval and their locations they oversee
  7. Sanchez


    I've spoken to python and it's going to be a no from me sorry man -1
  8. Want to train cc's you say muhahahahaha +1
  9. Oof -1 this app shows you dont want to put in the effort to be an admin
  10. The one staff app that I can actually with full confidence +1 great guy
  11. Neutral I want to know what fizzik is talking about
  12. Ummm guys please dont Give me negative rep mesa is working for this dont destroy this
  13. @Carter bbstine is big poppy head please void and shut this
  14. It is an RP position giving players something to do during downtime it doesn't give you any power just brings you into a community of people that want to rp
  15. I am currently unavailable as I am in Kansas but on Monday I can contact you
  16. My apologies I was not aware of any current janitors Do you have any docs made cause at the moment I have a janitor roster and a training doc
  17. Scarz for your lack of effort in your app you are denied an interview but you may re apply -deinied patrick| Scarz-
  18. @Alsanark Congratulations nark you have be accepted for interview. Your application was so wonderful that training will not be needed -august 27-28 will be your time for interview- We would love to see you apart of janitor team
  19. No this is a RP position I will have no minging from something I created
  20. @Bolt Congratulations bolt you have been accepted for interview and will be trained how to be a Janitor -on August 28-29 we will conduct your interview-
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